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Path of Exile closed beta

xdemixxdemix Member UncommonPosts: 1


can sign up and every 30 mins it picks a random person for the beta


game is basicly  like diablo 3


 dark fantasy action RPG with visceral combat

In Path of Exile, the player has been exiled from their homeland to the corrupted and deeply hostile continent of Wraeclast. Alone, or with other exiles, they must develop their skills and discover powerful magical artifacts in order to survive the challenges of a cutthroat post-apocalyptic fantasy world.

Path of Exile immerses the player in a gritty and realistic art style that goes against the current industry trend of cartoony RPGs.

Our combat is especially visceral, with plenty of blood and gore. Position matters a great amount in our combat system. You can dodge projectiles and be blocked in by monsters.


A persistent online world with instanced gameplay.

Path of Exile has been designed from the ground up as a secure online game. Characters and items are stored on our persistent servers, and great effort is being taken to make sure that the game economy is not destroyed by exploits or hacks.

We do not classify Path of Exile as an MMORPG. It is a competitive online action RPG, and has little in common with games that are typically given the MMORPG moniker.

Our realms can support arbitrarily large numbers of players. We intend to only segregate realms based on large geographic locations (realms for North America, Europe and Oceania, for example).

World areas are instanced, meaning that each party gets its own private randomly generated copy of a given area. The random templates for these areas have been designed with a low player cap in mind (potentially in the region of 4-8 players per instance), to make the areas exciting and challenging for small groups. Areas supporting player vs. player combat (PvP) have larger player caps, so that multiple teams can fight against each other.

Communal areas such as towns do not have low player cap limitations and serve as a hub for trading and finding other players to group with.


Completely free to download and play. Supported by ethical microtransactions.

Path of Exile is completely free to play - no upfront costs or monthly fees are required to enjoy 100% of the game content.

To fund the development and maintenance costs of the project, we plan to let players purchase aesthetic perks for their characters such as:

  • Additional character animations (for example, taunts or PvP victory animations)

  • Dyes and item skins

  • Alternate spell effects

  • Social pets

We will also offer some optional paid services such as:

  • Inter-realm/inter-account character transfers

  • Character renaming

You’ll notice nothing in the list above confers an actual gameplay advantage.


Randomly generated levels and items for extreme replayability

Path of Exile features randomly generated indoors and outdoors areas, a quality that ensures long term replayability. RPG fans we talked to expressed extreme disdain for having to replay identical game areas over and over, so we're confident we've made the right design choice. We know that hardcore online gamers play for extreme lengths of time, and we want to make their thousandth hour in Path of Exile as exciting as their first.

Our item system is also extremely diverse. Action RPG fans will be thrilled by the depth and nearly infinite customization of items.


Player vs. Player combat

In addition to the solo and cooperative content, Path of Exile has been designed from day one to offer a competitive PvP environment where players can display their dominance in a variety of ways. We intend to support tournaments and world PvP for both small and large teams of players.


Dozens of combinable skills

Full details of our skill system can be read on the skills page. Because no particular skill is limited to a specific class, everyone will enjoy tremendous variety and individual customization. Additionally, skills can augment each other in a complementary fashion, to create unbelievably powerful, elaborate effects. Want to set a trap that hurls multiple venomous fireballs? Want a critical hit from your weapon to cause the enemy to fly back stunned and frozen? That's just the tip of the iceberg in Path of Exile's revolutionary skill system.


Release schedule

We’ve been developing Path of Exile since late 2006. It’s still heavily in development and is not yet available for the general public to play. We anticipate starting our public beta testing (eventually culminating in an open beta and then release) in mid 2011.

There is a long roadmap of free expansions planned, and we anticipate releasing both feature and content upgrades periodically for many years.




  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078

    If it picks people every 30 minutes there must be alot of people signed up then,because I have been signed up since 8/20/11 and havn't been picked yet.

    Edit-wth is up with my post being flagged for possible spam and having to enter a captcha code?!

  • WoopinWoopin Member UncommonPosts: 1,012

    Originally posted by Asheram

    If it picks people every 30 minutes there must be alot of people signed up then,because I have been signed up since 8/20/11 and havn't been picked yet.

    Edit-wth is up with my post being flagged for possible spam and having to enter a captcha code?!

    Looking at the forums they do have lots of registered users.



  • infamouswhoisinfamouswhois Member Posts: 185

    Originally posted by xdemix

    We anticipate starting our public beta testing (eventually culminating in an open beta and then release) in mid 2011.


     Its past mid 2011 and basicly now 3/4 2011 isnt it?

  • TubbiTubbi Member Posts: 74

    Good luck getting in, unless you know someone already in the beta. Been trying to get a key for ages now.

  • DeserttFoxxDeserttFoxx Member UncommonPosts: 2,402

    Why is there no forum for this game here? I didnt even know about this game until this post, and it looks totally legit.

    Totalbuscuit did a 30minute review, i think its about time mmorpg makes a forum for this game.



    Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy

    Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman

    Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson

  • stamps79stamps79 Member Posts: 233

    Originally posted by Asheram

    If it picks people every 30 minutes there must be alot of people signed up then,because I have been signed up since 8/20/11 and havn't been picked yet.

    Edit-wth is up with my post being flagged for possible spam and having to enter a captcha code?!

