Story: It's what the game does better than any other MMO. It is the game and it's what i want to play for. - 10
Combat: It's up there. Many people will say it's a case of the sdame old, same old style of picking a skill and rotating those skills, but isn't that what MMOs are really all about anyway? SWTOR does things a little different and there were some nice ideas on my Inquisitor concerning crowd control, and a variety of electrical attacks. There wasn't really one particular way that you would always chose. - 8
Graphics: It wasn't up there with the best of bunch for style and looks, but the characters were nice and the environments pretty to look at. I know how I felt when I first set foot in the jungles of Dromund Kaas, and that's why the score has to be up there. I had to mark it down for the fat model and character customisation though. - 8
Group and World Content: I very much enjoyed the flashpoint I did and the heroic content was not far behind, but it was a little easy. That took the score down, but the group conversations and the generally slower pace of things gave it a higher score. - 9
Companions: I really like the idea of companions and their part in the story that you follow, but I was held up by the ease of gameplay with them along and the fact that they kept talking. I also am very much looking forward to delving in to the companion missions and crafting, because I didn't get a chance to do that at the weekend. So the possibilities and the fact that hopefully the voices will be fixed for release gives a good score. - 8
So that's just about an 8.5 overall from me, and based on first impression I'd say that's about right. One thing that does worry me about the game is longevity and easiness. I'm not going to let that get to me though, because if I get 2 months out of SWTOR I'll be more than happy. My other worry, and something I don't think the polls covered, was the UI. It really is a poor UI for such a quality looking game, and with it I can't raise the score any higher.
Let me summarize the poll results so far (200+ votes when I write this):
Story: 69.3% voted "Great or better" (8+) and 30.7% voted "Good or worse" (7-)
Combat/Gameplay: 50.4% voted 8+ and 49.6% voted 7-
Graphics/Character Design: 34.1% voted 8+ and 65.9% voted 7-
Group Content/World Content: 54.2% voted 8+ and 45.8% voted 7-
Companions/Crew Skills: 64.8% voted 8+ and 35.2% voted 7-
As you can see from the numbers, there is a large amount of people, although not a majority, who think that SWTOR is currently not that great.
We can also see that SWTOR gets high points in Story in Companions/Crew skills categories. Which is what is expected. Far from perfect scores, but nonetheless good ones.
We also see that a majority didn't think the Graphics/Character design was that great.
Umm.... your review of the review is done is a very poor design. You're saying 7 and under is bad...LOL - You obviously don't like the game and are making your review reflect your personaly opinion... Do you work for Fox news by chance?
No, I am saying that "7 and under" is "not that great". Not saying that it is bad.
Let me summarize the poll results so far (200+ votes when I write this):
Story: 69.3% voted "Great or better" (8+) and 30.7% voted "Good or worse" (7-)
Combat/Gameplay: 50.4% voted 8+ and 49.6% voted 7-
Graphics/Character Design: 34.1% voted 8+ and 65.9% voted 7-
Group Content/World Content: 54.2% voted 8+ and 45.8% voted 7-
Companions/Crew Skills: 64.8% voted 8+ and 35.2% voted 7-
As you can see from the numbers, there is a large amount of people, although not a majority, who think that SWTOR is currently not that great.
We can also see that SWTOR gets high points in Story in Companions/Crew skills categories. Which is what is expected. Far from perfect scores, but nonetheless good ones.
We also see that a majority didn't think the Graphics/Character design was that great.
I lol'd at this!
Now try your results again by using an actual middle ground number such as 5 (do believe that is between 1-10) and you will find that your review is completely without basis! And just cause all areas aren't great don't mean much. Cause when I look at that and see the majority of the people are 6-7+ when going from a middle number. It tells alot more then your wanting to go up the grading curve higher then a middle ground. If all numbers were 4-6 then your statements about people not liking it, would have alot more merit!
I don't know about you, but when I decide to play a game, it stands between games that I think are worth 10, 9, 8 and sometimes 7. I don't think I've ever played that is worth a 6.
Also it depends on what metric is used. You could either choose to see 5 as an "average", or you can see 5 as "meh". Few reviews actually use 5 to denote "average".
Let me summarize the poll results so far (200+ votes when I write this):
Story: 69.3% voted "Great or better" (8+) and 30.7% voted "Good or worse" (7-)
Combat/Gameplay: 50.4% voted 8+ and 49.6% voted 7-
Graphics/Character Design: 34.1% voted 8+ and 65.9% voted 7-
Group Content/World Content: 54.2% voted 8+ and 45.8% voted 7-
Companions/Crew Skills: 64.8% voted 8+ and 35.2% voted 7-
As you can see from the numbers, there is a large amount of people, although not a majority, who think that SWTOR is currently not that great.
We can also see that SWTOR gets high points in Story in Companions/Crew skills categories. Which is what is expected. Far from perfect scores, but nonetheless good ones.
We also see that a majority didn't think the Graphics/Character design was that great.
Umm.... your review of the review is done is a very poor design. You're saying 7 and under is bad...LOL - You obviously don't like the game and are making your review reflect your personaly opinion... Do you work for Fox news by chance?
No, I am saying that "7 and under" is "not that great". Not saying that it is bad.
You said 7- is not that great but if 5 is the middle ground then that is what we call average. The majorities of all votes were 7+ so the majority of voters thing the game ABOVE average.
