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Anonymous not so anonymous..ruhhh ohh Sony



  • Pk4UPk4U Member Posts: 127

    Whenever you base your support for a bill on its name you are simply being ignorant. There have been great bills with bad names, and horrible bills with good ones. Laws VERY rarely do what you would expect. Its simply the way our system is. By the time its make it through both houses there are so many riders and clauses that the bills usually don't resemble what was introduced.

    SOPA is a pretty scary bill. Perhaps at one point it was about Piracy, but its not anymore. Its about complete control of the internet.

    Don't be foolish and assume that because a law "wasn't meant to be used this way" that it won't be. That is why the laws are so complex in America. So that the people in charge can interpret them however they see fit.

  • tawesstawess Member EpicPosts: 4,227

    Originally posted by twodayslate

    Originally posted by tawess

    *spits on the floor*


    Whoop *bleeep*ing dee doo... So i have to risk someone infringing on my right to privacy (EI i am not concenting to these people acessing my personal information that is stored with SONY) just so they can make a statment about a law that might be doing the same... To me that is a bit like pissing in to the gale wind... All it does is make you look rather stupid and with a feeling of wetness.


    But i guess we will have to suffer their wang-waving for a while longer untill they meet a girl/boy and figure out that life actually is better lived as journey rather then a war...


    Just my humble opinion... (not that it matters, i live in a contry that belive that it's citizens have nothing to hide. So they have a open book policy.)



    edit: ""What do you mean I have to enter my social security number to look it internet porn!?!  This is outrageous!  Down with the damn politicians!"

    Actually... At least someone in the household have to do this already,,. Unless you use a top-up mobile internet...

    Don't believe for a second that your "private information" is safe simply because it rests in the hands of a corporation.  If they had their way, and they very likely will in the coming years, they would be able to sell your billing information to the highest bidder without your consent.

    The second you start to buy into the misconception that ANYONE that you do business with is on your side, you have already lost.

    But... two wrong does not make one right... And as i mentioned by going to a site and paying a few dollars you can get all the ifno you need on my to map out my life the last few years... I am in no way shape or form worried about my information... I am just stating thet it is a bit ironic that they do to others what they fear will be done to them...


    And if i for one second though that any information i am about to release could hurt me.. i would not release it... So you can rest easy knowing that your closing advice, while in good spirit is completle wasted.

    This have been a good conversation

  • moosecatlolmoosecatlol Member RarePosts: 1,531

    Yeah, down with SOPA, now lets go play SWTOR... despite what you may have heard about the latest PR move by Sony, EA, and Nintendo. They still support SOPA through the Electronic Software Association.


    Keep feeding the enemy.

  • twodayslatetwodayslate Member Posts: 724

    Originally posted by tawess

    Originally posted by twodayslate

    Originally posted by tawess

    *spits on the floor*


    Whoop *bleeep*ing dee doo... So i have to risk someone infringing on my right to privacy (EI i am not concenting to these people acessing my personal information that is stored with SONY) just so they can make a statment about a law that might be doing the same... To me that is a bit like pissing in to the gale wind... All it does is make you look rather stupid and with a feeling of wetness.


    But i guess we will have to suffer their wang-waving for a while longer untill they meet a girl/boy and figure out that life actually is better lived as journey rather then a war...


    Just my humble opinion... (not that it matters, i live in a contry that belive that it's citizens have nothing to hide. So they have a open book policy.)



    edit: ""What do you mean I have to enter my social security number to look it internet porn!?!  This is outrageous!  Down with the damn politicians!"

    Actually... At least someone in the household have to do this already,,. Unless you use a top-up mobile internet...

    Don't believe for a second that your "private information" is safe simply because it rests in the hands of a corporation.  If they had their way, and they very likely will in the coming years, they would be able to sell your billing information to the highest bidder without your consent.

    The second you start to buy into the misconception that ANYONE that you do business with is on your side, you have already lost.

