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Cheap Computers Makers

CessikCessik Member Posts: 79
What are some good, cheap computers other then the big name brands of Dell, Alienware, HP, Sony? I know there is are smaller companies that make some good computers. Post what information you have on other makers. Thanks.


  • ScarisScaris Member UncommonPosts: 5,332


    in example:

    I just grabbed the link for the first system I saw of their's. I didn't pick it because it was anything special.

    - Scaris

    "What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World

  • KiamdeKiamde Member CommonPosts: 5,820

    Emachines are very cheap in two ways. First, they are inexpensive for what you get. Second, they use used parts, so the computers are cheap in value.

    "Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"

    "When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman

  • JohnarkJohnark Member Posts: 901

    Go to any computer store and ask them about "their home brand models"

    Now there's what I call "cheap computers"!!!  500$ for a Pentium 4 2.6ghz!  Oh yeah, processor is fast enough, but look at what else it has inside.  Bulls*** integrated video card.  Intergrated Soundcard.  256MB of RAM.  2 PCI Slots, sometimes NO AGP for future video card ugprades.  Badly ventilated casings.

    Hey if all you do is chat on MSN, surf the web, download MP3s and type on Word, this is the perfect PC for you!  If you play games, do yourself the favor and AVOID these kinda PCs at all cost!  You'll be less frustrated a couple months from now when you'll wanna play games like Quake 4 and the genre.

    ___________ ___ __ _ _ _
    Stealth - Ambush - Hemorrhage - Sinister Strike x2 - Cold Blood - Eviscerate - Vanish - Preparation - Cold Blood - Ambush - ... you're dead! :P

  • Levithian_66Levithian_66 Member Posts: 143

    Lol my buddy got screwed by the "the home made model computers" which is literally home made about a year ago.... ~read on

    He called me up and said he got a computer really cheap, he wanted me to go over, and wipe his HD (because for some reason there was games which i think were doom 2, and Unreal Tournament, programs, favorites, and to boot many viruses on it as well) so I go over there, with my computer bag consisting of Windows XP, some basic software, an Anti-virus and spyware remover programs.

    I wipe the Hard Drive, install Windows on it for him, and the other basic software etc etc.. I finally asked him what did you get in here?

    He says I dunno, but it was only $450.00 here are his specs when i looked in his computer, and did some checking up on it...

    I think the specs are what follows, this may be a lil sketchy for it has been a year...

    64mb PC100 RAM

    P2 333mhz CPU And here comes the fun part, the CPU was soddered onto the motherboard, irreplaceable...

    Unknown motherboard

    With an Onboard video card with 2 PCI slots

    There was 1 shitty little fan, that didn't do its job very well, and the CPU kept overheating, and thats about it...

    I told him to take it back, and I'll build you a computer for $500 that will blow away that computer, because what he wanted to do was play games, and that isn't going to cut it for some of the games he wants... And then he couldnt return it some he kept it and now he plays doom, wolfenstein, and all thos fun games back then lol





  • apocadallapocadall Member Posts: 64

    I build all my own computers and all my friends computers, they pick the parts, or I help them pick them, and I put it together for them.

    I have alot less trouble with a comp I put together myself then one by a company like my brother does.

  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

    Dunno in US  but sure there is.

    In uk we have companies that charge £50($90) to assemble and ship the computer for you  and lets you pick and mix as you like not only the type of components but the brand name too.

    I know a few people that used ccl computers for this and were very pleased.

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