Anyway my votes turned out to mirror the community in every catagory.
Let me summarize the poll results so far (200+ votes when I write this):
Story: 69.3% voted "Great or better" (8+) and 30.7% voted "Good or worse" (7-)
Combat/Gameplay: 50.4% voted 8+ and 49.6% voted 7-
Graphics/Character Design: 34.1% voted 8+ and 65.9% voted 7-
Group Content/World Content: 54.2% voted 8+ and 45.8% voted 7-
Companions/Crew Skills: 64.8% voted 8+ and 35.2% voted 7-
As you can see from the numbers, there is a large amount of people, although not a majority, who think that SWTOR is currently not that great.
We can also see that SWTOR gets high points in Story in Companions/Crew skills categories. Which is what is expected. Far from perfect scores, but nonetheless good ones.
We also see that a majority didn't think the Graphics/Character design was that great.
I lol'd at this!
Now try your results again by using an actual middle ground number such as 5 (do believe that is between 1-10) and you will find that your review is completely without basis! And just cause all areas aren't great don't mean much. Cause when I look at that and see the majority of the people are 6-7+ when going from a middle number. It tells alot more then your wanting to go up the grading curve higher then a middle ground. If all numbers were 4-6 then your statements about people not liking it, would have alot more merit!
I don't know about you, but when I decide to play a game, it stands between games that I think are worth 10, 9, 8 and sometimes 7. I don't think I've ever played that is worth a 6.
Also it depends on what metric is used. You could either choose to see 5 as an "average", or you can see 5 as "meh". Few reviews actually use 5 to denote "average".
I doubt I would play a game at 6 or lower either. But, the fact of the matter is you are trying to make these ratings be alot worse then what they are! If 5 were average (which in a 1-10 scale it is) then this game is far better then average. And alot closer to perfect then what your trying to reflect.
Let me summarize the poll results so far (200+ votes when I write this):
Story: 69.3% voted "Great or better" (8+) and 30.7% voted "Good or worse" (7-)
Combat/Gameplay: 50.4% voted 8+ and 49.6% voted 7-
Graphics/Character Design: 34.1% voted 8+ and 65.9% voted 7-
Group Content/World Content: 54.2% voted 8+ and 45.8% voted 7-
Companions/Crew Skills: 64.8% voted 8+ and 35.2% voted 7-
As you can see from the numbers, there is a large amount of people, although not a majority, who think that SWTOR is currently not that great.
We can also see that SWTOR gets high points in Story in Companions/Crew skills categories. Which is what is expected. Far from perfect scores, but nonetheless good ones.
We also see that a majority didn't think the Graphics/Character design was that great.
Umm.... your review of the review is done is a very poor design. You're saying 7 and under is bad...LOL - You obviously don't like the game and are making your review reflect your personaly opinion... Do you work for Fox news by chance?
No, I am saying that "7 and under" is "not that great". Not saying that it is bad.
You said 7- is not that great but if 5 is the middle ground then that is what we call average. The majorities of all votes were 7+ so the majority of voters thing the game ABOVE average.
Anyway my votes turned out to mirror the community in every catagory.
Let me educate you about what average is: average is the common terminology for the "arithmetic mean" which is "the sum of all involved numbers divided with the total amount of involved numbers".
If we take a look at all the 2011 MMORPGS and rate their graphics individually with a poll similar to this one: do you really think that the average will be 5? I am strongly certain of that the average will land on 7 or higher.
I doubt I would play a game at 6 or lower either. But, the fact of the matter is you are trying to make these ratings be alot worse then what they are! If 5 were average (which in a 1-10 scale it is) then this game is far better then average. And alot closer to perfect then what your trying to reflect.
Actually, what he does is common practice in polls and market research. On a 1-10 scale, the only answers that count as positive are 8-10. 7 or lower is too little involvement.
Let me summarize the poll results so far (200+ votes when I write this):
Story: 69.3% voted "Great or better" (8+) and 30.7% voted "Good or worse" (7-)
Combat/Gameplay: 50.4% voted 8+ and 49.6% voted 7-
Graphics/Character Design: 34.1% voted 8+ and 65.9% voted 7-
Group Content/World Content: 54.2% voted 8+ and 45.8% voted 7-
Companions/Crew Skills: 64.8% voted 8+ and 35.2% voted 7-
As you can see from the numbers, there is a large amount of people, although not a majority, who think that SWTOR is currently not that great.
We can also see that SWTOR gets high points in Story in Companions/Crew skills categories. Which is what is expected. Far from perfect scores, but nonetheless good ones.
We also see that a majority didn't think the Graphics/Character design was that great.
Anything less than 7 means the game is bad? That's a bit harsh and shows bias towards making the game look bad.
A better way to do it would be to say 1-4 is bad, 5-7 is okay, and 8-10 is great. (I'm not included those who voted just to see results so figures won't add up to 100%)(These are results after about 240 votes (261 for story which is a bit ahead))
Story: 3.9% bad, 25.6% okay, 64.4% great
Combat/Gameplay: 9.1% bad, 39.3% okay, 47.5% great
Graphics: 17.2% bad, 45.4% okay, 33.2% great
Content: 10.2% bad, 34.4% okay, 47.7% great
Companions: 6.8% bad, 24.6% okay, 62.5%
Average out that across the 5 categories: 9.44% bad, 33.8% okay, 51.06% great
So shall we say that there's roughly a 55% to 45% majority that thinks the game is great rather than okay or bad?
