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I enjoyed the Beta, it was immersive the quests were very good and I loved playing the Trooper but I won't be playing on launch as it will get boring for me very fast. I also will not pay £40 for a subscription based game when we all know it will be £5 in a few months.
Sadly for Bioware who have clearly put huge effort into this game I predict a mass exodus after 3 months. Once you have tried a few of the classes and played through the story there is very little sandbox to keep PvP players involved.
When I played WOW for 5 or 6 years it was not the story or the quests that kept me playing, it was the ability to create my own adventures with the amazing world PvP that the game offered. Yes I know it's dreadful now which is why I left during WOTLK but anyone who played vanilla and BC will know what I mean.
In SWTOR there is very little crossover between factions, you simply don't run into the enemy players, it's designed with PvE in mind, you can tell by the zone layouts and the lack of PvP contested questing areas. If my guild wanted to go attacking enemy towns and cities it would be very hard to do so as the game layout is all catering for PvE.
I found levelling up very safe and boring as far as PvP was concerned, I never got ganked once, never even saw a sith and I was talking to other people even higher level than me and they never saw one either, this was on a full server with a 40 minute queue.
All you have if you are a PvP player is the battlegrounds and they are horrible in any MMO tbh but in SWTOR they take on a whole new level of crap. Huttball? WTF? American Football? Are they taking the piss? Why would anyone outside of America want to play this shocking game, especially in a combat MMO.
If I were a PvE star wars fan from America I would buy it.... but I am a PvP star wars fan from England so am not
on pvp servers like 3-4 planets thats all about open world PvE servers the last planet of the story is almost completely about pvp objectives.
you're barely out of tutorial by lvl20 in this game.
Dont know if ya have priced video games in the last i dont know 10 years, thats the going price.
The following statement is false
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Except there are open PvP worlds. This has been documented and mentioned more than a few times, in a variety of venues.
Not true. Not true in the least. ALOT of games in the last 5ish yrs have been 50 bucks not 60, in paticular MMO's. Not since the 360 and ps3 came out has the average been $60.
Really? I'm even happier I'm not going to play this one now. While I found the stories in this past beta to be pretty fun and worth the box price when it takes a huge dive (like all MMO's do a few months after release) to think that on a PvE server playing a PvE story that the objectives would be PvP is pretty damn stupid lol. ALOT of people are going to be pissed off when they get to that point.
This... people hardly get out of tutorial area and start passing judgments about open and world pvp. Unless it is Darkfall or Mortal Online people know that the moment they are going to get out of character creation screen they gonna be ganked.
Yes I have priced game for the last 10 years, let me give you some release day prices as you seem totally out of touch.
Rift £29.99
Skyrim £29.99
Battlefield 3 £29.99
Assassins Creed £29.99
SWTOR £39.99 yes £39.99
I believe I have just pwnd you sir
As for the world pvp, well yes ofc I was on a World PvP server, am hardly going to roll on a PvE server and then complain about lack of world PvP now am I lol.
Personally don't I find Wows PvP much better, these games are both made for PvE with a little extra PvP at the side for flavor.
The thing is that most games focus on mastering one of these aspects, that is hard enough. Getting both good is close to impossible. So if you want a new game with good world PvP you probably have to wait a while. WoDO sounds interesting there, but it probably wont be out for a few more years.
The price is easier though, no one must buy a new game on the day they start selling it, wait 6 months and it will be lower as a general rule.
Let me rephrase...The last planet that the story takes you to has pvp objectives (though story quest areas are no-pvp)
Prices drop like a rock once the initial 3 months of release is over in the UK, I cant say much for rest of Europe or the USA. But even on new releases you generaly can find prices fluctuate from store to store by as much as £10, sometimes more if your lucky, main reason I never buy digital versions of a game as I know I can buy cheaper from a store, and I get a physical copy which is a bonus imo.
Personally, I'm not a sports fan, but I think you may have a poor grasp of what American football is and how it's played.
Huttball seems more like real 'football(soccer)' mixed with rugby. American football is broken up into small bursts of play between periods of 'planning', it's not a continuous momentous game as Huttball is.
That is true. Ever since I've started paying closer attention to the release of new games, I've seen that only the most "I-am-going-to-be-a-blockbuster" AAA games come out with a $60 price tag. I know Steam doesn't have all the games in the world, but I still believe it to be a nice sample of current trends. As an example, three big games that were recently released (Batman: Arkham City, Saints Row 3 and Serious Sam 3: BFE) were priced at not $60, but at $50 for two of them and $40 for the other.
Not saying that SWTOR isn't aiming to be a AAA blockbuster, but I find $60 up front for a game that also charges a subscription fee down the road to be a bit... excessive, maybe?
Ahem, leave Rugby out of this, Rugby is a real mans game nothing to do with soccer. Next time you will meet a Scrum down. :P
PvP in this game was done very bad, In my own opinion.
First your limited on places for your ability and customizing your layout. The GUI needs ALLOT of work for pvp.
Second: When I was in the arena, battles seemed very clunky, choppy, slow, and well. BAD. Control sucks.
Third: the arena itself this hut ball or what ever. I personally hate it! I know there are others, but others take more people. And no one will que because they don't like this hut ball.
You see in this game you can't select what arena you want there random, BIG fail. IMO
Also they need to take in consideration later on end game, people will start to make premade groups. People who join solo are not going to want to play Vs these groups. So there arena will die.
I feel they put to much time and money into the voiceover in this game. The graphics are good, so most people will be able to run this as well. but I don't see any end game here, unless you like to PvE and or farm. But for what? this PvP sucks, IMO
Another note: Sorry Lucas you picked a BAD developer here, look what they did to warhammer. such a shame.
PS: I'v been in the MMO gen since EQ days. You name it I'v played it. This one is not the worst, but by far the best.
"will not be pre-Ordering this one like all others" To much work needs done. Conan has better PvP =X
EDIT: Oh ya, Also the boost to players levels so they are all even is a BIG fail. people with higher levels have more abilitys. They need to think these things threw, honestly.
Must be a national thing.
Here the prices have been the same.
Rift 49,99euro (at release now its 18,99)
Skyrim 49,99 euro
Battlefield 3 49,99euro (did find a shop selling it for 44,99)
Assassins creed 49,99 (did find a shop selling it for 44,99)
SwToR 49,99
I live in europe currently and all the places i went to pre order the price i got was 50 euroes.
If you are that broke where you are cointing your pennies considering if you can spend 40 bucks on a game. Subscription based MMOs are not for you. That shouldn't even be a factor in an argument about MMOs, not to mention it's about 10 bucks cheaper than a newly released tripple A title
If you only played to level 10 you probably didnt see the open pvp worlds.
Think we have to accept that this is first and foremost aPvE game, its been said before countless times, you cannot produce a good hybrid to cater for both. Its either PvP or PvE. I'll be playing purely for the PvE, my PvP will be with Battlefield 3 and when it arrives GW2.
Poor argument and you didn't "pwn" anyone since you have no clue what SW.ToR will cost from the very same site you used to try and argument with. For all you know It could cost about the same as the others during "holiday specials"
Think before you post
LAWL those arnt the christams sales are they? this,and this,what about this. Pwned?what are you 13?
The following statement is false
The previous statement is true
To be fair, Bioware had nothing to do with Warhammer.