    But... two wrong does not make one right... And as i mentioned by going to a site and paying a few dollars you can get all the ifno you need on my to map out my life the last few years... I am in no way shape or form worried about my information... I am just stating thet it is a bit ironic that they do to others what they fear will be done to them...


    And if i for one second though that any information i am about to release could hurt me.. i would not release it... So you can rest easy knowing that your closing advice, while in good spirit is completle wasted.

    Doing to the policymakers what they are going to do to you is the best, most direct way to make the point that it isn't in the ruling class's best interest to try to do what they are doing.  When someone attempts to pass legislation enabling a police force to come to your house and take you away in the dead of night for absolutely no reason and just make you disappear, the best thing to do in opposition is to show up at the policy makers' homes and make their family members disappear.

    It reminds them of the reality of what they are proposing, something that they believe they would otherwise be immune to.

  • tawesstawess Member EpicPosts: 4,227

    "Doing to the policymakers what they are going to do to you is the best, most direct way to make the point that it isn't in the ruling class's best interest to try to do what they are doing.  When someone attempts to pass legislation enabling a police force to come to your house and take you away in the dead of night for absolutely no reason and just make you disappear, the best thing to do in opposition is to show up at the policy makers' homes and make their family members disappear.

    It reminds them of the reality of what they are proposing, something that they believe they would otherwise be immune to."


    But they are not doing it to them... It is our privacy they are invading... See the problem... Or is it you who refuse to see the problem in this kind of action...


    Also as i said i find it a bit unsetteleing that a minority would choose to use threats and acts that inspire terror to reach ther goals... .. .

    This have been a good conversation

  • JimmacJimmac Member UncommonPosts: 1,660

    Originally posted by twodayslate


    Doing to the policymakers what they are going to do to you is the best, most direct way to make the point that it isn't in the ruling class's best interest to try to do what they are doing.  When someone attempts to pass legislation enabling a police force to come to your house and take you away in the dead of night for absolutely no reason and just make you disappear, the best thing to do in opposition is to show up at the policy makers' homes and make their family members disappear.

    It reminds them of the reality of what they are proposing, something that they believe they would otherwise be immune to.

    This is the most right thing I've ever read on this site. It makes me feel good to be reminded that people understand this.

  • twodayslatetwodayslate Member Posts: 724

    Originally posted by tawess

    "Doing to the policymakers what they are going to do to you is the best, most direct way to make the point that it isn't in the ruling class's best interest to try to do what they are doing.  When someone attempts to pass legislation enabling a police force to come to your house and take you away in the dead of night for absolutely no reason and just make you disappear, the best thing to do in opposition is to show up at the policy makers' homes and make their family members disappear.

    It reminds them of the reality of what they are proposing, something that they believe they would otherwise be immune to."


    But they are not doing it to them... It is our privacy they are invading... See the problem... Or is it you who refuse to see the problem in this kind of action...


    Also as i said i find it a bit unsetteleing that a minority would choose to use threats and acts that inspire terror to reach ther goals... .. .

    Privacy is an illusion when dealing with entities like Sony: as an individual, you mean nothing to them, your rights mean nothing to them.  Corporations like them are the new government, and when they grow in power to the point that they are allowed to treat their own customers like terrorists, they must be dealt with accordingly.

  • DewmDewm Member UncommonPosts: 1,337

    Originally posted by Jimmac

    Originally posted by twodayslate


    Doing to the policymakers what they are going to do to you is the best, most direct way to make the point that it isn't in the ruling class's best interest to try to do what they are doing.  When someone attempts to pass legislation enabling a police force to come to your house and take you away in the dead of night for absolutely no reason and just make you disappear, the best thing to do in opposition is to show up at the policy makers' homes and make their family members disappear.

    It reminds them of the reality of what they are proposing, something that they believe they would otherwise be immune to.

    This is the most right thing I've ever read on this site. It makes me feel good to be reminded that people understand this.


    Please check out my channel. I do gaming reviews, gaming related reviews & lets plays. Thanks!

