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Play Neverwinter Nights 1 similar to an MMORPG!



  • Harleking89Harleking89 Member Posts: 68


    I'm extremely tempted to try this. But I don't know. Should I get it? I love roleplaying, but I haven't actually done it in a long time. I've always been fascinated by the D&D system, specifically the DM part. The idea that there's a person designated specifically to make events happen for others - amazing.

    And no, I've never actually played in a "D&D adventure", or whatever you call it.

    $7.99 is peanuts, innit.

    All it takes is one bad day.

  • Viz79Viz79 Member Posts: 5

    I think it is important to realise that there will never be anything like Neverwinter NIghts again. Even Bioware has sold out with the likes of Dragon Age 2 and the time where developers would work on something like NWN is long gone.

    Neverwinter Nights was essntially 'the' Aurora Toolkit allowing the community to literally create any adverture they wanted and  boy did the community do that. Now there are thousands of single player modules, many of fantastic quality, as well as countless modules to dungeonmaster. And then there are of course persistant worlds - NWN itself manages to foster so many MMOs (basically like the MUDs of old but within the Aurora Engine). Which is amazing and likely to last a long time as there is no equivilent (the sequel certainly was a big letdown).

    The best part along with the toolkit is the Dungeonmaster client - allowing persistant worlds and DM modules to be dynamic as the dungeonmaster possesses npcs and allows players to think outside the box. It means a player roleplaying can choose whatever path he wants and a dungeonmaster can then change the game on the fly. Likewise they can change game encounters.. much like devs in a MMO, creating real world events whenever they want.

    I have had the most extraordinary time in Neverwinter Nights - as well as having the rolepay time of my life in dungeonmastered campaigns online (6 players and usually 2 DMs in regular games) but I have also designed and run my own game for over a year with 50+ sessions. Nothing is more amazing then having somebody 'live' your world and your story! The persistant worlds I played on were also very enjoyable (Haze and Krynnhaven). Whatever setting you want to play is probably around including even a Modern setting! Heck I even played one module in the Firelfy universe!

    Combine that with a very fun singleplayer out of the box (the NWN campaign is definitely enjoyable and the expansions improve on them), you can play alone, on small group games or in persistant worlds (NWN MMOs) of all genres and settings. Nothing like it, nothing will ever be and it is extraordinary. Don't miss out - especially as there are mods such as NWN CQ, Improved Henchmen AI and UI etc to make the game still look good enough, Neverwinter Nights Vault is the best pace to find all the community modules too.

  • OsedaxOsedax Member UncommonPosts: 16

    IMO ... NWN Best all time. 


    Loved it and would play it forever if there was a good server left.

  • Viz79Viz79 Member Posts: 5

    Originally posted by Osedax

    IMO ... NWN Best all time. 


    Loved it and would play it forever if there was a good server left.

    What do you mean? There are still loads of PWs and new ones popping up as well. Most of the best old ones are still running i.e. Avlis etc. Generally when a PW is successful, its members stick with it for years.

  • FalcanFalcan Member Posts: 36

    I started playing Neverwinter Nights in middleschool and kept playing it until I finished college, who knows, I might go back to it after reading this post.  Neverwinter Nights on its on was decent, but what made it so great was the people who played it.  Some added to the community by making servers and modules.  Others added by coming up with entertaining characters doing interesting things.  Then there was the dungeon masters crafting plots and (hopefully) taking the fun that palyers could have on their own and multiplying it by 10 because there is so much more you can do with DM powers to really make the game world come alive.


    Long live Neverwinter Nights! I think I'm going to go check out the most populated RP servers right now.

  • WSIMikeWSIMike Member Posts: 5,564

    Originally posted by sfly2000

    Originally posted by WSIMike

    Incidentally... Does anyone know how to fix the issue with NwN1 running very choppy/laggy?

    My understanding is it's an issue with multi-core processors. My hardware is certainly well capable of running it lol.

    I've tried the fixes for multi-core processors and they don't make a difference. Making it really unpleasant to play the game with it chopping/lagging up so badly.



    You tried everything in the link on my last post?

    Especially this part:


    If you have heavy lagg you should check the "Client CPU Affinity" setting in the nwnplayer.ini file. NWN doesn't support multiple processors. You have to set NWN's affinity so that it only runs on a single core. In the ini file set "Client CPU Affinity=1". If the line does not exist you can add it.

    Hey there...


    Adding that line to the ini file worked like a charm. Thank you! I can actually play the game now!


    Also, wanted to note a PW I've played on in the past and started a new character on.. It's called Heart of Winter. It's very PvP based, with an interesting sub-race system, the ability to custom craft weapons with specific bonuses, etc. I've been killed a few times on there so far, by this one guy who decided to follow me around without me realizing it lol.

