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Elder scroll MMorpg?



  • AdamantineAdamantine Member RarePosts: 5,094

    TES has a pretty standard implementation of stealth. There is nothing that would make it unique compared to other RPGs.

    Also - yes, Stealth is one of the typical offenders to game balance in MMOs.


  • WarmakerWarmaker Member UncommonPosts: 2,246

    A TES MMORPG is doable but it has to be faithful to the original "feel" of its SPRPG predecessors.  I said the same thing a while back when someone brought up a similiar thread to this, except it was for the Fallout franchise.

    IMO, it doesn't have to follow point for point, previous gameplay elements for the MMORPG version.  Hell, Skyrim itself made a huge change with character building and development compared to previous TES games.  But it must, at least, have the same feel that made the IP what it is.

    It was the same leap when Bethesda brought the Fallout franchise from 2D Isometric View to a full 3D environment with FO3, and it worked out very nicely.  Some things were lost in the transition unfortunately, but Bethesda did a good job with the move.

    Now, as for a TES game, there's several key things it must have.  At least to me...

    a.  Alot of freedom in character development / building - From the older Skillpoint System to the current Perk / Trait System from Skyrim.  The key thing was how much leeway a player had in developing a character.  Another thing was the choice of making a unique character, with sliders in character building being used instead of "Pick 1 out of 3 possible faces.  Good, now pick 1 out of 3 possible hair styles.  Now pick Skinny or Fat."

    b.  Open World Exploration - A TES game would have to ignore current genre trends of linear travel options.  It's a trademark TES feeling to "Go wherever the hell you want to."  The great feeling of seeing that huge map, picking some far point, and somehow, someway, and however long, making it to the destination.  All while coming across alot of cool discoveries as well as dangers.

    c.  Properly done setting - BioWare had gone on the record in saying how Bethesda is the best in the industry in providing the player a "sense of place" with their titles.  Mood, atmosphere, the general look of the terrain as well as the villages, towns, cities in the game.  Bethesda has usually made their mark in making their worlds special.  Oblivion was generic though.  But Morrowind and Skyrim had excellent "sense of place" with the Provinces they represented.  Especially Morrowind.

    d.  Wide variety of activities - Combat and Crafting come immediately to mind.  But the general tendency of TES games is letting a player do a crazy amount of possible things.  It will be made more interesting with the persistency of an MMORPG world.

    Again, it's doable for a TES MMORPG, but Bethesda had better get its sh*t right.  In the MMORPG biz, you only get 1 first impression.

    "I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)

  • JohnnyBravolJohnnyBravol Member Posts: 83

    Skyrim, as it exists now, cannot be turned into an MMORPG. It would have to be altered until almost all semblance between Skyrim and the Skyrim MMORPG are gone.

  • psyclumpsyclum Member Posts: 792

    elder scroll as and IP has enough lore behind it to fill an MMO.

    HOWEVER, an MMO will also ruin the experience since everyone will be walking around with a daedra bow and umbra in about 1 week:D   what makes a good single player game does not often translate well into an MMO. 

    there can be a elder scroll themed MMO, but it would be nothing like the elder scroll games currently in existance.


  • twodayslatetwodayslate Member Posts: 724

    There is kind of an Elder Scrolls MMO being made.  From what I've seen of Embers of Caerus, it looks like they took some heavy inspiration from TES.

    Still in pre-alpha, but it's something.

  • SlyLoKSlyLoK Member RarePosts: 2,698

    Originally posted by JohnnyBravol

    Skyrim, as it exists now, cannot be turned into an MMORPG. It would have to be altered until almost all semblance between Skyrim and the Skyrim MMORPG are gone.

    What? Of course not because the Elder Scrolls MMO would contain all of the lands and not just a small place built for a single player. 

    Bethesda would likely NOT be the studio that would make the MMO so it doesnt really matter what Todd says.

    A TES MMO will eventually happen.

  • GrailerGrailer Member UncommonPosts: 893

    Originally posted by SlyLoK

    A TES MMO will eventually happen.

    Because if done right there is alot of money to be made from such a model .


    However I think it would be heavily instanced if they did make it .



  • AutemOxAutemOx Member Posts: 1,704

    Originally posted by Wolfenpride

    It would likely mean removing all the stuff that makes the Elder Scroll series good, and replacing it with generic MMO questing/grinding/raiding/tiered equipment/etc.

    Interaction with objects in the world would be gone, stealing/thievery in general would be gone, modding would be gone, the economy would likely be simplified to remove mercantile and speechcraft related features. The games atmosphere would likely be ruined.

    The list goes on with numerous little things that would have to be changed, simplified, balanced, or removed.

    It wouldn't be a recognizably Elder Scrolls game. Same thing if a Fallout 3/NV based MMO was made.

    So no, unfortunately I would not want Bethesda to try and make an MMO. image


    It could be an amazing MMO but its a big IP and they would probably go the 'safe' route.  I'd rather see another single player game!!