    There's over 100k + registered players trying to get in the closed beta just like you and I.  I've been signed up since the 28th of August.  

    I've been playing Drankensang Online to help with the wait.


    Wildstar (2013) & Elder Scroll Online (2013)

    Playing: Diablo 3, WOW, Far Cry 3 & X-Com.

    Enjoyed: WOW 5 1/2 yrs, LOTRO 3yrs, GW 1/2yr, DFO 1yr, EVE Online 3yrs, and Huxley (Beta).

    Failed to impress: GW2 3months, Tera Online 6 months (best combat system in any MMO I've played) STO 1/4yr, Aion 1/2yr, AoC 1yr, CO, Fallen Earth, DDO, EQ2 1/2yr, WAR 1/2yr, Lineage 2 and FF XI 1/2yr, FF XIV.

  • GrimulaGrimula Member UncommonPosts: 644

    wow this game looks really cool


    Hopefully it works out gooood


    cant wait to give it a try


  • alilsneakyalilsneaky Member Posts: 23

    FFA pvp, tons of skills and customisability and way way way better graphics than diablo 3, looks more like diablo than diablo 3 does.


    Blizzard should be ashamed, at least this game has an excuse for being online only (that it's free to play).





  • SidraketSidraket Member Posts: 79

    Im in the CBT and while the game does feel very solid for whats in it, theres not a whole lot in it right now, only two acts and they dont even have all the quests in, and they are short on skills so that some character builds have nowhere near what they should skill wise and are basically unplayable for the time being. There is a large content patch coming out soon that mostly deals with changing the (passive) skill tree around, and while thats kind of exciting because it should give a better look at how the classes will specialize and be at release, it still isnt much to do but look and think.

    What im saying is dont feel bad if you arent in, theres not a whole lot to do right now, you would play a lot for a few days then realize you have run out of content, and more than likely you would have a character build in mind only to depressingly find that some of the skills for it arent even in the game yet. Unless your idea of a good time is clearing the same couple areas over and over on different difficulties just to try and level up using the same skill, you arent missing much=P And the class im most interested in (the dex/int hybrid) is only for alpha testers currently >< Its going to be great though, you can tell

  • RednecksithRednecksith Member Posts: 1,238

    Originally posted by DeserttFoxx

    Why is there no forum for this game here? I didnt even know about this game until this post, and it looks totally legit.

    Totalbuscuit did a 30minute review, i think its about time mmorpg makes a forum for this game.



    Because Grinding Gear Games doesn't have truckloads of money like Blizzard does.

  • dieman4dieman4 Member UncommonPosts: 8

    Hey if anyone got an extra key for this game, please send to [email protected] or pm me, thanks so much guys. I really want to try this game out. I was going to buy Diablo 3 but changed my mind x.x

  • fishboy11fishboy11 Member UncommonPosts: 5

    i could use a key as well, not having any luck anywhere else

  • NetslovNetslov Member UncommonPosts: 1

    Key plz !


  • jairusjairus Member UncommonPosts: 175

    could use a beta key here if anyone has one just collecting dust.

  • dradruledradrule Member Posts: 15

    gl fellas heres a key FR2AF-RQPS7-XN953-HJTEM 

  • helthroshelthros Member UncommonPosts: 1,449

    Doh, wtb key

  • deadguy123deadguy123 Member Posts: 2



    Cheers :)

  • WillR229WillR229 Member UncommonPosts: 5

    Thanks for key!!!

  • beb2592beb2592 Member UncommonPosts: 61

    I know it probably will not happen but if somebody could pm me a key I would be sooooo thankfull :) I really want to try this.

  • ShowyShowy Member Posts: 7

    Patiently waiting for an email :P

  • uerbauerba Member UncommonPosts: 26

    any key?? ty alot

  • kanazkykanazky Member Posts: 5

    Man wish they'd hurry up and draw my name over there! haha

  • KazuhiroKazuhiro Member UncommonPosts: 609

    I was very dissapointed by the game honestly. I suppose mostly due to lack of interesting classes, and also genderlocked crap. Every single class can do everything, only difference is a small differentiation in stats. (Which are neglegible if you choose to do someting else.)

    I checked for any kind of buddy invite system, but no luck, otherwise I'd give you all one. Just don't expect this to be anything other than a very generic hack and slash. The graphics are nice however, but the camera is stuck being so far zoomed in you can spot a mole on the character's head.

    To find an intelligent person in a PUG is not that rare, but to find a PUG made up of "all" intelligent people is one of the rarest phenomenons in the known universe.

  • TubbiTubbi Member Posts: 74

    ^ This. The game looses its shine very fast and it just gets repetitive and boring after you played through the maps a couple of times. 

    The lack of distinction between classes also made it lack flavour. Unless you're really, REALLY, in to statcrunching and chasing loot, this game isn't really for you. Somehow it has this underground hype around it when it's not anything special. At least at this point of the development. 

    I'll keep an eye on my account from time to time for buddy keys and I'll pass them out here if I get one, hopefully someone will enjoy the game more than I did. Even if it's beta I can't see them taking this game much further as there's really nothing else to do but grind brains out.

  • Dekarx12Dekarx12 Member UncommonPosts: 380

    Every 30 minutes? I'm seeing every 5 mins... and i swear I've wayched the count down a couple of times and I've seen the same name for a couple of people... dying to have a go at this game...


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