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Anonymous not so anonymous..ruhhh ohh Sony



  • PyrostasisPyrostasis Member UncommonPosts: 2,293

    Originally posted by mcburly

    Originally posted by Mundus

    @mcburly The problem is not what SOPA is allegedly aimed at (stopping piracy), but what it actually does.

    You might want to read this:,14393.html

    yet if pirating hasnt gotten out of control like it has then its possible this act wouldnt be an issue. This can be argued many different ways and there are areas of that act I dont agree with. As someone who just wants to enjoy the games I play Im tired of these hacker groups pulling this crap. That last attack on sony effected me as I wasnt able to game. In no way was I blaming Sony on that, im blaming anon. plain and simple. If they really have a "righteous cause" then they better make sure it only targets the ones they intend it to.


    im against pirating and thats all. As someone who works within this industry, I am the one who gets screwed over by products getting stolen, pirated instead of being purchased. Its definitely not the big wigs. All they do is cut payroll if business is getting slow. Most if not all are pretty well off so if they so happen to go out of business, they will be fine.

    I think most people are anti piracy, but  this is like cutting off your nose to save your face. I'm all for going after the pirates, but this is NOT the way to do it.

    Hell just look at your sig and icon, did you create those images? Do you own the rights? Thats infringement right there. Do you see how ridiculous this can get?

  • nerovipus32nerovipus32 Member Posts: 2,735

    Originally posted by mcburly

    Originally posted by VowOfSilence

    Originally posted by mcburly

    Originally posted by Zadawn

    Originally posted by mcburly

    someone needs to take these dumb hackers down. these companies have every right to not wanting people to pirate software. If someone doesnt feel the item is worth paying for then dont pay for it. pirating is theft no matter how you slice it. This group anonymous's cause is ridiculous and they are just trying to show how "powerful" they are because they are good with a computer.

    Then i must be the greatest thief there ever was/is.

    thats just sad


    unfortunate how common it is for people to believe this is ok.

    so i take it that you believe that a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison for 10 pieces of music or movies is ok?

    I'm afraid the world isn't as black-and-white as you'd like it to be.

    so just cause the penalty is harsh its wrong? lol

    In what way am i going to feel bad for someone who decides to steal a form of entertainment. I dont care if the penalty is death. Its not like they are stealing food to survive.

    some people dont even serve 5 years for murder, these corporations rule the world and all they want is our money..if they could have their way we would all be in jail for not buying their products.

  • nerovipus32nerovipus32 Member Posts: 2,735

    and so begins the policing of the internet, the last bastion of freedom for mankind.

  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407
    Originally posted by mcburly

    someone needs to take these dumb hackers down. these companies have every right to not wanting people to pirate software. If someone doesnt feel the item is worth paying for then dont pay for it. pirating is theft no matter how you slice it. This group anonymous's cause is ridiculous and they are just trying to show how "powerful" they are because they are good with a computer.


    I notice your post history,

    but do you work for Big Brother, Sony and the Illuminati or something? Because you sure your big brother government, controlling everything you do. What next,,, we can't eat junk food no more as well? Oh wait, they trying that as well.

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

  • Squal'ZellSqual'Zell Member Posts: 1,803

    again, this SOPA will hurt more to the honest people than the pirates, 

    getting music/movies on the internet will be possible wether you have SOPA or not

    and honestly, i think having the possibility to pirate music helps the industry more than it hurts it

     it will make artists release quality stuff instead of the junk the music industry is releasing left and right (bieber, gaga are 2 examples)

    i downloaded from napster (back when it was pirating, then limewire back when it wasnt riddles with shit) and now from torrents, music. and its because of that that the ARTIST has made so much money off me. i pirated  "enter sandman" from metallica, when i was 13 years old. i am now 26 and own their discography legitimately bought, AND i buy every new album they release blindly just because its Metallica (even if the album sucks like "st-anger")

    i downloaded 1 x-mas song from justin bieber. and now i know im not going to buy anything from him because its total junk. 

    so this way artists will make damn sure they release quality stuff to give an insentive to people to buy their stuff. 

    so people who support SOPA, will get hit by anonymous? im on their side. 

    besides, some of these "artists" have more money than some countries... so in all honesty when you compare the numbers of people who pirate 100% (meaning they download EVERYTHING without giing a penny to the artist) and the number of people who buy their stuff, (i dont have facts or numbers) it seems to me, that its not significant enough to hit the artists in the wallet.

    i mean sure they will have 4 hourses in stead of 5... and 5 cars instead of 8... 



