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What did you dream about last night?

i dreamt that i was in mario party on the gamecube, probably cos he was playin it last night.

i hav aa dream catcher next to my bed to supposedly capture nightmares! lolimage

98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.


  • i have dream that i was on the Back of a dragon , the dragon was made of cereal box, and in front of me , there was a Brownies dancing! when i woke up, i kinda knew that i was hungry!

  • RazorbackRazorback Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 5,253

    I dont think I dreamt last night... coz I can usually remember pretty clearly what it was.

    I have been practicing taking control of my dreams for some years now and Im getting better at it.. Its the best for of entertainment ever when you get it happening..

    For further reading you should checkout..

    Awesome books image

    "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
    "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon

  • PBskaterPBskater Member Posts: 228
    I dont think i did eather.image
  • patheospatheos Member Posts: 1,148

    i didnt have a dream last night, but a week ago i had a lot of dreams.

    Dream 1--- This was your typical falling dream. I was riding my bike around town when suddenly i saw a big ramp and decided to go off it, i picked up as much speed as i could and when i ramped it, i kept flying in the air and once i got to the clouds my bike left me and i fell....fell...fell...all the way to the ground.

    Dream 2--- Fantasy dream. It started in a small castle around dusk. I was on the beach training when a massive sea serpent rose out of the water and attacked the castle, I was alone so i had to take of the beast by myself, after numerous attempts the beast was slain. The castle was destroyed but after a few weeks, it was rebuilt.

    Dream 3--- Time for some nightmare Sci-fi. My last dream was easily the most weird. I was running in space with only cloths on, running past planets, stars, comets, asteroids, things of that nature when all of a sudden a limo pulls up besides my and grabs my arm. The limo continues to drive with me dragging behind. The pulled up to a black hole (or as far away as one can get from one) and with a huge cannon on top of their car, shot me directy into the hole. on my way there a gigantic robot type thing saved me and destroyed the limo. he brought me to his planet, it was 100 x more advanced than earth and they didnt even know what war was. they figured a way for me to get home and halfway through the trip home, my sister woke me up for breakfast.

    ps- are you talking about lucid dreaming? i tried that a few years ago, but i couldnt get the hang of it. now i just pray for a dreamimage


  • DekronDekron Member UncommonPosts: 7,360

    I typically have two types of dreams; far-fetched and "realistic". The far fetched dreams are the type say as above (monsters, etc.) and the "realistic" ones are more like deja vu dreams in which nothing is out of the ordinary, and sometimes come true.

    And a strange note, I can read just fine in my dreams. The letters and numbers are not at all jumbled.

  • ZepeeZepee Member Posts: 947

    I never had a dream like it... short and confusing ::::12:: It was half true and half untrue...

    This weak Im supposed to go traveling to a place I hate with my parents and Im doing everything I can not to go. I have a friend who lives like 100m from me. These are true you must know them to understand the dream.

    Now I was going to my friend to stay at his home as not to go with my parents. When I get there my friend was Ron Weasley.... After a bit Mrs.Weasley came saying that me Ron and Hermione(who happened to be there) where going to be at my place while my parents where away....

    Then I woke up... strange isnt it? I suppose I was Harry but I dint figure it out ::::12::

    Sooo, I suppose it happened cuz I finished reading HP the night before....


    Played- Runescape, Conquer
    Tested- EQ, RYL, Freeworld

  • SerienSerien Member CommonPosts: 8,460

    had a few dreams last night...

    first one - was drinking a lot of whiskey, then for some stupid reason I had to go pay the electric bill...soooooooo I was obviously driving under the influence and slammed my car going 115 down 436 (highway here) into a concrete pole. Right after the impact the dream went into third person (really weird) and the paramedics arrived, they were like "nope, he's dead alright"

    second dream - same thing, binge drinking and died of alcohol poisoning (wtf is up with these dreams...)

    third - falling falling falling falling falling, usually you don't hit the ground...but I hit the ground alright, and it hurt like hell

    fourth - don't want to really type this one out...

    fifth - murdering rampage, binge drinking, then went killing my family with a butcher knife

    my dreams are so screwed up o.O


    and dekron...your signature is so friggin' gay.

