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So I've recently renewed my COH account, I had quit back in November if I recall correctly just when they had made the mission for re-spec. So my question is do we have any free re-specs or even being able to respec my power sets. I have a 24 blaster fire/energy and really hating energy as my secondary.
You probably missed out on all of the free respecs, but you can earn your 1st one at lvl24.

"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
Okay, Getsome, badnews: When you respec, you can't change your primary or secondary. You can rechoose powers within the primary and secondary and you can reslot your said powers.
good news. If you have an exisiting character, you may (and let me put an emphasis on may) have 1 free respec since you are coming back. I don't know if you had to have an active account or just an account when the free respec was given out.
Either way, your character can do the re-spec missions at 24, 34, 44
Each one is in the Terra Volta reactor. the 1st one is to defend the reactor from the Sky Raiders. 2nd is against (gah can't remember) and 3rd is against Freakshow
You get 1 respec after initial attempt and can repeat the mission but won't get another respec.
Total respecs you get are 3 normal plus 1 freebie
your arguement is so persuasive, so filled with knowledge and insight. You back up your argument very articulately, with suggestions of improvements and raising examples to glorify your position....oh wait, you didn't
You can't get rid of your power choice only the powers you selected in that choice. I have a lvl 46 blaster, AR and Ice. I wish I had chosen Energy. Especially as a secondary because it has such hard punches and allows for you to get into melee. I would imagine with fire it would really kick ass. Good luck hero.
Mistress Vegas
Mistress Vegas
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@Mistress Vegas
Correction, the second is against Freakshow and the third is against Rikti.
Thanks guys for the quick responses. I did have respecs on my account and my wife's account. I guess I can live with Energy as my secondary on my blaster.