Okay, I don't know how that is for quality of maths. I'm sure there'll be mathematicians out there tutting at me. Let's be honest though, and say the result is pretty much smack down the middle, as you'd expect on a forum where some will like the game and some won't. If anything there's more people voting the game good rather than bad.
Let me summarize the poll results so far (200+ votes when I write this):
Story: 69.3% voted "Great or better" (8+) and 30.7% voted "Good or worse" (7-)
Combat/Gameplay: 50.4% voted 8+ and 49.6% voted 7-
Graphics/Character Design: 34.1% voted 8+ and 65.9% voted 7-
Group Content/World Content: 54.2% voted 8+ and 45.8% voted 7-
Companions/Crew Skills: 64.8% voted 8+ and 35.2% voted 7-
As you can see from the numbers, there is a large amount of people, although not a majority, who think that SWTOR is currently not that great.
We can also see that SWTOR gets high points in Story in Companions/Crew skills categories. Which is what is expected. Far from perfect scores, but nonetheless good ones.
We also see that a majority didn't think the Graphics/Character design was that great.
Very biased interpretation. Indeed Fox-news worthy.
Try adding the 7's to the 8, 9 and 10 block, for example, and see what happens.
I think the poll results are doing a great job at speaking for themselves and don't really need people drawing a line in the sand anywhere.
Let me summarize the poll results so far (200+ votes when I write this):
Story: 69.3% voted "Great or better" (8+) and 30.7% voted "Good or worse" (7-)
Combat/Gameplay: 50.4% voted 8+ and 49.6% voted 7-
Graphics/Character Design: 34.1% voted 8+ and 65.9% voted 7-
Group Content/World Content: 54.2% voted 8+ and 45.8% voted 7-
Companions/Crew Skills: 64.8% voted 8+ and 35.2% voted 7-
As you can see from the numbers, there is a large amount of people, although not a majority, who think that SWTOR is currently not that great.
We can also see that SWTOR gets high points in Story in Companions/Crew skills categories. Which is what is expected. Far from perfect scores, but nonetheless good ones.
We also see that a majority didn't think the Graphics/Character design was that great.
Umm.... your review of the review is done is a very poor design. You're saying 7 and under is bad...LOL - You obviously don't like the game and are making your review reflect your personaly opinion... Do you work for Fox news by chance?
No, I am saying that "7 and under" is "not that great". Not saying that it is bad.
You said 7- is not that great but if 5 is the middle ground then that is what we call average. The majorities of all votes were 7+ so the majority of voters thing the game ABOVE average.
Anyway my votes turned out to mirror the community in every catagory.
Let me educate you about what average is: average is the common terminology for the "arithmetic mean" which is "the sum of all involved numbers divided with the total amount of involved numbers".
If we take a look at all the 2011 MMORPGS and rate their graphics individually with a poll similar to this one: do you really think that the average will be 5? I am strongly certain of that the average will land on 7 or higher.
The average or "artihmetic mean" of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 is 5.00.
Let me summarize the poll results so far (200+ votes when I write this):
Story: 69.3% voted "Great or better" (8+) and 30.7% voted "Good or worse" (7-)
Combat/Gameplay: 50.4% voted 8+ and 49.6% voted 7-
Graphics/Character Design: 34.1% voted 8+ and 65.9% voted 7-
Group Content/World Content: 54.2% voted 8+ and 45.8% voted 7-
Companions/Crew Skills: 64.8% voted 8+ and 35.2% voted 7-
As you can see from the numbers, there is a large amount of people, although not a majority, who think that SWTOR is currently not that great.
We can also see that SWTOR gets high points in Story in Companions/Crew skills categories. Which is what is expected. Far from perfect scores, but nonetheless good ones.
We also see that a majority didn't think the Graphics/Character design was that great.
Anything less than 7 means the game is bad? That's a bit harsh and shows bias towards making the game look bad.
A better way to do it would be to say 1-4 is bad, 5-7 is okay, and 8-10 is great. (I'm not included those who voted just to see results so figures won't add up to 100%)(These are results after about 240 votes (261 for story which is a bit ahead))
Story: 3.9% bad, 25.6% okay, 64.4% great
Combat/Gameplay: 9.1% bad, 39.3% okay, 47.5% great
Graphics: 17.2% bad, 45.4% okay, 33.2% great
Content: 10.2% bad, 34.4% okay, 47.7% great
Companions: 6.8% bad, 24.6% okay, 62.5%
Average out that across the 5 categories: 9.44% bad, 33.8% okay, 51.06% great
So shall we say that there's roughly a 55% to 45% majority that thinks the game is great rather than okay or bad?
Okay, I don't know how that is for quality of maths. I'm sure there'll be mathematicians out there tutting at me. Let's be honest though, and say the result is pretty much smack down the middle, as you'd expect on a forum where some will like the game and some won't. If anything there's more people voting the game good rather than bad.
Exactly! That is much more indicative to reflecting how this poll looks. I'm sorry infavilla, but you claiming anything at 7 or below as bad, is not good representation at all!
