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Seems like gameforge have their heads screwed on over this...
Apparently we will have the option to buy a 'gold' status, which basically gives you the same access as the sub does now, some kind of XP boost, and fast access to intances etc, right up to 55.
With a Gold package all of the features of the game are open to you without restriction (just like a Veteran). You also receive bonuses which make playing the game even more fun. The more experience points you have, the faster you can rise in the character levels. You have shorter waiting times for the instances and greater rewards. This saves you time. However, this does not disrupt the balance of the game. Although the Gold package provides certain bonuses, all players have the same chances in PvP.
Yes, you can rise to the maximum level even as a non-paying player. You have no restrictions with regard to game content such as quests, classes and areas which can be explored.
Also excellent news that they aren't taking the SOE route of forcing people to rebuy content they have already paid for in clients and subs.
Shaping up nicely
Looks pretty solid. There will obviously be items you can buy at the shop, but you can do that now so who cares.
actually there are no informations there about the cash shop so u cant realy say its not goin to be pay 2 win. im pretty much sure there will be items like 100% succes rate stones for mana- and enchentment stones. that would make it pay 2 win then.
While your prediction may be right, or may not be, quotes such as 'all players have the same chances in PvP' show to me (as of now) that Gameforge are aware and sensitive about the pay to win issue. They seem to get that it would be bad for the game and have introduced the 'gold' package system in order to avoid doing what you describe- they are selling, from what we know right now, PvE 'easers' and fluff rather then PvP power.
No offence, but I will base my thoughts on what they say as the publishers at this time rather then a forum users presumptions and guesses.
u can believe what u want. but everyone who played mmos long enough know that 90% of what publishers say are lies. and that there will be 100% succes rate stones in the cash shop is not an assumption. they are in the korean cs and they were in eu/na cs for few weeks and they will be in f2p versions cs for sure. result is that the game is goin pay 2 win like any other f2p game.
Actually, until we see Gameforge's CS it IS an assumption.
When you say; "there are no informations there about the cash shop so u cant realy say its not goin to be pay 2 win."... You equally can not say it WILL be pay to win.
You say I cannot know, because we haven't seen the CS, and then you go on to tell me how it will be, 'for sure', despite you not having seen the CS...
You are hung by your own assertion.
Like I say, right now I will be working off the publisher's statement, because I have been following MMOs long enough to know that 90% of what I read by random posters on internet forum are lies.
I have no more reason to trust your assumptions then I have their words, so far.
*edit: I have slightly changed the title of the thread in order to make it less of a statement*
Aion is and was a great game, but for some reason the class system didnt gel together like some older MMO's I have tried.
Regardless great game, and will defo be re-installing
From what I see, this looks great. I'd love to see this come to na. Looks like eu's gonna be the guinea pig :P
MMOs converting to F2P or B2P with no pay2win cash shop is a good and healthy trend. I hope other developers follow it.
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Yes, this is something that was gonna happen eventually but I thought it would happen a couple of years ago. Great news for all of us and if ALL game devs can balance between making money and access to everyone without a "Pay 2 Win" theme, then it truly is a great time to be a gamer
But isn't this in Europe only, not NA?
For the moment yes only EU bud
only european, and looks like for at least till february will not become a F2P, though right now if you want to play the aion F2P just go play the eu server let us in na without this hassle, also even though its not pay to win now, it will be most of the F2P server never start with p2w, it will come after 3-4 months, so they can milk even more from they player base when the rest of the still somewhere sane start to leave.
well in this point i have to agree. i cant say its for sure...but u dont need to be a fortune teller to know that the cs will almost the same like the korean one. and for the point to believe everything what a publisher says..well u will be very disappointed
those f2p games without pay 2 win shops earn their money by sellin their expansions..aion will bring expansions for free so the only money they can earn is from the cash maybe u can imagine what that means.
gonna try to transfer my account to na..i hope i can do that..otherwise there is no point to play aion longer then till february.
so you mean what GW did till now is not true? and since L2 and most of koreans MMo never asked for us buy expansion packs, because the sub we pay cover the dev costs and server running costs too.
its not because sony sold expansion plus sub and blizzard liked this idea to milk some even more money from they player base, this means its ok
Actually, you DO have to be a 'fortune teller', because the markets are extremely different and they have different publishers and we haven't seen the cah shop yet.
In my OP I use words like 'seems', and 'apparently'... these should be be telling you that I am not making any set in stone judgement on this or stating any facts. I am merely highlighting that Gameforge, by their words, apparently get it and don't seem to want to take the pay to win in PvP route.
Like I have before, you may be right, you may not, but right now the noises they are making are very encouraging.
Why would you do that? I am confused...
The current EU servers will be left intact, and as someone who has paid already into the game you will be a 'Gold' memner from the start...
All this can do for you is rejunvenate your game, and maybe save you some money.
I mean... if they launch an abomination of a CS then by all means bail to NA, but I don't see why you would do that just based on the fact that you will be getting more players on your server and don't have to pay.
did i say anywhere what gw did was not true? they sold expansions and earned money with it. never heared of pay 2 win items in their cs.
dont get what u try to tell me with the rest of your text.
I think it will be interesting to see if they are able to be successful without being Pay To Win. It may be at least some indication of what they are planning with GW2.
With a healthy playerbase again I see no reason whatsoever that they cannot make a great return on the Gold status, pets, house stuff (in the near future), mounts, PvE 'easers' (XP pots, bank/ bag expanders etc), emotes, and skins (even dyes).
I mean, I prefer a sub model myself and to play for what I earn, but folks seem to eat this 'buy a new hat' stuff up, especially from what I saw in the game last time I was in.
IMO going pay to win would be a disaster for them in the West, and I think they get that.
first of all i wont be a gold member but a veteran..different is that gold members will get higher rewards for sieges and also have a lesser cool down for instances.
and as i said u dont need to believe it. im playin mmos for so many years. i know how publishers work. and i know what they mean when they say "in pvp everyone will have the same chance". it means nothin else then everyone can have the same succes rate to upgrade his gear if they pay enough money on the cash shop.
so yes i will try to transfer to the na server..otherwise i will just take a break from mmos till gw2.
i,m kind of gettin my hopes up for the pve side,but i think i maybe dissapointed...problem is it is not goin to be a fresh start,what its goin to be is all uk guys that want to be on uk server with gameforge can have there accounts transferred..i have already asked for it to be transferred,unless i understand wrong my chars will be there..but i suppose with them being on pvp server atm they will stay there...not really quite sure how its goin to work yet..will have to wait and see i suppose.
All I saw was this...
"Can I transfer my characters to one of the new servers? No. It will not be possible to transfer to a new server to start with. However, you can begin a new adventure with another character there."
Have you seen different?