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General: Skyrim - The Briefest of Reviews



  • tom_goretom_gore Member UncommonPosts: 2,001

    The biggest loser today is Battlefield 3. Not because it's bad. On the contrary, it's friggin' good.

    But it doesn't even come close to Skyrim.

    Sorry Battlefield 3, you'll just have to wait until I finishi Skyr.... oooh what's that? A new mod? I GOTTA start over with this one.

  • tom_goretom_gore Member UncommonPosts: 2,001

    Originally posted by Complication

    you know the blacksmith probably went to put something in it and was like OH SHIT!? JACKPOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then threw in a few apples so you could have a snack while you kick yourself

    Almost pissed my pants laughing here. And I'm at work god damn it!


  • yorkforceyorkforce Member UncommonPosts: 160

    I have to say I'm pleased Skyrim is getting so much praise, it really deserves it. I played Morrowind, was ok but never finished it, Oblivion was better but again i lost interest after a while, Fallout was excellent, played it to the end, fall out new vegas was ok but again lost interest half way through, Skyrim on the otherhand has not become tedious or repetative, I keep trying to stick to a specific quest but it takes me hours upon hours to actually get to the destinations because of the hundreds of caves,huts,houses,forts, sunken ships, mines, towns etc etc. So much to do so little time!

  • ZairuZairu Member Posts: 469

    Originally posted by yorkforce

    I have to say I'm pleased Skyrim is getting so much praise, it really deserves it. I played Morrowind, was ok but never finished it, Oblivion was better but again i lost interest after a while, Fallout was excellent, played it to the end, fall out new vegas was ok but again lost interest half way through, Skyrim on the otherhand has not become tedious or repetative, I keep trying to stick to a specific quest but it takes me hours upon hours to actually get to the destinations because of the hundreds of caves,huts,houses,forts, sunken ships, mines, towns etc etc. So much to do so little time!


     no reason to ever mention New Vegas. Bethesda did not develop it. Obsidian is the company to blame for that travesty.



    these are not the same thing.

  • ZairuZairu Member Posts: 469

    Originally posted by Luxumaru

    I play Skyrim on my PC and I have zero issues navigating the UI. I find to be an improvement over Oblivion's since I always wished I could use my keyboard to mange inventory, skills, etc. I also have yet to see any of these terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-bugs people complain about.

     i agree that using keyboard for UI is a huge improvement. it makes up for how sketchy the mouse is in the interface, imo.

    sadly, for the bugs, i found a couple when my wife started playing it.

    the first dungeon in the main quest, with the theif in the spiderwebs. when she tried to go throguh the door to the room with the theif and huge spider, it would not let her pass. i had to open console for her and type 'TCL' to remove collision, so she could get through. then the theif had no spiderwebs around him. he was just floating in the air. i felt bad, because i wanted my wife to have a great experience. luckily, it all worked out, and the bug had little effect on how much she is enjoying herself.

    the only bug i have seen in my own game? a couple trees floating a few feet off the ground. i've crashed only 3 times. thats about it.

  • ZairuZairu Member Posts: 469

    Originally posted by DKKOberon

    title is 'briefest of reviews', author states reviews ain't his thing, comedy is.....and still they can't just read what is written but see what they want to criticize for that superior feeling they get....oh orgasmic......

    critics get a life and just enjoy the article.


     just because Coyote says his articles are about 'humor' does not all of the sudden make him funny. i laugh at posters ALL the time on this site, when they make funny comments.

    this guy is nearly incapable of making me laugh. he just isn't funny. his poor attempts at humor can not be blamed on the reader....

  • ZairuZairu Member Posts: 469

    Originally posted by marinrider

    Originally posted by eric1000

    Graphics & Gameplay:

    Designed for the consoles and Bethesda made no real attempt to utilise what modern PC's are capable of; hence some of the first mods available are graphics upgrades so your first point should have been 'could have done better'.