I wish you wouldnt have put companions and crew skills togeather. While I thought the crew skills where an interesting idea I HATE forcing companions on people. It turns every class into a pet class like it or not and I do not like pet classes. That was the only thing I put terrible on. The rest where good and up. I dont like themeparks but as a themepark they did things well.
Let me summarize the poll results so far (200+ votes when I write this):
Story: 69.3% voted "Great or better" (8+) and 30.7% voted "Good or worse" (7-)
Combat/Gameplay: 50.4% voted 8+ and 49.6% voted 7-
Graphics/Character Design: 34.1% voted 8+ and 65.9% voted 7-
Group Content/World Content: 54.2% voted 8+ and 45.8% voted 7-
Companions/Crew Skills: 64.8% voted 8+ and 35.2% voted 7-
As you can see from the numbers, there is a large amount of people, although not a majority, who think that SWTOR is currently not that great.
We can also see that SWTOR gets high points in Story in Companions/Crew skills categories. Which is what is expected. Far from perfect scores, but nonetheless good ones.
We also see that a majority didn't think the Graphics/Character design was that great.
Anything less than 7 means the game is bad? That's a bit harsh and shows bias towards making the game look bad.
A better way to do it would be to say 1-4 is bad, 5-7 is okay, and 8-10 is great. (I'm not included those who voted just to see results so figures won't add up to 100%)(These are results after about 240 votes (261 for story which is a bit ahead))
Story: 3.9% bad, 25.6% okay, 64.4% great
Combat/Gameplay: 9.1% bad, 39.3% okay, 47.5% great
Graphics: 17.2% bad, 45.4% okay, 33.2% great
Content: 10.2% bad, 34.4% okay, 47.7% great
Companions: 6.8% bad, 24.6% okay, 62.5%
Average out that across the 5 categories: 9.44% bad, 33.8% okay, 51.06% great
So shall we say that there's roughly a 55% to 45% majority that thinks the game is great rather than okay or bad?
Okay, I don't know how that is for quality of maths. I'm sure there'll be mathematicians out there tutting at me. Let's be honest though, and say the result is pretty much smack down the middle, as you'd expect on a forum where some will like the game and some won't. If anything there's more people voting the game good rather than bad.
Exactly! That is much more indicative to reflecting how this poll looks. I'm sorry infavilla, but you claiming anything at 7 or below as bad, is not good representation at all!
I would say anything under 5 is bad. Since 5 would be the average of the scale he is using.
Let me summarize the poll results so far (200+ votes when I write this):
Story: 69.3% voted "Great or better" (8+) and 30.7% voted "Good or worse" (7-)
Combat/Gameplay: 50.4% voted 8+ and 49.6% voted 7-
Graphics/Character Design: 34.1% voted 8+ and 65.9% voted 7-
Group Content/World Content: 54.2% voted 8+ and 45.8% voted 7-
Companions/Crew Skills: 64.8% voted 8+ and 35.2% voted 7-
As you can see from the numbers, there is a large amount of people, although not a majority, who think that SWTOR is currently not that great.
We can also see that SWTOR gets high points in Story in Companions/Crew skills categories. Which is what is expected. Far from perfect scores, but nonetheless good ones.
We also see that a majority didn't think the Graphics/Character design was that great.
Anything less than 7 means the game is bad? That's a bit harsh and shows bias towards making the game look bad.
A better way to do it would be to say 1-4 is bad, 5-7 is okay, and 8-10 is great. (I'm not included those who voted just to see results so figures won't add up to 100%)(These are results after about 240 votes (261 for story which is a bit ahead))
Story: 3.9% bad, 25.6% okay, 64.4% great
Combat/Gameplay: 9.1% bad, 39.3% okay, 47.5% great
Graphics: 17.2% bad, 45.4% okay, 33.2% great
Content: 10.2% bad, 34.4% okay, 47.7% great
Companions: 6.8% bad, 24.6% okay, 62.5%
Average out that across the 5 categories: 9.44% bad, 33.8% okay, 51.06% great
So shall we say that there's roughly a 55% to 45% majority that thinks the game is great rather than okay or bad?
Okay, I don't know how that is for quality of maths. I'm sure there'll be mathematicians out there tutting at me. Let's be honest though, and say the result is pretty much smack down the middle, as you'd expect on a forum where some will like the game and some won't. If anything there's more people voting the game good rather than bad.
I don't think "not that great" is equivalent with "bad", but maybe that expression has a very different tone in different parts of the world? My intention was to split the population in those that felt that the game was great or better (which probably means that they intend to buy it) and do not feel as strong about the game as it is now.
What I expect, since this is in AAA game, is that the grand majority will at least vote it for passable. I can very well play something that is passable for some time, but will I pay to play a such game and will I stay in such game if I just think it is passable? Most likely not.
As far as I understand, the critics of this game, have not said that this game is passable. They've just pointed out several flaws in which Bioware could have done better. It is perfectbly possible to be a critic and still find the overall game to be "okay", even "good" and rarely even "great", but "good" may simply not be enough to warrant a purchase, sucscription and an extension of subscription. They may require more to convince themselves to invest in a game.
As for your way to presenting the statistics of this poll, it has it merits as well and it is a different perspective. I do appriciate that you took your time and compiled the statistics according to your view.