  • JayBirdzJayBirdz Member Posts: 1,017

    Anonymous are twits.  While I dislike SOPA,  I dislike Anonymous even more at this point.  Dumping innocent peoples information shouldn't be praised.  Doesn't the concept go completely against what Anonymous values.  "We're Anonymous! Though we don't mind dumping your info for the world to see and use!." 


    Look forward to seeing some more tools vanned.  Lulzsec thought they were invincible (Splinter group of Anonymous).  Majority of the key people have been picked up by the party wagons already.  Even Topiary who was on some no name remote island in the middle of no where.  Granted they haven't bagged Sabu yet. Kind of funny these guys think that their VPN's will keep them safe.  "Hello VPN company either give us what we want or you'll be charged too!" 


  • citan79citan79 Member UncommonPosts: 86

    either they aleardy have them where they want them... Or they need sony to do something in order to complete their attack.  


    either way good for them this piracy bullcrap is bad news. 

  • VowOfSilenceVowOfSilence Member UncommonPosts: 565

    Originally posted by Puremallace

     No, this is about using music and movies as an excuse to gain control over public opinion on the internet. It's about being frightened that Fox Nooz junkies are starting to watch TV online (they can just right click and google our talking points?? what?? repetition is no longer effective?? the horros!). It's about not letting an organization's own documents be used to call them on their bullshit. It's about not letting our kids know there are any choices besides republican or democrat or that there was ever a time when you actually walked out of a store "owning" the music you just bought. It's about patching the leaks in their propaganda.

    Actually, I don't think so. I'd say it's indeed all about a greedy copyright industry pushing their own agenda. They don't give a damn about what effects and consequences this will have, who may exploit it and the harm that may cause. All they care about is profit. And these days, abusing the government to make sure you earn lots of moneys seems easier than coming up with a good solution yourself.

    Hype train -> Reality

  • DewmDewm Member UncommonPosts: 1,337

    Originally posted by Squal'Zell

    again, this SOPA will hurt more to the honest people than the pirates, 

    getting music/movies on the internet will be possible wether you have SOPA or not

    and honestly, i think having the possibility to pirate music helps the industry more than it hurts it

     it will make artists release quality stuff instead of the junk the music industry is releasing left and right (bieber, gaga are 2 examples)

    i downloaded from napster (back when it was pirating, then limewire back when it wasnt riddles with shit) and now from torrents, music. and its because of that that the ARTIST has made so much money off me. i pirated  "enter sandman" from metallica, when i was 13 years old. i am now 26 and own their discography legitimately bought, AND i buy every new album they release blindly just because its Metallica (even if the album sucks like "st-anger")

    i downloaded 1 x-mas song from justin bieber. and now i know im not going to buy anything from him because its total junk. 

    so this way artists will make damn sure they release quality stuff to give an insentive to people to buy their stuff. 

    so people who support SOPA, will get hit by anonymous? im on their side. 

    besides, some of these "artists" have more money than some countries... so in all honesty when you compare the numbers of people who pirate 100% (meaning they download EVERYTHING without giing a penny to the artist) and the number of people who buy their stuff, (i dont have facts or numbers) it seems to me, that its not significant enough to hit the artists in the wallet.

    i mean sure they will have 4 hourses in stead of 5... and 5 cars instead of 8... 




    IMO, this is like most gun control laws, it ends up hurting the law abiding citizen more. I mean if a criminal is going to go to a school and shoot a bunch of people do you really think he gives a flying ****** about it being a "no gun zone"...I mean really?