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  • LoktofeitLoktofeit Member RarePosts: 14,247

    Originally posted by Purutzil

    Fun fact: Sand Box MMos are rarely ever good. They pretty much work like capitalism. People gain power early and that power is extremely difficult to dethrone. New players have little chance to ever reach the level of the high level players and will find themselves with little to really go for them.  Theres far less dynamic content as well with MMos, meaning players who come late won't be able to experience change or advanecement.  Power becomes to polarized that it really has little value for those wanting to dive in. A good example is eve online. There is very little chance for new players to advance on their own. Big powers stay big power and pretty much have a very very slim chance of losing it.

    Because that's what happened in UO... wait, no.... I guess then it was EVE... wait, no... Puzzle Pirates? ATITD? Second Life? There? vMTV? Ryzom?

    Was interesting that you used EVE as your example. Are you saying a new player can't corner a market? Can't lead a corp? An alliance? What are the solo advancement paths (the specific scenario you stated) that a player at release had that are not available to a player starting now?


    On topic, I don't think a TES MMO would do well because everything that's great about the series is content that works great for a single player experience. Making it multiplayer, especially in a persistent world where players are at thousands of different points in the timeline, would simply dilute the experience the TES CRPGs provide.

    There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
    "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre

  • ForumTrollForumTroll Member Posts: 140

    Just out of curiousity, aren't there ways to make our own multiplayer skyrim, like a mod or somthing? I'm almost positive I have seen it done before, like the way the way some guys did it with Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.. Granted the server's wouldnt be secured or reliable necessary but between a close group of friends where you don't have to worry about trusting the source I would think it would be possible. Like a LAN connection or somthing?


    "People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool."

  • AkulasAkulas Member RarePosts: 3,029


    It would be interesting to see a World of Elderscrolls but a fair amount of the ES things which make it a good game such as stealing and killing NPCs etc would have to get changed as well as permadeath. Still though, UO did stealing good and you could steal from other players and kill anyone anywhere which isn't neccesarily a good thing so it can be done if done right. But if your actions effect the world etc there are going to be players who do bad stuff on purpose just to wreck the game so there has to be some way to stop that which would probly take away from the freedom of choice which makes ES so good.


    The way ES does exploring could be transfered over to a MMORPG as well as a deeper crafting system and questing as well as an unlimited questing system etc. They'd have to change the skills and stats etc and combat and everything. I don't think it would work as an MMORPG but if it does get made it would have to be done properly and be different to the single player experience most probly.

    This isn't a signature, you just think it is.

  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407
    Originally posted by ForumTroll

    Just out of curiousity, aren't there ways to make our own multiplayer skyrim, like a mod or somthing? I'm almost positive I have seen it done before, like the way the way some guys did it with Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.. Granted the server's wouldnt be secured or reliable necessary but between a close group of friends where you don't have to worry about trusting the source I would think it would be possible. Like a LAN connection or somthing?


    I was wondering about this as well

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

  • HrothaHrotha Member UncommonPosts: 821

    As much as I would like to see it in my hands: A TES-MMORPG will never come. Ever.


  • Dekarx12Dekarx12 Member UncommonPosts: 380

    As much as i'd love to see one made. its a no from me... no MMO but an option for online Co-op or something would be awsome


  • Punk999Punk999 Member UncommonPosts: 882

    That would ruin the Elder scrolls..

    "Negaholics are people who become addicted to negativity and self-doubt, they find fault in most things and never seem to be satisfied."

  • ClassicstarClassicstar Member UncommonPosts: 2,697

    Originally posted by Starwars001
    Who want an elder scrolls mmorpg? 
    i want to see the reponse here, Because i think the sandbox market has potential here?
    Would elder scroll ip be a real deal here? I would like to see it.
    i would like to see the next elder scroll as a mmorpg its sequels and such. No mods thats not what i am talking about.
    I think its has a potential to bring out those sandbox players and such.

    If they make a gameworld and dungeons look like SKYRIM with brilliant game like Morrowind and no dumb down version for casuals i would love seeing a Elder Scrolls mmo.

    But i have no faith in fact that even bethesda can make a sandbox thats more hardcore then casual so NO THX it would ruin my whole Elder Scroll love.

    Let Bethesda make solo games they are BEST of the BEST if it comes to SOLO games.

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  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207

    Zenimax have a MMO division with something secret in development (it wont be fallout mmo though for legal reasons)

    Its headed by the lead designer of DAOC

  • DubhlaithDubhlaith Member Posts: 1,012

    It would be incredibly difficult, and takes years and years and so much money, but it is doable as a sandbox. The players couldn't be heroes like the Nerevarine or the Dovahkiin, but rather adventurers in general (before they take an arrow to the knee). Some things might have to be different, but if done right, it would be amazing.

    If done wrong, it could be devastatingly bad and ruin the series. And probably, people's opinion of what wrong would be differ. Therefore, I think it would be a bad idea to try, even though I would love to see it.