Let me summarize the poll results so far (200+ votes when I write this):
Story: 69.3% voted "Great or better" (8+) and 30.7% voted "Good or worse" (7-)
Combat/Gameplay: 50.4% voted 8+ and 49.6% voted 7-
Graphics/Character Design: 34.1% voted 8+ and 65.9% voted 7-
Group Content/World Content: 54.2% voted 8+ and 45.8% voted 7-
Companions/Crew Skills: 64.8% voted 8+ and 35.2% voted 7-
As you can see from the numbers, there is a large amount of people, although not a majority, who think that SWTOR is currently not that great.
We can also see that SWTOR gets high points in Story in Companions/Crew skills categories. Which is what is expected. Far from perfect scores, but nonetheless good ones.
We also see that a majority didn't think the Graphics/Character design was that great.
Anything less than 7 means the game is bad? That's a bit harsh and shows bias towards making the game look bad.
A better way to do it would be to say 1-4 is bad, 5-7 is okay, and 8-10 is great. (I'm not included those who voted just to see results so figures won't add up to 100%)(These are results after about 240 votes (261 for story which is a bit ahead))
Story: 3.9% bad, 25.6% okay, 64.4% great
Combat/Gameplay: 9.1% bad, 39.3% okay, 47.5% great
Graphics: 17.2% bad, 45.4% okay, 33.2% great
Content: 10.2% bad, 34.4% okay, 47.7% great
Companions: 6.8% bad, 24.6% okay, 62.5%
Average out that across the 5 categories: 9.44% bad, 33.8% okay, 51.06% great
So shall we say that there's roughly a 55% to 45% majority that thinks the game is great rather than okay or bad?
Okay, I don't know how that is for quality of maths. I'm sure there'll be mathematicians out there tutting at me. Let's be honest though, and say the result is pretty much smack down the middle, as you'd expect on a forum where some will like the game and some won't. If anything there's more people voting the game good rather than bad.
Exactly! That is much more indicative to reflecting how this poll looks. I'm sorry infavilla, but you claiming anything at 7 or below as bad, is not good representation at all!
I would say anything under 5 is bad. Since 5 would be the average of the scale he is using.
Lol, well alright then. So that means everything over 5 is great. And when you run the numbers like that, the numbers blow up even higher! It don't matter really I guess everyone has there own views on how a 1-10 scale works. But, I can tell you that not being a MIT educated person here, that I do know that the "average" between 1-10 is 5!
Exactly! That is much more indicative to reflecting how this poll looks. I'm sorry infavilla, but you claiming anything at 7 or below as bad, is not good representation at all!
I agree that saying anything at 7 or below is bad is rather silly. However I dont blame Blackrayn for saying it. If you look at most "Professional" reviewers from game sites or G4TV thats how the judge everything now. If they are payed to like the game (and dont tell me they arent, you are lieing to yourself) they will stick a score of 8 on it and say "hey this game is awesome". If they are payed to like it and they ACTUALLY like it they give it a score of 9-10.
Verry few places give honest, non paid reviews of games anymore. Most of them have turned the 1-10 scale into a 7-10 scale. So most people who havent been gaming for YEARS and remember when scales actually ran 1-10 dont see a 6 as a possibly good thing. Thats why I really like Steams Meta score. Even a score in the low 70's means you are probably going to be picking up a fairly solid game. But if they where to put 6 or 7/10 next to it alot of people wouldnt even concider the game.
Exactly! That is much more indicative to reflecting how this poll looks. I'm sorry infavilla, but you claiming anything at 7 or below as bad, is not good representation at all!
I would say anything under 5 is bad. Since 5 would be the average of the scale he is using.
I think you folks are forgetting that most of the posters here went to US schools where anything under 80% is regarded as fairly bad, and anything under 70% is borderline failing.
The average or "artihmetic mean" of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 is 5.00.
However, that "average" is redundant. I was under the impression that we are talking about "average" MMORPG here? That's the only average that makes sense of refering to.
Lol, well alright then. So that means everything over 5 is great. And when you run the numbers like that, the numbers blow up even higher! It don't matter really I guess everyone has there own views on how a 1-10 scale works. But, I can tell you that not being a MIT educated person here, that I do know that the "average" between 1-10 is 5!
Now you are just making yourself look silly. Saying anything below 5 is bad is more realistic than saying anything below 7 is bad like you did. If 5 is average then anything under that WOULD be below average/bad. That doesnt mean anything over 5 is great nor did he claim anything over 5 is great. He just said anything under 5 is bad and last I checked anything below average was bad in most scale systems out there.
Lol, well alright then. So that means everything over 5 is great. And when you run the numbers like that, the numbers blow up even higher! It don't matter really I guess everyone has there own views on how a 1-10 scale works. But, I can tell you that not being a MIT educated person here, that I do know that the "average" between 1-10 is 5!
Yes, but that was not the average I was refering to. I was under the impression that people thought that the ideal average MMORPG is worth 5 in all categories; which I think is a wrong assumption.
So to reitirate:
if we only look at the numbers of 1-10 scale, then that average X of the numbers in that scale is 5.
if we look at the scores from all modern MMORPG in 1-10 scales, where does the average Y of those scores land? My guess is significantely above 5.
Two different averages, X and Y, where one is far more interesting than the other one.