    So... if you're into PvP, give it a look. I believe it's under the 'Action' category. I've never seen fewer than 10-20 online in total, and during busy times I've seen upwards of 40, which is respectable for a PW for a game as old as NwN.



    "If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road,
    and the cash shop selling asphalt..."
    - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops


  • Viz79Viz79 Member Posts: 5

    Originally posted by WSIMike

    Also, wanted to note a PW I've played on in the past and started a new character on.. It's called Heart of Winter. It's very PvP based, with an interesting sub-race system, the ability to custom craft weapons with specific bonuses, etc. I've been killed a few times on there so far, by this one guy who decided to follow me around without me realizing it lol.

    So... if you're into PvP, give it a look. I believe it's under the 'Action' category. I've never seen fewer than 10-20 online in total, and during busy times I've seen upwards of 40, which is respectable for a PW for a game as old as NwN.



    Is probablu best to compare player numbers to MUDs rather than MMOs because they feel more like a visual MUD than a MMO (thats a big compliment). And MUDs tend to have smaller numbers of more hardcore players anyway!

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,655

    Is there a European side to NWN1/2? Time zones can be an issue after all. But I would also guess that being on a US server would not be an issue for lag as its not going to be need as much bandwith as a newer MMO?

  • WSIMikeWSIMike Member Posts: 5,564

    Originally posted by Viz79

    Originally posted by WSIMike

    Also, wanted to note a PW I've played on in the past and started a new character on.. It's called Heart of Winter. It's very PvP based, with an interesting sub-race system, the ability to custom craft weapons with specific bonuses, etc. I've been killed a few times on there so far, by this one guy who decided to follow me around without me realizing it lol.

    So... if you're into PvP, give it a look. I believe it's under the 'Action' category. I've never seen fewer than 10-20 online in total, and during busy times I've seen upwards of 40, which is respectable for a PW for a game as old as NwN.



    Is probablu best to compare player numbers to MUDs rather than MMOs because they feel more like a visual MUD than a MMO (thats a big compliment). And MUDs tend to have smaller numbers of more hardcore players anyway!

    Oh, I was comparing it relative to other PW's. Even before MMOs hit the mainstream, it was extraordinary to see more than 60 people on a given PW. Some of them are still hitting those numbers to this day.

    I will say that NwN online play was basically my "gateway drug" into MMOs... I went from there to Asheron's Call 2, then tried Anarchy Online and Shadowbane. Eventually I landed in FFXI which is the first one that hooked me and I stuck with that game for about 7 years. I guess I'm one of those exceptions to the rule that "your first MMO is always your favorite". For me, it was my 3rd or 4th.


    "If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road,
    and the cash shop selling asphalt..."
    - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops


  • sfly2000sfly2000 Member Posts: 168

    Oh yes....some gameplay trailers. They don't use any of the new custom content, but are still informative.    



    And a trailer with a little bit more modern content:




  • sfly2000sfly2000 Member Posts: 168

    Sorry for the thread necro....but there seems to be a re-release for the game from Atari. Actually bundled with NWN2 (not that I know what you need that for....).


  • VesaviusVesavius Member RarePosts: 7,908

    Nice to see that it's getting some re-release love, it deserves it.

    I still love NWN's model of player created/ hosted co-op gaming. I wish more games had followed it's lead... in the long term it's much more attractive then the standard spoon fed MMORPG model to me.


  • Moaky07Moaky07 Member Posts: 2,096

    Originally posted by forcelima

    Too bad I lost my keys long ago. All i have are the disk. image

    The game is probably 20 bucks or less to rebuy.


    Also, if you registered your game online, BW had an option to save your game keys in your account. Although they went with new forums etc, I think you can still get back to the old stuff.

    Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.

  • SEANMCADSEANMCAD Member EpicPosts: 16,775

    NWN inspired me to learn programming which is what I have been doing proffesionally now for about 6 years. (career change). I dont take time to play video games anymore because but yeah NWN is great and some of the mods people have made are as good or better than some MMOs.

    Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.

    Please do not respond to me

  • MaggeliMaggeli Member Posts: 21

    i got cd key that i dont use anyone wanna have it?:P

    all 3 of them^^

  • GravargGravarg Member UncommonPosts: 3,424

    I actually never got into bioware's NWN, but I loved the original AOL NWN to death.  I spent more money on playtime for that game than I have paid for any other game since lol.

  • sfly2000sfly2000 Member Posts: 168

    Doing some thread necromancy here but it might be worth it. has a holiday sale and NWN1 is down to 4,99 $...not bad...

    Their site seems to be walking on its knees as of writing this though....

    If you're tired of WoW and its clones this is a great game and beyond the initial payment this is the definition of a Free2Play MMORPG...

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