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Neverwinter: Update Interview with Andy Velasquez



  • VirusDancerVirusDancer Member UncommonPosts: 3,649

    Originally posted by Igorcht

    Another turd in the Cryptic toilet. Seems like all their people with even the slightest shred of talent stayed with NCSoft when Cryptic sold City of Heroes to them. Champions Online is awful, STO is awful, and I have every bit of confidence that this, too, will be awful.

    Before PWE bought them, Neverwinter looked like it could have offered redemption for Cryptic though.

    I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?

    Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%

  • ValentinaValentina Member RarePosts: 2,111

    I will never consider a lobby game a MMO, sorry PWI.

  • jaffrojonesjaffrojones Member Posts: 42

    I won't hold my breath, but please please please let this be good.

  • LordOfPitLordOfPit Member UncommonPosts: 86

    Don't bite more than you can chew, Cryptic...


  • BeanpuieBeanpuie Member UncommonPosts: 812

    They can call it  Little Miss CupCake Power Show  for all i care.  it wont amount to squat if  user-generated content features arent in the game as previously mentioned.

  • OrthelianOrthelian Member UncommonPosts: 1,034

    I had been so excited to finally have a multiplayer RPG that wasn't an MMO after all this time, so needless to say, I wish they would have ‘taken their time’ making a better CORPG rather than using that time to go MMO, but all right, fine. Be that way, Cryptic. See if I care.

    Favorites: EQEVE | Playing: None. Mostly VR and strategy | Anticipating: CUPantheon
  • VirusDancerVirusDancer Member UncommonPosts: 3,649

    Originally posted by Saerain

    I had been so excited to finally have a multiplayer RPG that wasn't an MMO after all this time, so needless to say, I wish they would have ‘taken their time’ making a better CORPG rather than using that time to go MMO, but all right, fine. Be that way, Cryptic. See if I care.

    Yeah, when I first learned about the game - was following it - it was the game I was looking forward to the most.  Then the PWE thing, the changes, and to say it is one of the most frustrating/disappointing experiences I've had in gaming - for a game that I got really psyched about only to...meh, bah, whatever...

    I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?

    Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%

  • ZaqirZaqir Member UncommonPosts: 55

    The problem with Cryptic is they have half baked ideas that are never fully realize or fully mesh with a model.


    All their games have a nice polish but little vision or finish to them. A nice character creator a linear somewhat entertaining grind to the top and then a steep drop to the doldrums of nothing. They literally have no plan for what to do in terms of alternative or end game content.


    NOTHING, they are hoping for user generated content and while that is interesting we have to look at it from the standpoint of "So what" , basically lets reduce it to the Neverwinter game on Facebook, you can make dungeons but so what, its more of the same. Collecting "Achievements" mean nothing if they don't mean anything. DCUO tried that and gave some incentive in terms of costume styles and skill points but thats it.


    Lets us do more, build bases, craft, raise crops, breed animals and do stuff with them, make stuff unique and rare, so some folks get lucky and some folks spend the time cause they WANT to be lucky instead of hand feeding everything.


    If I am a rare Lotus of the Pearl farmer (totally made up) then make me feel special for doing it and apart of the economy.

    A hardcore MMO is not one that caters to those who are "leet" but rather one that caters to those who want to feel unique by accomplishing something via effort and time invested, it comes down to grinding bosses these days and that simply is not enough and a lesson Cryptic has yet to learn.

  • AkaisAkais Member UncommonPosts: 274

    Originally posted by vesavius

    The shift is from CO-OP play, so it has always had a focus on multiplayer. They are obviously taking the time to expand on that. I am willing to wait and see how well that goes before judging them.

    I have no built in loyalty to Cryptic (or their bosses) but this need to pounce and post 100% negatively on everything they say all the time just gets old.

    The truth is there are certain thing that Cryptic do extremely well and they have a decent engine to work with. If they can get away with their conveyer belt production mentality they have the chance to deliver a good game. We shall see.


    I completely agree.

    The "conveyor belt production mentality" has been rife with them since CO and it tends to make their games rather soulless and predictable.

    NWN was, at it's core, a game designed to deal suprises at every turn.

    It will be interesting to see how Cryptic translates this into their game.


  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,653

    The way people talk about MMO companies amazes me, wake up for heavens sake.

    Cryptic launched CoH in 2004 it was a great MMO and they made it nearly seven years ago. Since then their releases have not been met with such acclaim. But players talk as if the company of seven years ago is the company today. They do this with all games companies Sony etc are the same company as they were when they were founded. This is obviously nonsense as staff leave and are replaced. ‘Sony’ started in 1993 it is not the same company eighteen years later.

    The computer industry is renowned for its takeovers and being sold off. Cryptic has been sold once I think, that means blood all over the floor. How many of their staff survived that? EA is well known for taking other software companies and cutting them up in pieces and yet they keep the name like Bioware. And players talk about Bioware as if it is still a separate entity.

    So we cannot go on past performance good or bad unless you are talking about a new release and comparing it to one they made last year. Beyond that companies change so much nothing can be assumed.companies Sony etc are the same

  • SupersoupsSupersoups Member Posts: 1,004

    That screenshot looks amazing. I will definitely give it a try whenever it is coming out.