Let me summarize the poll results so far (200+ votes when I write this):
Story: 69.3% voted "Great or better" (8+) and 30.7% voted "Good or worse" (7-)
Combat/Gameplay: 50.4% voted 8+ and 49.6% voted 7-
Graphics/Character Design: 34.1% voted 8+ and 65.9% voted 7-
Group Content/World Content: 54.2% voted 8+ and 45.8% voted 7-
Companions/Crew Skills: 64.8% voted 8+ and 35.2% voted 7-
As you can see from the numbers, there is a large amount of people, although not a majority, who think that SWTOR is currently not that great.
We can also see that SWTOR gets high points in Story in Companions/Crew skills categories. Which is what is expected. Far from perfect scores, but nonetheless good ones.
We also see that a majority didn't think the Graphics/Character design was that great.
Anything less than 7 means the game is bad? That's a bit harsh and shows bias towards making the game look bad.
A better way to do it would be to say 1-4 is bad, 5-7 is okay, and 8-10 is great. (I'm not included those who voted just to see results so figures won't add up to 100%)(These are results after about 240 votes (261 for story which is a bit ahead))
Story: 3.9% bad, 25.6% okay, 64.4% great
Combat/Gameplay: 9.1% bad, 39.3% okay, 47.5% great
Graphics: 17.2% bad, 45.4% okay, 33.2% great
Content: 10.2% bad, 34.4% okay, 47.7% great
Companions: 6.8% bad, 24.6% okay, 62.5%
Average out that across the 5 categories: 9.44% bad, 33.8% okay, 51.06% great
So shall we say that there's roughly a 55% to 45% majority that thinks the game is great rather than okay or bad?
Okay, I don't know how that is for quality of maths. I'm sure there'll be mathematicians out there tutting at me. Let's be honest though, and say the result is pretty much smack down the middle, as you'd expect on a forum where some will like the game and some won't. If anything there's more people voting the game good rather than bad.
I don't think "not that great" is equivalent with "bad", but maybe that expression has a very different tone in different parts of the world? My intention was to split the population in those that felt that the game was great or better (which probably means that they intend to buy it) and do not feel as strong about the game as it is now.
What I expect, since this is in AAA game, is that the grand majority will at least vote it for passable. I can very well play something that is passable for some time, but will I pay to play a such game and will I stay in such game if I just think it is passable? Most likely not.
As far as I understand, the critics of this game, have not said that this game is passable. They've just pointed out several flaws in which Bioware could have done better. It is perfectbly possible to be a critic and still find the overall game to be "okay", even "good" and rarely even "great", but "good" may simply not be enough to warrant a purchase, sucscription and an extension of subscription. They may require more to convince themselves to invest in a game.
As for your way to presenting the statistics of this poll, it has it merits as well and it is a different perspective. I do appriciate that you took your time and compiled the statistics according to your view.
You contradict yourself in so many ways! So then with that statement right there, you will be playing this game for a long time! Why? Cause the majority of these votes are at 7+ Not 5 or passable on this scale (but yet still the average of 1-10) and since you will not stay in a game that grand majority will vote it as passable, then you have nothing to worry about, cause the grand majority is voting it higher then just passable!
The average or "artihmetic mean" of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 is 5.00.
However, that "average" is redundant. I was under the impression that we are talking about "average" MMORPG here? That's the only average that makes sense of refering to.
You're just trying to muddy the waters now. If 0 is a vaporare MMO and 10 is the greatest MMO ever then 5 would obviously be Average on that scale. I don't see why this is so hard. The majority of voters scored TOR above average in all catagories.
Wow.. I voted about a 9 average, as I was very impressed in most areas. It looks like most of the community so far is right around there also.
I know graphics are subjective, but you honestly thought Combat was a 9? I don't see how anyone who has played something other than WoW could ever, ever think that (and I assume you've played many games, like most of us here). I think perhaps I expect too much out of my MMOs and my standards aren't realistic with the tepid mediocrity that is getting rehashed these days.
Can you help me understand why you rated Combat so high, please? I'm curious.
You contradict yourself in so many ways! So then with that statement right there, you will be playing this game for a long time! Why? Cause the majority of these votes are at 7+ Not 5 or passable on this scale (but yet still the average of 1-10) and since you will not stay in a game that grand majority will vote it as passable, then you have nothing to worry about, cause the grand majority is voting it higher then just passable!
I see that I was not clear enough in making a distinction between who thinks it is passable.
If I find the game, according to my opinion, to just be passable, I can consider playing it for some time, but probably not pay for it and keep on playing it after a few months.
If many people are giving it 7+ votes, then that is a sign for me to at least try it out unless another game has captured my attention.
Let me summarize the poll results so far (200+ votes when I write this):
Story: 69.3% voted "Great or better" (8+) and 30.7% voted "Good or worse" (7-)
Combat/Gameplay: 50.4% voted 8+ and 49.6% voted 7-
Graphics/Character Design: 34.1% voted 8+ and 65.9% voted 7-
Group Content/World Content: 54.2% voted 8+ and 45.8% voted 7-
Companions/Crew Skills: 64.8% voted 8+ and 35.2% voted 7-
As you can see from the numbers, there is a large amount of people, although not a majority, who think that SWTOR is currently not that great.