    Interface is again designed for consoles making it cumbersome on the PC and needing to stop the game and enter a menu just to change which spell you want to cast should have been left behind long ago; someone should tell Bethesda that the PC CAN actually use hotkeys. 



    Are you serious about this being the most advanved AI created?  An AI that is incapable of stepping up onto anything more than a few inches high or hopping across a two foot gap?  OMG the master just hopped over a two foot gap; I know, I'll take the three mile roundabout route and run into just about everything dangerous that happens to be on the way.  I have stopped using the companions because frankly they are dumber than your average rock.  The companion AI in Mass Efeect or Dragon Age is a hundred times better than Skyrim.



    Oh yeah! you mean those flying newts that conveniently show up everytime you need a dragon soul.  Those lizards that in one fell swoop manage to completely destroy the perception that Dragons are actually mean and dangerous mother F****ers that should have you crapping your collective pants?  I stood there and watched one dragon get it's ass kicked by an ice troll ffs.  Even the big bad dragon Alduin aint all that big or bad to be honest; unless of course you hit one of the major bugs in the game that prevents him from taking damage, good job on that one Bethesda.


    Skyrim is a decent game that treated the PC conversion as an afterthought.  There are plot holes, bugs & errors aplenty which if Bethesdas track record is anything to go by will be fixed by the modders before the devs ever get around to it.


    I love your satirical stuff mate but honestly, leave the reviews to the reviewers; at least we know that they get paid to give glowing reviews.

    Oblivion - PC had hotkeys, not sure why Skyrim doesnt.  Kind of bugs me too.  Not much of the rest bothers me too much though.  The Companion AI is horrid, but they are good at carrying stuff, so not a big deal.  And while Bethesda didnt put much work into making it advanced, the game still looks great to me on Ultra, but I will certainly get the graphics mods when they are finished.  But after Update 1 the UI is a little better.  But I used the keyboard version for so long that I'm used to it.



    Skyrim has the same 1-8 hotkeys that Oblivion had.

    open favorites menu, hit 1-8 over what you want hotkeyed.  that item/spell is now hotkeyed to whatever number you hit, as long as it is 1-8.

  • WSIMikeWSIMike Member Posts: 5,564

    First, great umm... "review" lol.

    Seriously, it was a fun read and has your usual humor in it, which is always fun. Women's breasts really do make compelling arguments in this game. I've noticed that too.

    Just to comment on a couple things I noticed...

    First, I actually laughed when I read SBFord's statement,' "...Skyrim, the most MMO-like non-MMO on the planet." I'm not laughing at her, mind you, but because my immediate thought when reading that remark was "Skyrim has more MMO qualities and is more MMO-like than most actual MMOs anymore." Seriously, if MMO devs took a long hard look at Skyrim, and decided to borrow some of the things it does so well - such as making you feel fully immersed in a virtual world - not merely like you're controlling a character in a game" - the overall quality of MMOs would be brought up several notches. Further, they'd start to more closely resemble the way MMOs used to be.

    Further, I see a lot of complaints about the UI and, while it's certainly not perfect and I find myself fighting with it from time to time, I'm playing the game with a mouse and keyboard on the PC and am personally having no trouble with it at all.  I guess it's one of those "mileage may vary" deals.


    "If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road,
    and the cash shop selling asphalt..."
    - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops


  • gaeanprayergaeanprayer Member UncommonPosts: 2,341

    Lydia was a pain in the ass.


    Until I found Boethia's Shrine....


    ...she has served her purpose. *evil*

    "Forums aren't for intelligent discussion; they're for blow-hards with unwavering opinions."

  • GolelornGolelorn Member RarePosts: 1,395

    Coyote, you're the best. Awesome review. I was on the fence about buying, but you not so subetly pushed me over.

  • ammoniteammonite Member Posts: 113

    You can't be playing a console version if your saying, 'But even the small glitches seem trivial when you......'.

    The PS3 version runs to about level 32, the save file grows to a performance crippling 14Mb and the game grinds to a halt.

