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magda15magda15 Member Posts: 22

So I played many games, but they had some things, that made me quit. I would like game like this :


- Not much PvP

- IM isnt making you 1000 better.

- fast killing mobs (like 2-3s for one)

- other types of quests like escort, repetables, for reputation

And would be good if will have auto pick up, will be kinda new but not empty, I want people to party with.

Edit : I liked Eden Eternal, but high lvl caves are unable to make so I quited. And at max lvl was nothing to do, one guild quest.



  • nickster29nickster29 Member Posts: 486

    I guess you could try Runes of Magic.  I made it to a pretty high level on both main and sub classes and never felt like I needed to spend money on the game (mind you, I did play the AH where I could get cash shop currency from other players).  Another similar one is Allods Online.


    Personally I would suggest trying out Vindictus or Dragon Nest if you haven't already.

  • magda15magda15 Member Posts: 22

    I tried RoM but I didnt like it, I ll try Allods.

    I would like action but Vindi and DN are too much action for me.

  • magda15magda15 Member Posts: 22

    Sry but I didnt mention, that I dont want more sugar-like games ( Eden Eternal, Grand Fantasia).

    And Allods have two nations, isnt that mean a lot of PvP?

    I saw many games on base on WoW, but AO is tottaly cloned.

  • LoveleLovele Member UncommonPosts: 55

    You may try talisman online. It has escort quests, reputation quests, you can kill more mobs at once (assasin, tamer, monk and wizard class have aoe skill).

  • magda15magda15 Member Posts: 22

    I played it over year, and its for sure breaking point : IM buyer = master. Dont mention about all hack, they have so many servers, that cant keep secure on them.

    But the worst part of TO were caves. Good team = all IM buyers. And killing boss like 30 minutes.

    And there are more bots then players, so no, ty for TO.

  • yuweeyuwee Member UncommonPosts: 16

    I'd recommend giving Vindictus a shot also. Not played it in a good while but I did get to level 44 before they increased the level cap. Its a great game especially for F2P.

  • KenFisherKenFisher Member UncommonPosts: 5,035

    Shaiya isn't a bad F2P.  Grindy, pvp optional, fairly many quests, dungeons and grouping are common.


    Easy mode = tutorial, caps at level 30.  Skip it.

    Normal mode is fast leveling.

    Hard mode is slow leveling but makes stronger characters.


    Cash shop is no big deal unless you pvp or want killer gear (pricey).   Runs great on almost any PC.

    Ken Fisher - Semi retired old fart Network Administrator, now working in Network Security.  I don't Forum PVP.  If you feel I've attacked you, it was probably by accident.  When I don't understand, I ask.  Such is not intended as criticism.
  • magda15magda15 Member Posts: 22

    K, 2nd person reccomend so Ill try it.

  • magda15magda15 Member Posts: 22

    But 2 fractions isnt mean PvP all time?

  • victorv1968victorv1968 Member Posts: 24

    How about giving Everquest 2 a try.  there are non-pvp servers. you get most content except for the last 2 expansion packs for free.  you have limits but you can level all the way to lvl 90 without spending a dime in game.  there are no Pay2win items in the cashshop.  it has plenty to do at end game. if you try it I would recommend getting the silver subscription for a one time fee of $5.00 (U.S.) this will give you 4 character slots and inventory bag slots along with being able to have more gold. 

    breaks down the different subscription catagories.

  • magda15magda15 Member Posts: 22

    I tried Shayia but I didnt like graphic, can u suggest newer games?

    I ll try now this EQ2.

  • kimahriskimahris Member Posts: 55

    Dragona seems nice if you check all the vids from korea/PH .


    Its starting global 14-18 is PRE OBT .. So its fresh. The graphic are amazing,fast pace combat. Im currently updating the client and logging in a few. Will make a review after i spend more then 10h on it.

  • magda15magda15 Member Posts: 22

    But in Dragona Forum they are writting in some non-eng lang. Is it really global?

  • magda15magda15 Member Posts: 22

    I didnt like it, any other suggestions?

  • BenediktBenedikt Member UncommonPosts: 1,406

    try some western f2p games - e.g. eq2 or lotro

  • magda15magda15 Member Posts: 22

    They are both pay to get more, I want fully f2p.

  • magda15magda15 Member Posts: 22

    I tried a lot of games but they had some issue [for me]. Can u suggest me game with decent hp/mp regen and class who can summon partner. [animal,skeleton or something].

  • MaggeliMaggeli Member Posts: 21

    Originally posted by magda15

    I tried a lot of games but they had some issue [for me]. Can u suggest me game with decent hp/mp regen and class who can summon partner. [animal,skeleton or something].

    diablo 2 lol

  • magda15magda15 Member Posts: 22

    D2 isnt F2P.

  • ScypherothScypheroth Member Posts: 264

    agree diablo 2 isnt free to play u have to actually buy the game first :p

  • magda15magda15 Member Posts: 22

    BTW Im waiting for D3 if I need to spend money, but D2 is great, its only MMORPG thats was worth to buy, but I made break so dont have more char, 3 months = delete.

    Othrer suggestions? With summoner plz, I hate to play alone, need servant :>

  • sacredfoolsacredfool Member UncommonPosts: 849

    As someone suggested, try Allods.

    Originally posted by nethaniah

    Seriously Farmville? Yeah I think it's great. In a World where half our population is dying of hunger the more fortunate half is spending their time harvesting food that doesn't exist.

  • MabuggMabugg Member Posts: 2
    I find EQ2's version of F2P unsatisfactory. The gold limits, char limits, heck even communicating is greatly restricted for F2P players that is seems only suitable for those who haven't played before and who want to try it out. It's a good game and the addition of beastmaster certainly adds to its appeal. But to have to buy the expansion to access that class and still face the heavy handed restrictions is asking too much.

    Is EQ2 the only F2P that requires players to buy expansions? Yes I know there is a lot available for free. There is simply not enough available for free to make it appealing as a long term way to play this engrossing game.

    I feel that silver membership is also too restricted. So gold membership seems the way to go. Perhaps I am missing something?
  • magda15magda15 Member Posts: 22

    But Allods has 2 fraction = PvP oriented. I prefer mmore PvE, do u know any good?

    And about EQ2, I downloaded and I wanted play Necromancer but he was p2p.  They just make base F2P, if u want more : pay..

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