  • ZepeeZepee Member Posts: 947

    So Murt, basically you were drunk last night or something :P


    Played- Runescape, Conquer
    Tested- EQ, RYL, Freeworld

  • patheospatheos Member Posts: 1,148

    Originally posted by Serien


    Right after the impact the dream went into third person (really weird)


    Stop me if im making this up, i think i read somewhere that, thats called an out of body experience...and it can be dangerous, you can die if you see your body in a dream.


  • SerienSerien Member CommonPosts: 8,460

    Originally posted by Zepee
    So Murt, basically you were drunk last night or something :P

    vvvveeeerrrrrryyyyyyy, was still when I woke up o.O

    Originally posted by Sully1881
    Originally posted by Serien

    Right after the impact the dream went into third person (really weird)

    Stop me if im making this up, i think i read somewhere that, thats called an out of body experience...and it can be dangerous, you can die if you see your body in a dream.

    ooo...that's not good ::::04::

  • grimweepergrimweeper Member Posts: 2,047

    Originally posted by Serien

    Originally posted by Zepee
    So Murt, basically you were drunk last night or something :P

    vvvveeeerrrrrryyyyyyy, was still when I woke up o.O

    Originally posted by Sully1881

    Originally posted by Serien

    Right after the impact the dream went into third person (really weird)

    Stop me if im making this up, i think i read somewhere that, thats called an out of body experience...and it can be dangerous, you can die if you see your body in a dream.

    ooo...that's not good ::::04::

    dont worry i get those all the time youll just wake up the next morning on your living room couch watching something on tv.


  • Zerocool032Zerocool032 Member Posts: 729



  • RufiusRufius Member Posts: 2,031
    I dreamt one time that I was walking on the street and I stepped on a crack in the concrete it opened up and I fell into a firey abyss, met my friend image came back he told me that I alone can save mankind, so I ask him, If a horse was left in the desert would it have a name?  He replied with a barrage of fire I then woke up after I was incinerated.  Felt like, I needed a glass of water after that one.

    Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.

  • FilipinoFuryFilipinoFury Member Posts: 1,056

    [quote]Originally posted by Razorback
    [b]I dont think I dreamt last night... coz I can usually remember pretty clearly what it was.
    I have been practicing taking control of my dreams for some years now and Im getting better at it.. Its the best for of entertainment ever when you get it happening..
    For further reading you should checkout..
    Awesome books image[/b][/quote]

    I have a lucid dream about 2 or 3 times a week. Its cool it took me about 1 or 2 months to get it. It seems to help me if I fall asleep on my back it might help you. Because I think falling asleep on your back is when REM (rapid eye movement) It also help to keep a Dream book thingy. Also try to notice little things in your dreams that you can tell your self you are dreaming like if none of the lights works or little thing like that. Also start with little things when you first start lucid dreaming because if you starting trying to fly in your first dream you will wake your self up. And try to stay calm when in a dream.

    On Time? On Target? Never Quit?

  • Levithian_66Levithian_66 Member Posts: 143

    My dream last night was weird, ill tell what i remember...

    Ok i was cruising down the highway with a couple buddies, then the cops start coming after me, i speed up trying to get away, and i just about hit about a million things because for some reason i couldn't take my foot off the gas, so yeah im going, and then suddenly im riding in a desert on a camel, what the F**k lol... How does driving a car on a highway turn into riding a camel in the desert?

  • DekronDekron Member UncommonPosts: 7,360

    Originally posted by Serien

    and dekron...your signature is so friggin' gay.

    Was waiting for you to say something about my anticrombie and hang up on the telemarketers stickers. They aren't anything I did, just little truths I found. ::::28::

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