    When DC outlawed guns crime rose like 20% a year...its just dumb,


    Same goes for the pirating laws, do you think some dude in China really cares if there is a law in the US to stop him from torrenting a lady gaga album?

    And I have copied software, but I deffinitly wouldn't call me a pirate, Yes I have made copies of music back in the CD days so I could listen to it in my car as well, Yes I copied multiple age of empires CD's so I could LAN with some friends. Yes I did buy a VHS to DVD burner so I could copy all of my movies to DVD... Am I a pirate? yes by words of the law I am.. Do I deserve to go to prison for 5-10? hell no.. Nore do I think that would stand up in a court of law.

    Please check out my channel. I do gaming reviews, gaming related reviews & lets plays. Thanks!

  • nerovipus32nerovipus32 Member Posts: 2,735

    musicians make their money from touring. most of the money from album sales goes to the vampire music labels. you want to rip these fat cats off because they are the scum of the earth. They can change the worlds mindset by deciding what kind of music is cool. burn these fuckers at every opportunity

  • kevjardskevjards Member UncommonPosts: 1,452

    Originally posted by Squal'Zell

    again, this SOPA will hurt more to the honest people than the pirates, 

    getting music/movies on the internet will be possible wether you have SOPA or not

    and honestly, i think having the possibility to pirate music helps the industry more than it hurts it

     it will make artists release quality stuff instead of the junk the music industry is releasing left and right (bieber, gaga are 2 examples)

    i downloaded from napster (back when it was pirating, then limewire back when it wasnt riddles with shit) and now from torrents, music. and its because of that that the ARTIST has made so much money off me. i pirated  "enter sandman" from metallica, when i was 13 years old. i am now 26 and own their discography legitimately bought, AND i buy every new album they release blindly just because its Metallica (even if the album sucks like "st-anger")

    i downloaded 1 x-mas song from justin bieber. and now i know im not going to buy anything from him because its total junk. 

    so this way artists will make damn sure they release quality stuff to give an insentive to people to buy their stuff. 

    so people who support SOPA, will get hit by anonymous? im on their side. 

    besides, some of these "artists" have more money than some countries... so in all honesty when you compare the numbers of people who pirate 100% (meaning they download EVERYTHING without giing a penny to the artist) and the number of people who buy their stuff, (i dont have facts or numbers) it seems to me, that its not significant enough to hit the artists in the wallet.

    i mean sure they will have 4 hourses in stead of 5... and 5 cars instead of 8... 


    if you d/loaded a justin beiber song you deserve life

  • Rusty715Rusty715 Member Posts: 482

    Originally posted by Zadawn

    Originally posted by mcburly

    someone needs to take these dumb hackers down. these companies have every right to not wanting people to pirate software. If someone doesnt feel the item is worth paying for then dont pay for it. pirating is theft no matter how you slice it. This group anonymous's cause is ridiculous and they are just trying to show how "powerful" they are because they are good with a computer.

    Then i must be the greatest thief there ever was/is.


    Really? This game sucks and Im not having fun? Im going to unsub right now. Thanks for the tip.

  • StoneDogg1StoneDogg1 Member Posts: 1

    Originally posted by mcburly


    im against pirating and thats all. As someone who works within this industry, I am the one who gets screwed over by products getting stolen, pirated instead of being purchased. Its definitely not the big wigs. All they do is cut payroll if business is getting slow. Most if not all are pretty well off so if they so happen to go out of business, they will be fine.


    I've lurked these forums for years, but this statement alone caused me to register & comment.


    You're against piracy, but FOR hacking.  You have to be the biggest tool on the internet.


    I don't think anyone on these boards is for piracy (or hacking for that matter), but the SOPA legislation goes SO far past that.  Our rights are getting stripped away a little at a time through legislation just like this.


    "Ooh - our government is protecting us from pirates.  Yay!"  Ten years from now:  "What do you mean I have to enter my social security number to look it internet porn!?!  This is outrageous!  Down with the damn politicians!"


