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SWTOR: Community Review!

maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

So, I have this idea... We have about a million reviews out there, everyone saying relatively the same thing, giving their own personal scores... I thought perhaps we should try something a little different.  A COMMUNITY review.  Below you will find polls with certain features, and scores pertaining to those features.  Select the score you feel is appropriate.  Comment on what you graded and why.  image


For those that haven't tested I've added a show results option.   I did not get to add Space Combat,  Sound, or  longevity to the polls, so you can speak a little about those features in your reply.

[Mod Edit - I've restored the polls, sorry for the mishap!]


Special Thanks to MikeB for keeping the dream alive! Thanks Mike!





Story: 9 - Excellent

Combat / Gameplay: 8 - Great

Graphics / Character Design: 7 - Good

Group Content / World Content: 9 - Excellent

Companions / Crew Skills: 9 - Excellent






  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198


  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198


  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Group content - Such as Flashpoints, RAIDS, and PvP

    World Content - Such as Heroic Quests,  Open World Quests and other Open World Activities

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Companions - Did you like having them? Were they a nice addition to combat, or a nuisance?

    Crewskills - Did you send your companion on missions?  Did you spend a significant amount of time doing, or learning, about crafting?

  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183

    You're welcome :P

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Community review is up.  Interested to see the results.

  • catlanacatlana Member Posts: 1,677

    This is an interesting idea weasel. I docked a couple of points from story because of the jedi ones. 

  • Wharg0ulWharg0ul Member Posts: 4,183

    interesting idea. Fun to see that so far teh poll results are closely mirroring my own opinions.


  • N1kthequickN1kthequick Member UncommonPosts: 24

    You should make a poll asking when people are gonna get the game - preordered and excited, preordered but thinking of canceling, waiting a couple months...etc

  • DexterMMODexterMMO Member Posts: 484

    Hey looky looky... so many hate threads but far more positive votes.

    Everything I say is my opinion or personal preference. You may or may not find it useful to your cause but regardless I am entitled to it.

  • DarkPonyDarkPony Member Posts: 5,566
  • EduardoASGEduardoASG Member Posts: 832

    nice idea indeed but some polls could be useful.. like pvp, space combat, crafting, etc.. just to mention some.

    Aion, AoC, AC, AO, DDO, Eve, Eq2, GW, MW3, L1&2, RF, RIFT, SWG, SWTOR, TR, UO, WOW, WAR
  • DexterMMODexterMMO Member Posts: 484

    Poll Bump

    Everything I say is my opinion or personal preference. You may or may not find it useful to your cause but regardless I am entitled to it.

  • VolkmarVolkmar Member UncommonPosts: 2,501

    Originally posted by catlana

    This is an interesting idea weasel. I docked a couple of points from story because of the jedi ones. 

    the jedi ones??


    They are Awesome!! Very Jedi-like :)


    I was quite fearful of them because Jedis are NOT bad-ass in a robe, but Bioware delivered.

    Ayway funnily, my votes were all but one the same as the majority :P

    Does that makes me "average"?? noooooo! :)

    "If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"

  • moosecatlolmoosecatlol Member RarePosts: 1,531

    Voted "Okay" since that's exactly how I feel about this game.

  • NikopolNikopol Member UncommonPosts: 626

    No surprises here: Bioware is being rated highly on their known strengths - story and companions - while the ratings for combat and customization - stuff they've never been exactly brilliant at - are not looking as bright.

    All in all, the votes as they stand are very similar to how the game's been received generally. All the polls I've seen have been pretty close.

  • ThemePorkThemePork Member Posts: 312

    I gave a 7+ to everything except companions. I already can't stand them and I refuse to ever use one again. Seeing everyone running around with their stupid cloned companion is a severe immersion breaker for me, and where the hell is the option to mute their useless ramblings???

    Also wtf is up with sending them on errands?? Click a button, wait 3 minutes, click another button...profit. That's one of the most uninspired features I've seen in an MMO in a long while...


  • darker70darker70 Member UncommonPosts: 804

    Very good idea OP,well i plumped for good so gave it a 7 mainly because i just got to the republic fleet with 10mins to go before end of test,but overall a good impression and technically sound beta helps, quite rare these days as well !!! So maybe seeing more features i may increase the score hopefully i'll get further in the next  Beta fingers crossed.image

  • EncimaEncima Member Posts: 14

    Originally posted by DexterMMO

    Hey looky looky... so many hate threads but far more positive votes.

    Yeah the ragers are more prone to be vocal while people who enjoy the game just sit back and laugh, thinking "Sweet, one less whiner to worry about in chat".

  • EliandalEliandal Member Posts: 796

      My lowest was a 7 for Customization, I really would like to see more, but it's not a game breaker for me.  Highest was Story with a 10 - having tried all the classes to at least 15 - they're all just engrossing to me.  Combat is a little odd (coming from a 6 year+ hunter in that other game - where for years raiding meant watching TV with autoshot on - JOKING!) and I hope they add even more animations.


      Overall I'm solidly in the '8' camp, a very good game for me.


      PS thanks fer putting this up!

  • bumuscheekusbumuscheekus Member Posts: 214

    Originally posted by DexterMMO

    Hey looky looky... so many hate threads but far more positive votes.

    Fascinating that, you'd almost imagine that people with negative opinions about games post things more often ;-)

  • 41eX41eX Member UncommonPosts: 99

    Originally posted by Encima

    Originally posted by DexterMMO

    Hey looky looky... so many hate threads but far more positive votes.

    Yeah the ragers are more prone to be vocal while people who enjoy the game just sit back and laugh, thinking "Sweet, one less whiner to worry about in chat".

    I like the game but:

    What you typed is bull**%. Have you counted the fanboy posts and wounded attacks?

    100 users poll is nothing in comparison to tens of milions of mmo players.

    Wow has 12 mil subscribers so it is the best and better than TOR?

    .. and last but not least: We are in the TOR forum. Try to do a similar poll in say GW2 forum.

    With all said I still think is solid game but pls STOP with advertising!

  • DarkPonyDarkPony Member Posts: 5,566

    129 voters in the first poll, all the way down to 109 in the last ...

    That's about 85% voter retention in this thread.



  • HerodesHerodes Member UncommonPosts: 1,494

    I have to admit, the scores are overly positive.

    One little thing though:

    Select the score you feel is appropriate. Comment on what you graded and why.
    So far there are around 150 votes and around 25 comments.
    I hope noone is hijacking this poll, or linking it to a different website.
  • TalthanysTalthanys Member Posts: 458

    I voted Passable on most things. The gameplay and combat are routine and stale, but they worked smoothly and without glitches.

    I voted 8 on Companions because I did enjoy them (well, the SI companion worked extremely well for me, at least) and thought they were a nice and interesting direction. I could also warm to their place in the Crafting.

    Grouping/Questing would normally have gotten a 5 from me (nothing great, but nothing bad), but I gave it a 7 due to the VO and how much I liked the ease of grouping for the Heroic areas.

    I did vote Bad on graphics/customization. This is 2011, not 2004. I expect something more than warmed over Clone Wars quality graphics.

    I have pre-ordered and I think this will keep me occupied for at least 3 months; more if the PvP proves to be truly entertaining.


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