    The work around is to restart the game on every transistion, LOL. I'd rather get a refund.




  • Cyberdeck7Cyberdeck7 Member UncommonPosts: 239

    Originally posted by WSIMike

    First, great umm... "review" lol.

    Seriously, it was a fun read and has your usual humor in it, which is always fun. Women's breasts really do make compelling arguments in this game. I've noticed that too.

    Just to comment on a couple things I noticed...

    First, I actually laughed when I read SBFord's statement,' "...Skyrim, the most MMO-like non-MMO on the planet." I'm not laughing at her, mind you, but because my immediate thought when reading that remark was "Skyrim has more MMO qualities and is more MMO-like than most actual MMOs anymore." Seriously, if MMO devs took a long hard look at Skyrim, and decided to borrow some of the things it does so well - such as making you feel fully immersed in a virtual world - not merely like you're controlling a character in a game" - the overall quality of MMOs would be brought up several notches. Further, they'd start to more closely resemble the way MMOs used to be.

    Further, I see a lot of complaints about the UI and, while it's certainly not perfect and I find myself fighting with it from time to time, I'm playing the game with a mouse and keyboard on the PC and am personally having no trouble with it at all.  I guess it's one of those "mileage may vary" deals.

    On that note, let's all imagine Skyrim with a glowing gold button on the UI where you can buy potions to help you skip all of this boring crap. Skyrim will fail unless it goes F2P. Why any company would release a game without an item shop....  **SMACK** sails 350' into the air off the end of a giant's club***

    Seriously, this game experience couldn't exist as a F2P MMO. What could you possibly want to skip past?

    Back to reality - IMHO this is the first game that has actually earned the price bump to $60

    Awesome game - you know it's good just because there aren't a hundred of us yelling about a non-MMO review. Skyrim is a landmark.

    Great review!


  • KostKost Member CommonPosts: 1,975

    Great article Coyote, really enjoyed it.

    I found it extremely humorous. I'm at work currently, and I nearly spat my coffee all over my comp when I read the comments and saw you post the "Reading Comprehesion" textbook response. To call that well played would be a bold understatement.

    Your articles are one of the only saving graces that keep me returning to, if you publish pieces elsewhere I would very much like to read them as well.

  • HoramHoram Member Posts: 16

    People who complain that he gave 'glowing' reviews to the companion AI make me want to facepalm.

    I take it back. It makes me wanna smack them in the face.

    Seriously, take a couple minutes to actually READ what he said.

    Otherwise, this was a great little review and I know a couple friends who bought the game because of it and are pleased they did.

  • DubhlaithDubhlaith Member Posts: 1,012

    Originally posted by Horam
    People who complain that he gave 'glowing' reviews to the companion AI make me want to facepalm.I take it back. It makes me wanna smack them in the face.Seriously, take a couple minutes to actually READ what he said.Otherwise, this was a great little review and I know a couple friends who bought the game because of it and are pleased they did.

    I was thinking the same thing. People can be so dense.

    This was a great review. It had me nearly rolling, and it is dead on. Overall, this game is just amazing. I can't get enough. And now I'm going back in.

    "Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true — you know it, and they know it." —Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007

    WTF? No subscription fee?

  • 43%burnt43%burnt Member UncommonPosts: 162

    Skyrims world and evrything else from The Witcher 2, that would be amazing.

    The world design is great, the graphics are not (unless you are looking down from a mountain into the distance, or are nearsighted and playing without glasses).

    When you start playing most things aren't that much of a  bother, but after about 20 hours in the cumulative little bugs and design flaws really start pissing you off.