    Where does it stop?  If you want piracy to end AND you work in the industry - FIGURE OUT A WAY TO STOP IT AND GET RICH!!!  DO NOT INFRINGE UPON MY RIGHTS!


  • nerovipus32nerovipus32 Member Posts: 2,735

    Originally posted by StoneDogg1

    Originally posted by mcburly


    im against pirating and thats all. As someone who works within this industry, I am the one who gets screwed over by products getting stolen, pirated instead of being purchased. Its definitely not the big wigs. All they do is cut payroll if business is getting slow. Most if not all are pretty well off so if they so happen to go out of business, they will be fine.


    I've lurked these forums for years, but this statement alone caused me to register & comment.


    You're against piracy, but FOR hacking.  You have to be the biggest tool on the internet.


    I don't think anyone on these boards is for piracy (or hacking for that matter), but the SOPA legislation goes SO far past that.  Our rights are getting stripped away a little at a time through legislation just like this.


    "Ooh - our government is protecting us from pirates.  Yay!"  Ten years from now:  "What do you mean I have to enter my social security number to look it internet porn!?!  This is outrageous!  Down with the damn politicians!"


    Where does it stop?  If you want piracy to end AND you work in the industry - FIGURE OUT A WAY TO STOP IT AND GET RICH!!!  DO NOT INFRINGE UPON MY RIGHTS!

     man i wouldn't worry about sheep like him they will be the first ones to the slaughter, these rich devils always target the innocent do gooders.


  • BullseyeArc1BullseyeArc1 Member UncommonPosts: 410

    Originally posted by citan79

    either they aleardy have them where they want them... Or they need sony to do something in order to complete their attack.  


    either way good for them this piracy bullcrap is bad news. 

     Who has who, might be the other way around, Big Bro might be just waiting.  P2P isnt what it used to be, thiers alot of Governments working on cracking it.     Pretty soon thier will not be anything such as anonymous.    Those guys using things like Onion are going to be in for a rude knock on the door one day.  

  • DewmDewm Member UncommonPosts: 1,337

    Originally posted by StoneDogg1

    Originally posted by mcburly


    im against pirating and thats all. As someone who works within this industry, I am the one who gets screwed over by products getting stolen, pirated instead of being purchased. Its definitely not the big wigs. All they do is cut payroll if business is getting slow. Most if not all are pretty well off so if they so happen to go out of business, they will be fine.


    I've lurked these forums for years, but this statement alone caused me to register & comment.


    You're against piracy, but FOR hacking.  You have to be the biggest tool on the internet.


    I don't think anyone on these boards is for piracy (or hacking for that matter), but the SOPA legislation goes SO far past that.  Our rights are getting stripped away a little at a time through legislation just like this.


    "Ooh - our government is protecting us from pirates.  Yay!"  Ten years from now:  "What do you mean I have to enter my social security number to look it internet porn!?!  This is outrageous!  Down with the damn politicians!"


    Where does it stop?  If you want piracy to end AND you work in the industry - FIGURE OUT A WAY TO STOP IT AND GET RICH!!!  DO NOT INFRINGE UPON MY RIGHTS!



    Can I haz ur babies?


    But no really I agree 100%

    Please check out my channel. I do gaming reviews, gaming related reviews & lets plays. Thanks!

  • nerovipus32nerovipus32 Member Posts: 2,735

    as always the power is with the people. now if the people weren't so stupid and easily led by greedy corporations and the media we might be able to save some of our rights.

  • tawesstawess Member EpicPosts: 4,227

    *spits on the floor*


    Whoop *bleeep*ing dee doo... So i have to risk someone infringing on my right to privacy (EI i am not concenting to these people acessing my personal information that is stored with SONY) just so they can make a statment about a law that might be doing the same... To me that is a bit like pissing in to the gale wind... All it does is make you look rather stupid and with a feeling of wetness.


    But i guess we will have to suffer their wang-waving for a while longer untill they meet a girl/boy and figure out that life actually is better lived as journey rather then a war...