We can also see that SWTOR gets high points in Story in Companions/Crew skills categories. Which is what is expected. Far from perfect scores, but nonetheless good ones.
We also see that a majority didn't think the Graphics/Character design was that great.
What utter nonsense. I'm not particularily fond of this game, but this is such a poor post that I had to comment.
I tried to put together a snarky and biting reply, but this is such a horrible attempt to rip a game and so poorly constructed, that there's nothing that I could add, as even the even the most mentally-challenged individual could see this post for the time-wasting garbage that it is.
Regarding the graphics, I would hope that most people who follow MMOs would instantly recognize Bioware/EA's decision to put the graphics at a lower point in order to maximize the number of potential customers (some of which simply cannot invest in a high-end machine). Just smart business.
To the OP: Simply say the game doesn't appeal to you and be done with it.
Greetings and salutations Mr Weasel.
Here are the scores from Holifeet...
Story: It's what the game does better than any other MMO. It is the game and it's what i want to play for. - 10
Combat: It's up there. Many people will say it's a case of the sdame old, same old style of picking a skill and rotating those skills, but isn't that what MMOs are really all about anyway? SWTOR does things a little different and there were some nice ideas on my Inquisitor concerning crowd control, and a variety of electrical attacks. There wasn't really one particular way that you would always chose. - 8
Graphics: It wasn't up there with the best of bunch for style and looks, but the characters were nice and the environments pretty to look at. I know how I felt when I first set foot in the jungles of Dromund Kaas, and that's why the score has to be up there. I had to mark it down for the fat model and character customisation though. - 8
Group and World Content: I very much enjoyed the flashpoint I did and the heroic content was not far behind, but it was a little easy. That took the score down, but the group conversations and the generally slower pace of things gave it a higher score. - 9
Companions: I really like the idea of companions and their part in the story that you follow, but I was held up by the ease of gameplay with them along and the fact that they kept talking. I also am very much looking forward to delving in to the companion missions and crafting, because I didn't get a chance to do that at the weekend. So the possibilities and the fact that hopefully the voices will be fixed for release gives a good score. - 8
So that's just about an 8.5 overall from me, and based on first impression I'd say that's about right. One thing that does worry me about the game is longevity and easiness. I'm not going to let that get to me though, because if I get 2 months out of SWTOR I'll be more than happy. My other worry, and something I don't think the polls covered, was the UI. It really is a poor UI for such a quality looking game, and with it I can't raise the score any higher.
No, I am saying that "7 and under" is "not that great". Not saying that it is bad.
I don't know about you, but when I decide to play a game, it stands between games that I think are worth 10, 9, 8 and sometimes 7. I don't think I've ever played that is worth a 6.
Also it depends on what metric is used. You could either choose to see 5 as an "average", or you can see 5 as "meh". Few reviews actually use 5 to denote "average".
You said 7- is not that great but if 5 is the middle ground then that is what we call average. The majorities of all votes were 7+ so the majority of voters thing the game ABOVE average.
Anyway my votes turned out to mirror the community in every catagory.
I doubt I would play a game at 6 or lower either. But, the fact of the matter is you are trying to make these ratings be alot worse then what they are! If 5 were average (which in a 1-10 scale it is) then this game is far better then average. And alot closer to perfect then what your trying to reflect.
Let me educate you about what average is: average is the common terminology for the "arithmetic mean" which is "the sum of all involved numbers divided with the total amount of involved numbers".
If we take a look at all the 2011 MMORPGS and rate their graphics individually with a poll similar to this one: do you really think that the average will be 5? I am strongly certain of that the average will land on 7 or higher.
Actually, what he does is common practice in polls and market research. On a 1-10 scale, the only answers that count as positive are 8-10. 7 or lower is too little involvement.
Anything less than 7 means the game is bad? That's a bit harsh and shows bias towards making the game look bad.
A better way to do it would be to say 1-4 is bad, 5-7 is okay, and 8-10 is great. (I'm not included those who voted just to see results so figures won't add up to 100%)(These are results after about 240 votes (261 for story which is a bit ahead))
Story: 3.9% bad, 25.6% okay, 64.4% great
Combat/Gameplay: 9.1% bad, 39.3% okay, 47.5% great
Graphics: 17.2% bad, 45.4% okay, 33.2% great
Content: 10.2% bad, 34.4% okay, 47.7% great
Companions: 6.8% bad, 24.6% okay, 62.5%
Average out that across the 5 categories: 9.44% bad, 33.8% okay, 51.06% great
So shall we say that there's roughly a 55% to 45% majority that thinks the game is great rather than okay or bad?
Okay, I don't know how that is for quality of maths. I'm sure there'll be mathematicians out there tutting at me. Let's be honest though, and say the result is pretty much smack down the middle, as you'd expect on a forum where some will like the game and some won't. If anything there's more people voting the game good rather than bad.
Very biased interpretation. Indeed Fox-news worthy.
Try adding the 7's to the 8, 9 and 10 block, for example, and see what happens.
I think the poll results are doing a great job at speaking for themselves and don't really need people drawing a line in the sand anywhere.
My brand new bloggity blog.
The average or "artihmetic mean" of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 is 5.00.
Exactly! That is much more indicative to reflecting how this poll looks. I'm sorry infavilla, but you claiming anything at 7 or below as bad, is not good representation at all!
