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Imagine a future in which you always know the date of baseball's opening day. Or that your birthday is always on a Tuesday (sorry). Or that New Year's Eve is always on a Saturday.
As the people of the world prepare to hang their 2012 calendars, two professors at Johns Hopkins University are proposing one you can keep forever, as each date falls on the same day of the week as it did the year before.Christmas might always be celebrated on a Sunday, for instance, and Memorial Day Monday could always be on May 28.
This would really suck if they put Christmas and new years or other holidays on a weekend.
I read about this the other day on
It's a really terrible idea when you actually look at the negatives of it. Every bit of computer software that deals with dates would need to be re-written. Think Y2K, but instead of simply adding two more integers to the year, the entire concept of dates would have to be re-coded to account for a 364 day year with set weekdays and a different number of days per month than what we have now.
Then there's the whole 'leap week' thing that would happen every 4 or something years... what happens during this week? We already have countless financial calculations that accurately calculate mortgages, investments, interest, etc that work off the current calander. They would all need to be re-written and re-learned by those who need to use such calculations.
Honestly, there's just as much if not more hassle in adopting a new calender than there is just keeping the old one.
Sounds like a good plan, after 31 years of using the current system I still have trouble remembering if there is 30 days or 31 days in a given month.
Also petition to change the names of the months to something more awesome, like Trucktober and Manuary.
This has been proposed a lot of times.
I think this is a pretty ridiculous argument to be honest:
""All of the major (other calendars) have involved breaking the seven-day cycle of the week, which is not acceptable to many people because it violates the Fourth Commandment about keeping the Sabbath Day,"
It'll never happen. The world has advanced too far technologically to switch now. The last change came in 1582 (Gregorian Calendar) at a time when almost everyone was a peasant farmer and had no say in the matter. Since information is digitized today, I don't see how people would be willing to switch. Unless a strong central authority enforced it with a heavy hand.
I hope they change it.
It was the same whining when we swithed to the one we currently have now. Why not change every 400 year or something. Changes make us wake up from everyday trivia.
This is a catastrophically terrible idea. It would be devestatingly costly and harmful to the poor and elderly. The medical equipment, the programs, ugh everything that would have to be replaced. Everything from blood glucose monitors to watches. Talk about an evironmental wasteful nightmare. Even the damn pill cases now are calendar dependant, those old folks won't even be able to take their meds. This is not the 1500's. EVERYTHING is calendar dependent and the people most affected by this cannot afford to replace everything they already have. All that crap would then wind up in landfills eventually seeping into the soil. Talk about making a big mess just because someone can't remember what day it is. LOL
People really need to do something more productive with their time than to think of ways to force those who cannot afford to live as it is into further despair.
Here is what the calendar would look like. This is crazy. Why fix something that works.
Now he is taking on universal time.
Not satisfied with conquering calendrical irrationality, Henry and Hanke take on timekeeping, too. “The time in Australia is the same as it is for us, but their clocks are set different,” Henry said. “We’re just saying, ‘Set your clocks to the same time, because it is the same time.’” All the world’s clocks would be set to Universal Time, or Greenwich Mean Time as it’s generally known. Time zones would be abolished, as would Daylight Saving Time, of which Henry is especially not fond.
The future is starting to look bleak. Everyone will be the same one day, just to streamline life.
Amazing...over 60% of 19,000 votes like the new calendar on that site. Interesting
Where is halloween? That just increases the number of kids who don't get a birthday every year. Leap year is bad enough as it is. Regardless it is a costly and stupid idea. As for 60% of anyone liking something.. that is because stupid people outnumber intelligent by far.
Anyone who thinks this is a good idea, either has not thought this through in regards to health, safety, and enviornment or they just do not care what the reprecussions of implementing such things. Hell here we still have a ton of elderly who do not have Television access over the whole analog/digital switch so they do not even get tornado warnings anymore. Yes they offered converter boxes, but many elderly do not even have transportation to go get them. Basically, all those people who cannot afford to upgrade anything just get forgotten.
I agree with you 100% and the digital tv box isnt that easy for the elderly