    Just my humble opinion... (not that it matters, i live in a contry that belive that it's citizens have nothing to hide. So they have a open book policy.)



    edit: ""What do you mean I have to enter my social security number to look it internet porn!?!  This is outrageous!  Down with the damn politicians!"

    Actually... At least someone in the household have to do this already,,. Unless you use a top-up mobile internet...

    This have been a good conversation

  • BrenelaelBrenelael Member UncommonPosts: 3,821

    Originally posted by Tardcore

    I laughed so hard when I scrolled down and saw this. It fits perfectly but the sad part is not many here will probably get the reference... LOL




  • fonyfony Member Posts: 755
  • JimmacJimmac Member UncommonPosts: 1,660

    Originally posted by mcburly

    someone needs to take these dumb hackers down. these companies have every right to not wanting people to pirate software. If someone doesnt feel the item is worth paying for then dont pay for it. pirating is theft no matter how you slice it. This group anonymous's cause is ridiculous and they are just trying to show how "powerful" they are because they are good with a computer.

    I think you saw that the bill was called "Stop Online Piracy Act," then thought to yourself: "Yeah, stopping online piracy is a good thing," then decided that the bill in all it's aspects was a good thing. To fool you all politicians have to do is name a bill something pretty and you'll just buy right into it. "Patriot Act" is a patriotic thing to support. The "Fairness Doctrine" for AM radio would be a very fair rule to implement.

  • tawesstawess Member EpicPosts: 4,227

    Originally posted by fony

    Sony has now reconsidered their support of SOPA.

    Is it not wonderful to live in a world were a minority dictates, through the use of threats and fear mongering how others should act... North Korea could learn a thing or two form Anonymus it seems...

    This have been a good conversation

  • EliandalEliandal Member Posts: 796

    Originally posted by Jimmac

    Originally posted by mcburly

    someone needs to take these dumb hackers down. these companies have every right to not wanting people to pirate software. If someone doesnt feel the item is worth paying for then dont pay for it. pirating is theft no matter how you slice it. This group anonymous's cause is ridiculous and they are just trying to show how "powerful" they are because they are good with a computer.

    I think you saw that the bill was called "Stop Online Piracy Act," then thought to yourself: "Yeah, stopping online piracy is a good thing," then decided that the bill in all it's aspects was a good thing. To fool you all politicians have to do is name a bill something pretty and you'll just buy right into it. "Patriot Act" is a patriotic thing to support. The "Fairness Doctrine" for AM radio would be a very fair rule to implement.


      While I support the idea behind SOPA, its current impementation is just a disaster.  I know that some independant ISPs/websites in Canada have already publically stated they will simply ignore any requests that result if this bill is passed (frankly I really hope it doesn't)


      Piracy is bad - but this is just as bad (I won't even get into what Anon is, aside from just base criminals)

  • twodayslatetwodayslate Member Posts: 724

    Originally posted by tawess

    *spits on the floor*


    Whoop *bleeep*ing dee doo... So i have to risk someone infringing on my right to privacy (EI i am not concenting to these people acessing my personal information that is stored with SONY) just so they can make a statment about a law that might be doing the same... To me that is a bit like pissing in to the gale wind... All it does is make you look rather stupid and with a feeling of wetness.


    But i guess we will have to suffer their wang-waving for a while longer untill they meet a girl/boy and figure out that life actually is better lived as journey rather then a war...


    Just my humble opinion... (not that it matters, i live in a contry that belive that it's citizens have nothing to hide. So they have a open book policy.)



    edit: ""What do you mean I have to enter my social security number to look it internet porn!?!  This is outrageous!  Down with the damn politicians!"

    Actually... At least someone in the household have to do this already,,. Unless you use a top-up mobile internet...

    Don't believe for a second that your "private information" is safe simply because it rests in the hands of a corporation.  If they had their way, and they very likely will in the coming years, they would be able to sell your billing information to the highest bidder without your consent.

    The second you start to buy into the misconception that ANYONE that you do business with is on your side, you have already lost.

This discussion has been closed.