    "Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true — you know it, and they know it." —Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007

    WTF? No subscription fee?

  • LeodiousLeodious Member UncommonPosts: 773

    Originally posted by ShakyMo
    Zenimax have a MMO division with something secret in development (it wont be fallout mmo though for legal reasons)
    Its headed by the lead designer of DAOC

    Wow, I didn't know about that. I hope it's not TES though. Maybe they take what they learned from their single player series and use it to make a new world that can work as an MMO?

    Whatever it is, I am sure they will do us proud.

    "There are two great powers, and they've been fighting since time began. Every advance in human life, every scrap of knowledge and wisdom and decency we have has been torn by one side from the teeth of the other. Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over ferociously between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit."

    — John Parry, to his son Will; "The Subtle Knife," by Phillip Pullman

  • GrailerGrailer Member UncommonPosts: 893

    Originally posted by Leodious


    Originally posted by ShakyMo

    Zenimax have a MMO division with something secret in development (it wont be fallout mmo though for legal reasons)


    Its headed by the lead designer of DAOC



    Wow, I didn't know about that. I hope it's not TES though. Maybe they take what they learned from their single player series and use it to make a new world that can work as an MMO?

    Whatever it is, I am sure they will do us proud.

    OMG from reading that sites FAQ it sounds like they are making TESMMORPG !! Woot finally a wow killer app

  • sk8chalifsk8chalif Member UncommonPosts: 666

    why always MMO? they could do a GTA server style. where maybe what 25-50 player get in.

    u dont have to change anything. u do what skyrim is . ur crafting, ur quest, stealh , or interact with npc or other player.

    people are all over the world , u build ur house got ur family ,there so much stuff they could do,

    Would be cool to just enter a house of some1, kil him and kidnap is wife if his door is not lock. i dunno

    u dont have to bring raid or dungeon,


    ~The only opinion that matters is your own.Everything else is just advice,~

  • SavageoneSavageone Member UncommonPosts: 80

    Originally posted by Gabby-air

    Todd Howard, the man behind those games has said he doesn't want to make an Elder scrolls MMO. 



    I agree, why ruin a wonderful game.

  • GrailerGrailer Member UncommonPosts: 893

    Originally posted by sk8chalif

    why always MMO? they could do a GTA server style. where maybe what 25-50 player get in.

    u dont have to change anything. u do what skyrim is . ur crafting, ur quest, stealh , or interact with npc or other player.

    people are all over the world , u build ur house got ur family ,there so much stuff they could do,

    Would be cool to just enter a house of some1, kil him and kidnap is wife if his door is not lock. i dunno

    u dont have to bring raid or dungeon,


    Probably an ES MO  not  MMO would be more fun . However with so many MMO being instanced it would probably be an MO anyway.  Like going into dungeon would be instanced with small party of 4-5 players  isnt MMO :)




  • RequiamerRequiamer Member Posts: 2,034


    Originally posted by Grailer

    Originally posted by sk8chalif

    why always MMO? they could do a GTA server style. where maybe what 25-50 player get in.

    u dont have to change anything. u do what skyrim is . ur crafting, ur quest, stealh , or interact with npc or other player.

    people are all over the world , u build ur house got ur family ,there so much stuff they could do,

    Would be cool to just enter a house of some1, kil him and kidnap is wife if his door is not lock. i dunno

    u dont have to bring raid or dungeon,


    Probably an ES MO  not  MMO would be more fun . However with so many MMO being instanced it would probably be an MO anyway.  Like going into dungeon would be instanced with small party of 4-5 players  isnt MMO :)





    Ye mmo of today have completely lost ground with what mmo was mean to be back then. I think some Muds had more people having common goals and far more player interaction and player build content than any mmo ever had, or even dream to have. Damn in some muds some entire organizations like mage or ranger guilds where maintain by players on server level, was not just a question of guild making. I think that vision of an mmo never really had any chance, even if you could see the spark in some people eyes at that time. It really never happened. Eve have something close but for some reason its more real life related than anything, like the Russian, or some other zergs. The whole "game" like mmo concept of EQ killed that chick in the egg. I wonder if that kind of stuff could still be done in an mmo from people still remembering the roots, and having enough brain to give it a modern skin. Would still be quiet a challenge in today atmosphere to even attempt it.

  • ste2000ste2000 Member EpicPosts: 6,194

    Originally posted by Gabby-air

    Todd Howard, the man behind those games has said he doesn't want to make an Elder scrolls MMO. 

    It doesn't have to have the Elders Scroll title as long it plays and it looks like Skyrim

    And obviously he has to do it.


    I am a big fan of his games, I played the first of the Elders Scroll (Arena) in 1994 and I fell in love with it.

    Since then I played every single game of the series, Skyrim being the best yet.


    It's been a couple of years I am compaigning for an Elders Scroll online because I believe that the underlining are perfect for an MMORPG.

    I hope Bethesda changes its mind, lots of people are waiting for this kind of MMORPG no one dares to make.

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