    Abysmal UI, not only for PC standards (no way of sorting alone...), you can pickup questitems from quest you don't have, can't drop them (they still got weight) and when you finally get the quest there is a good chance it is broken (mostly the retrieve book quests, even more fun since you can't know which books are quest related when you loot em) and you can't finish it, still with ~20 weight of items you can't drop in your inv. The companions tend to bug out when you break in somewhere, replaying with "You are not supposed to be here" to everything, hilarious when she trapped you in a corner again or really could use help standing on that pressure plate so the poison gas vanishes. Bounty quests that involve stuff like killing giants and dragons have lower rewards than returning that amulet the stupid priest lost one room back . For easy lvlup you can just beat up story relevant NPCs, they can't die and won't get angry just because someone repeatedly buried an axe in their back. You can't mass produce smithing goods, manually clicking on "yes" every time for the 40 iron daggers you wan't to build (won't accept "e" or "return") makes my day.....etc.


    I still played to lvl 38 tho...


  • OzmodanOzmodan Member EpicPosts: 9,726

    Many of you posters are missing the point about the UI.  Sure you can still play the game and adjust to it.  The point is, in this day and age, there is absolutely no excuse for such a tragically weak UI.  PC players should expect better.  Bethesda was just being a very lazy developer shoving a console interface on PC players.  Giving the game accolades when it has a very weak UI is inexcuseable.  Bethesda should be held responsible for this, hence I would not give the game above a 7, even though the rest of the game is a 10.  The UI is a significant detriment.

    Lets face it you spend every second of the game interacting with the UI, you would expect it to be a critical element in the evaluation.

  • Kaelano1Kaelano1 Member Posts: 375

    I have absolutely no problem with the UI. Right hand on the mouse, left hand on the left side of the keyboard with whichever spell/potion/shout options linked in favorites (Q), I can move any direction, loot, etc, etc, etc easily and even "sneak" or "sprint" with my pinky.  It's different than, say, WoW for example, but certainly not as "console-ey" as DCUO.


    I appreciate some feel strongly on the matter, but I, not even as devil's advocate but rather whole-heartedly, agree to disagree.

  • DasKraut46DasKraut46 Member Posts: 22

    Originally posted by FastTx

    Originally posted by nate1980

    I play on the PS3, so I've had no crashes and only 1 bug in the 30ish hours I've played so far, and those problems with the companion the author speaks about doesn't exist for me. The companion sheethes their weapon when I do, sneaks when I sneak, and if we're attacked they'll usually attack with bow first before using close combat if I'm not rushing forward. I guess the PC players must have got screwed or something.

    I found that worked for a bit, but once I got some sick Sneaking gear I found that my companion didn't get those effects and usually was spotted before me, ruining everything I did. I'd say companions are more suited for characters who aren't sneaky assassins. :/


    I agree!  In my case, however, the problem solved itself.  I bypassed a floor trap that released arrows.  Lydia stepped on it and then the mage/teacher who was with us on this quest also stepped on it.  I lived, he lived, she died.

  • DecoyTrooperDecoyTrooper Member Posts: 239

    Just finished the main story line and I haven't checked out most of the content, which I am going to explore with a new character. My first toon  joined the College of Winterhold and became Archmage, then I finished the main plot. Best game ever since the previous TES games. I even quit beta testing Star Wars:TOR just to play this game, but I am a TES fan :)

    What I recommend is to save often. You never know when things will get hairy. I lost my companion inside a dwemer ruin, I thought he would return at some time, probably cracking some skulls, but I found him dead and didn't bother to go back to a previous saved game. And there is no rez spell *shrugs*.

  • DasKraut46DasKraut46 Member Posts: 22

    Originally posted by Zairu

    Originally posted by Luxumaru

    I play Skyrim on my PC and I have zero issues navigating the UI. I find to be an improvement over Oblivion's since I always wished I could use my keyboard to mange inventory, skills, etc. I also have yet to see any of these terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-bugs people complain about.

     i agree that using keyboard for UI is a huge improvement. it makes up for how sketchy the mouse is in the interface, imo.

    sadly, for the bugs, i found a couple when my wife started playing it.

    the first dungeon in the main quest, with the theif in the spiderwebs. when she tried to go throguh the door to the room with the theif and huge spider, it would not let her pass. i had to open console for her and type 'TCL' to remove collision, so she could get through. then the theif had no spiderwebs around him. he was just floating in the air. i felt bad, because i wanted my wife to have a great experience. luckily, it all worked out, and the bug had little effect on how much she is enjoying herself.

    the only bug i have seen in my own game? a couple trees floating a few feet off the ground. i've crashed only 3 times. thats about it.