  • ClocksimusClocksimus Member Posts: 354

    These people are some of the riches on the planet while others worry about how they will get food to eat or where they will be sleeping tonight..... These people can burn hundred dollar bills because they are worth tens of millions. And they want to charge the guy that downloads music because they are losing the money he would not give them anyways?  If you support these acts you are no better than the rich bastards that try to rain down these stupid laws to take away any freedom   you have left.

    When you steal something you take an object from someone for yourself. That person loses said object and no longer has access to it.

    When you download something from a torrent you share an object with other people.  Those people still have access to that object and every right to it.

    There will never come a time where everyone pirates all goods and  companies no longer able to make profit.  If such a day ever did come then I could support such actions as SOPA, but as long as those executives continue to make millions of dollars I really and honestly could care less about what they want to bitch and moan about.

  • caremuchlesscaremuchless Member Posts: 603

    Originally posted by mcburly

    someone needs to take these dumb hackers down. these companies have every right to not wanting people to pirate software. If someone doesnt feel the item is worth paying for then dont pay for it. pirating is theft no matter how you slice it. This group anonymous's cause is ridiculous and they are just trying to show how "powerful" they are because they are good with a computer.

    Go read what SOPA will actually do and not what the op claims.


    Because I don't believe you understand fully.


    All the following companies are against SOPA. I wonder why...



  • DLangleyDLangley Member Posts: 1,407

    Hey guys! Just a reminder, let's avoid political discussion. Thanks!

  • PuremallacePuremallace Member Posts: 1,856

     I LOVE TRION!!! [Mod Edit]



    Rift Team Hartsman's Avatar



    Hi, folks - Extremely quick reply since I'm out on vacation:

    We definitely do not support SOPA.

    We’ll be calling the ESA about this after the holiday weekend.

    - Scott


  • GrayGhost79GrayGhost79 Member UncommonPosts: 4,775

    Originally posted by mcburly

    Originally posted by Mundus

    @mcburly The problem is not what SOPA is allegedly aimed at (stopping piracy), but what it actually does.

    You might want to read this:,14393.html

    yet if pirating hasnt gotten out of control like it has then its possible this act wouldnt be an issue. This can be argued many different ways and there are areas of that act I dont agree with. As someone who just wants to enjoy the games I play Im tired of these hacker groups pulling this crap. That last attack on sony effected me as I wasnt able to game. In no way was I blaming Sony on that, im blaming anon. plain and simple. If they really have a "righteous cause" then they better make sure it only targets the ones they intend it to.


    im against pirating and thats all. As someone who works within this industry, I am the one who gets screwed over by products getting stolen, pirated instead of being purchased. Its definitely not the big wigs. All they do is cut payroll if business is getting slow. Most if not all are pretty well off so if they so happen to go out of business, they will be fine.

    Cause and effect...... 

    Would piracy be as bad if these companies refrained from going all out greedy? 

    Would piracy be as bad if marketing and advertising felll under strict guidelines keeping them honest?

    Whats sad is the fact that I've actually at times been forced to pirate games I have already purchased due to anti piracy measures a company uses.



  • VowOfSilenceVowOfSilence Member UncommonPosts: 565

    Originally posted by tawess

    But they are not doing it to them... It is our privacy they are invading... See the problem... Or is it you who refuse to see the problem in this kind of action...

    Your data gets stolen anyway. But when evil hackers steal it to sell it, they won't tell anyone about it. Of course, the company won't tell anyone either, because it would hurt their reputation. So most likely, you wouldn't even know that your data got stolen.

    Hype train -> Reality

  • lunatislunatis Member UncommonPosts: 261

    I don't see why companies like Sony wouldn't want websites like Thepiratebay to go down, and why companies like Miramax wouldn't want streaming websites to go down either.

    I don't get it... just buy it if you like it, and boycott the products you don't like. Do go like "aww, I won't be able to stream it anymore!".

    The day they won't sell anymore copies cause it's too expensive they'll lower the price or stop making it.


  • lunatislunatis Member UncommonPosts: 261

    To Puremallace: Trion doesn't suport the SOPA because their game sells subscriptions. If you want all the game to be subscription based one day, don't suport the sopa.

