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Do they ever start fresh servers for this?

VesaviusVesavius Member RarePosts: 7,908

In the style of the EQ classic ones I mean.

I generally hate starting games when they are extremely top heavy.


  • NegativeJoeNegativeJoe Member UncommonPosts: 218

    nope. not going to happen, sorry.

    ::::26:: ::::26:: ::::26::

  • GhavalGhaval Member UncommonPosts: 49

    It is not really that top heavy. Considering that many of the higher realm ranks are returning to the game and have no idea what they are doing. I took out a RR9 earlier on my RR 1L9 Skald.

    So I think you will be ok.

  • PharkasPharkas Member Posts: 55

    With their new player quests that help you along up to I think lvl 35 or 40 with gear that allows you to keep up with the Vets who have all the best gear.(not saying its better gear, but allows you to compete) They amp'd up the XP as well so you can get there faster. You wont have long before you are out there with everyone else.

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