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ArakaneArakane Member UncommonPosts: 204




Wednesday, Jan 04, 2012




Sweden Recognizes File-Sharing Church

[1:36 pm ET] - Share - 3 Comments

This press release (in Swedish) announces the Missionary Church of Kopimism is now officially recognized in Sweden, the first country to sanction the religion. Kopimism holds file-sharing as one of its central principles, and the announcement refers to the involvement of Gustav Nipe, who is also affiliated with Sweden's Pirate Party. Here's word from the translation: "Information is sacred to the missionary Kopimistsamfundet, and copy the sacrament. Information has value, both in itself and in its content, and this value increases by copying. Thus, copying the heart of everything

    file-sharing as a, what a world :) feel free to discuss


  • wildtalentwildtalent Member UncommonPosts: 380

    Originally posted by Arakane




    Wednesday, Jan 04, 2012




    Sweden Recognizes File-Sharing Church

    [1:36 pm ET] - Share - 3 Comments

    This press release (in Swedish) announces the Missionary Church of Kopimism is now officially recognized in Sweden, the first country to sanction the religion. Kopimism holds file-sharing as one of its central principles, and the announcement refers to the involvement of Gustav Nipe, who is also affiliated with Sweden's Pirate Party. Here's word from the translation: "Information is sacred to the missionary Kopimistsamfundet, and copy the sacrament. Information has value, both in itself and in its content, and this value increases by copying. Thus, copying the heart of everything

        file-sharing as a, what a world :) feel free to discuss

    ::facepalm::  Well, it is interesting but not as cool as the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. 

  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,563

    This is why the US Supreme Court has held that the religious freedom guarantee in the first amendment only protects religious beliefs that are sincerely held.

  • SmikisSmikis Member UncommonPosts: 1,045

    epic :D

  • twodayslatetwodayslate Member Posts: 724

    This has been in the works for awhile, too bad nobody will get the message.  People these days are too ready to dismiss the idea based on their own misconception of what "religion" really is; they would rather take offense at their notion of a "god" instead of realize that they no longer have the right to do what they wish with something they've paid for.

  • Gabby-airGabby-air Member UncommonPosts: 3,440

    This made me chuckle. 

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