I wish you wouldnt have put companions and crew skills togeather. While I thought the crew skills where an interesting idea I HATE forcing companions on people. It turns every class into a pet class like it or not and I do not like pet classes. That was the only thing I put terrible on. The rest where good and up. I dont like themeparks but as a themepark they did things well.
I would say anything under 5 is bad. Since 5 would be the average of the scale he is using.
In Bioware we trust!
I don't think "not that great" is equivalent with "bad", but maybe that expression has a very different tone in different parts of the world? My intention was to split the population in those that felt that the game was great or better (which probably means that they intend to buy it) and do not feel as strong about the game as it is now.
What I expect, since this is in AAA game, is that the grand majority will at least vote it for passable. I can very well play something that is passable for some time, but will I pay to play a such game and will I stay in such game if I just think it is passable? Most likely not.
As far as I understand, the critics of this game, have not said that this game is passable. They've just pointed out several flaws in which Bioware could have done better. It is perfectbly possible to be a critic and still find the overall game to be "okay", even "good" and rarely even "great", but "good" may simply not be enough to warrant a purchase, sucscription and an extension of subscription. They may require more to convince themselves to invest in a game.
As for your way to presenting the statistics of this poll, it has it merits as well and it is a different perspective. I do appriciate that you took your time and compiled the statistics according to your view.
Lol, well alright then. So that means everything over 5 is great. And when you run the numbers like that, the numbers blow up even higher! It don't matter really I guess everyone has there own views on how a 1-10 scale works. But, I can tell you that not being a MIT educated person here, that I do know that the "average" between 1-10 is 5!
I agree that saying anything at 7 or below is bad is rather silly. However I dont blame Blackrayn for saying it. If you look at most "Professional" reviewers from game sites or G4TV thats how the judge everything now. If they are payed to like the game (and dont tell me they arent, you are lieing to yourself) they will stick a score of 8 on it and say "hey this game is awesome". If they are payed to like it and they ACTUALLY like it they give it a score of 9-10.
Verry few places give honest, non paid reviews of games anymore. Most of them have turned the 1-10 scale into a 7-10 scale. So most people who havent been gaming for YEARS and remember when scales actually ran 1-10 dont see a 6 as a possibly good thing. Thats why I really like Steams Meta score. Even a score in the low 70's means you are probably going to be picking up a fairly solid game. But if they where to put 6 or 7/10 next to it alot of people wouldnt even concider the game.
I think you folks are forgetting that most of the posters here went to US schools where anything under 80% is regarded as fairly bad, and anything under 70% is borderline failing.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
However, that "average" is redundant. I was under the impression that we are talking about "average" MMORPG here? That's the only average that makes sense of refering to.
Now you are just making yourself look silly. Saying anything below 5 is bad is more realistic than saying anything below 7 is bad like you did. If 5 is average then anything under that WOULD be below average/bad. That doesnt mean anything over 5 is great nor did he claim anything over 5 is great. He just said anything under 5 is bad and last I checked anything below average was bad in most scale systems out there.
Yes, but that was not the average I was refering to. I was under the impression that people thought that the ideal average MMORPG is worth 5 in all categories; which I think is a wrong assumption.
So to reitirate:
if we only look at the numbers of 1-10 scale, then that average X of the numbers in that scale is 5.
if we look at the scores from all modern MMORPG in 1-10 scales, where does the average Y of those scores land? My guess is significantely above 5.
Two different averages, X and Y, where one is far more interesting than the other one.
You contradict yourself in so many ways! So then with that statement right there, you will be playing this game for a long time! Why? Cause the majority of these votes are at 7+ Not 5 or passable on this scale (but yet still the average of 1-10) and since you will not stay in a game that grand majority will vote it as passable, then you have nothing to worry about, cause the grand majority is voting it higher then just passable!
You're just trying to muddy the waters now. If 0 is a vaporare MMO and 10 is the greatest MMO ever then 5 would obviously be Average on that scale. I don't see why this is so hard. The majority of voters scored TOR above average in all catagories.
I know graphics are subjective, but you honestly thought Combat was a 9? I don't see how anyone who has played something other than WoW could ever, ever think that (and I assume you've played many games, like most of us here). I think perhaps I expect too much out of my MMOs and my standards aren't realistic with the tepid mediocrity that is getting rehashed these days.
Can you help me understand why you rated Combat so high, please? I'm curious.
I see that I was not clear enough in making a distinction between who thinks it is passable.
If I find the game, according to my opinion, to just be passable, I can consider playing it for some time, but probably not pay for it and keep on playing it after a few months.
If many people are giving it 7+ votes, then that is a sign for me to at least try it out unless another game has captured my attention.
What utter nonsense. I'm not particularily fond of this game, but this is such a poor post that I had to comment.
I tried to put together a snarky and biting reply, but this is such a horrible attempt to rip a game and so poorly constructed, that there's nothing that I could add, as even the even the most mentally-challenged individual could see this post for the time-wasting garbage that it is.
Regarding the graphics, I would hope that most people who follow MMOs would instantly recognize Bioware/EA's decision to put the graphics at a lower point in order to maximize the number of potential customers (some of which simply cannot invest in a high-end machine). Just smart business.
To the OP: Simply say the game doesn't appeal to you and be done with it.