  • PuremallacePuremallace Member Posts: 1,856

    Originally posted by lunatis

    To Puremallace: Trion doesn't suport the SOPA because their game sells subscriptions. If you want all the game to be subscription based one day, don't suport the sopa.

    You want to know what SOPA is really??



    ^ When this site leaked confidential documents about various....interesting things the United States was doing the Department of Justice could not do a damn thing because it was foreign based.


    Remember those Getmo videos of guards doing various things? Those were leaked on foreign sites. This law says that the US can have those sites taken down and not able to be viewed by any of us.


    Media is all over this because they are convinced this will do anything against torrents, but there IS NO CHANCE this law will do a single thing about that. It will just go further underground and instead of going to Piratebay we will have to goto a Chinese website the US would never touch.

  • LexinLexin Member UncommonPosts: 701

    They will attack Sony again? Wow they pick sony out of countless others they must be xbox lovers.


  • warmaster670warmaster670 Member Posts: 1,384

    Originally posted by Scypheroth


    P.S XBOX FTW atleast we got a decent solid online server that is laggy and unstable as shit.

    lol, nice try.


    PS3>360, never had lag issues on my ps3, AND i dont have to pay to have access to it then still get ads shoved down my throat.

    Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling"
    Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.

  • ScypherothScypheroth Member Posts: 264

    ehhh from everyone i talked to prob over 100 ppl say the PSN suxs laggt slow and unstable...wich hence alot of my friends and co workers that i talked to switched over to XBOX...also friend of mine said he played PS3 since launch and his PS went down got  a xbox and the change was liek night to day was smoother and more stable...also said the players were alot more skilled and better than the ones on the PS network...

  • toddzetoddze Member UncommonPosts: 2,150

    Originally posted by Lexin

    They will attack Sony again? Wow they pick sony out of countless others they must be xbox lovers.

    Microsoft is against the SOPA bill. So they shouldnt have any quarl with M$

    I am against piracy of illeagle material, but sopa is egregious. Essentially in a nut shell it could shut down any and every site that allows users to upload something. Like facebook and youtube.

    EX: If you took a picture of yourself with a copyrighted movie poster behind you in the background, under SOPA the site you uploaded the picture to could be shut down and held responsible for you uploading the picuture. So basically no site will ever allow user uploaded material of any kind.

    I have no idea how this bill passed in the senate, because anyone who voted on this bill is not representing the people, they are representing big buisness.

    I know this site does not allow political material, for the most part I agree with that rule, but I plead with to change the rule, and allow for SOPA discussions. It needs changed for something like SOPA in which involves all of us here on the internet. More People need to know about sopa its getting 0 press time on TV because thats what the big buisness wants, they are trying to ninja pass it. They have already Ninja'ed it through the senate, hopefully it gets shot down somewhere before it gets signed in to law.

    I hate'd anonymous, not so much anymore. But I agree with thier tactic. Attack big buisness get the word on SOPA out. Its an attrotious bill thats name disguises it as something good. Stop online piracy act, Sounds good when people hear it. But how it does it will destroy the internet as we know it.

    Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore)
    Now Playing: N/A
    Worst MMO: FFXIV
    Favorite MMO: FFXI

  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407
    MS and Sony drop support yaya

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

  • warmaster670warmaster670 Member Posts: 1,384

    Originally posted by Scypheroth

    ehhh from everyone i talked to prob over 100 ppl say the PSN suxs laggt slow and unstable...wich hence alot of my friends and co workers that i talked to switched over to XBOX...also friend of mine said he played PS3 since launch and his PS went down got  a xbox and the change was liek night to day was smoother and more stable...also said the players were alot more skilled and better than the ones on the PS network...

    So in other words you were talking out your ***, big shocker.

    Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling"
    Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.

  • twodayslatetwodayslate Member Posts: 724

    Originally posted by DLangley

    Hey guys! Just a reminder, let's avoid political discussion. Thanks!

    Silence is the loudest, most enthusiastic form of support that anyone can express in the face of tyranny.

This discussion has been closed.