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You know, these boards have served a puprose.
It has been a place where you have been able to get a preview to games you might have been interested into without shelling out any cash.
These days every game that is about to launch gives you free (or almost free) peek to the game before launch and therefor everyone is literally able to experience the game 1st hand (hence is redundant).
This leaves only the role of a marketing place here, doesn't it...
Am I off the beat here?
when was it ever relevent?
Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling"
Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.
Has been to me, has saved from some released games that have been total disaster.
Is still relevant? never was relevant!
All media magazines/websites are primarily marketing platforms, what do you think is the purpose of the ads? Any semblance of community that might build up around either is a corporate illusion aimed at keeping the ad revenue flowing.
Been this way for years, you are just now realizing how the system works?
It's only as relevant as the material posted on it and that material's usefulness to the reader.
I still find this site relevent which explains why I'm still here. Why are the rest of you still here?
That free peek you speak of is often misleading. There have been games that did far better than their demonstrations indicated, and many more that did far worse.
Information found here is not necessarily any more accurate, but it can help you gain perspective outside of what the developers want you to see.
Simply put, I use this site in the same way I use both CNN and FOX news, a source of information with a lot of BS that needs to be drained out.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Since they closed down the political/Religion forum, I have been concentrating more on the game forums to hear peoples views on some games I wanted.
Every now and then, there is an interesting post in the off topic area or PC games I will respond to, but aside from that, I dont come here as often as I used to. For alternate reviews and peoples thoughts I go to Metactritic. is a very good site and I enjoy some of the write-ups they have on various games.
Please check out my channel. I do gaming reviews, gaming related reviews & lets plays. Thanks!
What ever it is or isn't, it is definitely losing traffic - at least on the forums. In the past few weeks, the recent posts tracker has gone from having, at most, a handful of posts that push ~45 minutes before being commented on, to half of them being at or over an hour, and half of those at or over two hours.
Well it all fairness to the site the past few weeks slow down for most industries, as people gear up for christmas. And arn't at work posting on these forums.
But i'm in no way defending this site, they do some pretty dumb @zz things.
Please check out my channel. I do gaming reviews, gaming related reviews & lets plays. Thanks!
The number of members logged in and able to post hasn't changed much in years. It's usually somewhere around 150 at any one time. The number of people visiting the site at any one time has increased over the years. That is usually about another 2,000 now.
I think the wallpaper on the website backgrounds need to be rethinked..
but othere then that............ FOR LIFE!!
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Disagreed, this is still the best place to go to get neato info about upcoming mmos.
It's funny how everyone's like "was it ever relevant?", "what's", yet the people posting have over 1000 posts invested in this site. That's right, it is an investiment of time. Does that mean your time was wasted, or used?