  • AG-VukAG-Vuk Member UncommonPosts: 823

    Cryptic is like an ADHD individual. They say and start all kinds of things , but finish pretty well nothing .  They build games on an out dated engine and make poor gameplay decisions. If you doubt this play CoX --> CO ---> STO .  You'll notice really no difference in game design , with all the same problems. To make matters worse , PWI now owns them .  This game should never see the light of day and Cryptic should be closed . PWI got what it wanted , a new game engine, they got suckered, imo. Good job Atari.

  • Gel214thGel214th Member UncommonPosts: 188

    Sad..very sad tha tthis was not released in the CORPG format. I would have played it, probably enjoyed it.

    I don't see why it needs to be an "Action" game. What the heck is an Action game as it relates to an online RPG?  

    Do we have any "Action" Online RPGs to compare it to? DDO? Champions Online?  What? 

    The game with the Foundry etc. was always ripe for a cash shop. I can see dungeon creators needing to purchase Props and set pieces, and Themes to include in their creations. And I don't really have a problem with that.

    But I still don't know what these sweeping changes that their new owners required were, and they aren't saying. 



  • zimboy69zimboy69 Member UncommonPosts: 395

    the moment it says developer cryptic  get your anti -cryptic shield up deflect the hype and wait a month before purchase


    it could be the best mmo ever in the world but when made by cryptic its a wait and see


    if you wait a month after release and then   check  reviews on youtube and websites

    you cant get scammed


  • ArglebargleArglebargle Member EpicPosts: 3,492

    Poor Andy, forced to give cheery, enthusiastic interviews about all the new wonderful shineys!   This after the new bosses deep sixed the nearly finished game and forced them to redo it into PWE's preferred FotM build. 


    No telling if  this will be any good; it is Cryptic, and they are being forced to re-work the game basics at the last minute.   At least I won't have to pay to find out....

    If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.

  • itgrowlsitgrowls Member Posts: 2,951

    I am hoping that with PWI's guidance they will make this a great title (as someone who likes what they are doing with STO at the moment for their new Freemium model)  I would love to know what features they will be putting into the game. If they put the standard world of warcraft vanilla features then i don't think i will remain interested in this product but if they actually put dungeons with puzzles, solo as well as group content, and an enhanced ui experience like guild perks, guild halls/housing, cosmetics, etc then i think it will turn out to be a good game time will tell.

  • hikariukhikariuk Member Posts: 34

    I shall try it when it eventually comes out, but honestly I'm not holding out much in the way of hope.  Nothing good seems to have come out of Cryptic since CoH and now they're owned by PWE - who are essentially an MMO factory - I can't see it getting much better.

  • fustermanfusterman Member Posts: 5

    Originally posted by precious328

    So was this created as a single player game at first? Are they just now trying to add in a multiplayer element to receive the MMORPG title?


    I don't think this will do well at all.


    I concur, but I think it will be bad because its being developed by Cryptic. They have a good track record now of making terrible mmos out of really good content.

  • JessXIIIJessXIII Member Posts: 22

    making it a mmo means that the co-op fun of taking down big monsters and feeling bad-ass as now falling to gang mentality probably, of ganging up on a monster with a bunch of people like you typically see in a mmo, being spammed with particles and everyone only getting a few hits in and it not feeling satisfying at all.  It's really disappointing if that's where this goes.  In mmos in general I really hate that kind of gameplay. It really feels like I was cheated of a battle because i needed help to fight a monster. Duo is awesome but more than that is disgustingly boring, unheroic. 

  • aspekxaspekx Member UncommonPosts: 2,167

    well, i will stick my neck out and say that at least someone found a use for 4E D&D.

    "There are at least two kinds of games.
    One could be called finite, the other infinite.
    A finite game is played for the purpose of winning,
    an infinite game for the purpose of continuing play."
    Finite and Infinite Games, James Carse

  • NightAngellNightAngell Member Posts: 566

    I am willing to give them another chance,plus i can actually play it first to see if it's worth actually paying a sub for.

    win win situation for us me thinks.

  • KyllsynKyllsyn Member UncommonPosts: 110

    Really hope PWI doesn't fuck up such a good game line. 

    all derp'd out and nowhere to herpaderp.
  • ToothmanToothman Member UncommonPosts: 76
    Fortunately I've never played any of the games from either company so I can be blissfully ignorant and hope that Neverwinter will be a really fun game!
  • Ashen_XAshen_X Member Posts: 363

    Originally posted by fusterman

    Originally posted by precious328

    So was this created as a single player game at first? Are they just now trying to add in a multiplayer element to receive the MMORPG title?


    I don't think this will do well at all.


    I concur, but I think it will be bad because its being developed by Cryptic. They have a good track record now of making terrible mmos out of really good content.


    Agreed. Both of their last two titles presented the intellectual properties upon which they were based in a very poor light. I will not be surprised to see a lot of really upset fans of past Neverwinter games after this version goes live.

    When all has been said and done, more will have been said than done.

  • Ashen_XAshen_X Member Posts: 363

    Originally posted by Zaqir

    The problem with Cryptic is they have half baked ideas that are never fully realize or fully mesh with a model.


    All their games have a nice polish but little vision or finish to them. 

    Afraid that I have to disagree with this. Champions Online plays like a game in beta nearly three years after release. 

    When all has been said and done, more will have been said than done.

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