    Did she use her weapon to cut through the webs blocking the door to the spider room?  I found that I had to do that to enter the room.  Thus far I haven't found any serious bugs on the PS3 version other than some graphics artifacts including a faint shimmer periodically.  I imagine some of those will be fixed in the next patch.  Plus I've had no crashes or lockups yet (I'm now at level 20) which is really great!


    For me, this is a much better game than any of the Fallout's, Morrowind or Oblivion although I also liked those games.  I just wish more game developers would put this kind of work into their products and I'd really love to find an MMORPG that was as good overall.

  • DasKraut46DasKraut46 Member Posts: 22

    Originally posted by Zairu

    Originally posted by Luxumaru

    I play Skyrim on my PC and I have zero issues navigating the UI. I find to be an improvement over Oblivion's since I always wished I could use my keyboard to mange inventory, skills, etc. I also have yet to see any of these terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-bugs people complain about.

     i agree that using keyboard for UI is a huge improvement. it makes up for how sketchy the mouse is in the interface, imo.

    sadly, for the bugs, i found a couple when my wife started playing it.

    the first dungeon in the main quest, with the theif in the spiderwebs. when she tried to go throguh the door to the room with the theif and huge spider, it would not let her pass. i had to open console for her and type 'TCL' to remove collision, so she could get through. then the theif had no spiderwebs around him. he was just floating in the air. i felt bad, because i wanted my wife to have a great experience. luckily, it all worked out, and the bug had little effect on how much she is enjoying herself.

    the only bug i have seen in my own game? a couple trees floating a few feet off the ground. i've crashed only 3 times. thats about it.


    Did she use her weapon to cut through the webs blocking the door to the spider room?  I found that I had to do that to enter the room.  Thus far I haven't found any serious bugs on the PS3 version other than some graphics artifacts including a faint shimmer periodically.  I imagine some of those will be fixed in the next patch.  Plus I've had no crashes or lockups yet (I'm now at level 20) which is really great!


    For me, this is a much better game than any of the Fallout's, Morrowind or Oblivion although I also liked those games.  I just wish more game developers would put this kind of work into their products and I'd really love to find an MMORPG that was as good overall.

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332

    Wow talk about a frustrating game.I never should have bought it for ps3,i cannot stand joysticks not even 1%,i was looking all over never where i needed to look ,movement was frustrating.bah ..PC version was sold out.I never really get mad,but these joysticks are coming close to making me give one a punt for a field goal.

    SO far the game is very ho hum,whole maps are basically two colour themed ,it lowers a lot of stress on the gpu.Even still the graphics are pretty bad on the ps3,they shimmer around the edges and viewscapes are dithered to be short distances.Zonal lighting,well my fault,i knew i was buying a console game,guess i needed this reminder not to buy another for another 5 years.

    Character customization was very bland,pick your race,name prisoner next.The game on PS3 hesitates a lot,like it is searching for the code for a long time.Starts out extremely linear,i sure hope it changes up fast or itll be collecting dust beside FFXIII.

    It is so linear they have  the entire map blocked off so you can ONLY go one way.../sigh why o why did i buy a console game.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • NevulusNevulus Member UncommonPosts: 1,288

    Excellent review, almost made milk come out my nose from laughter. Quality articles like this might reaffirm my dwindling faith in this website and its haven of game bashing forum trolls allowed to run rampant on bruised egos..

  • AvanahAvanah Member RarePosts: 1,628

    Been WoW-Free for 3 months now and Skyrim is keeping me away from MMOS completely! :)

    LOVE it!


    I'll come back to MMOs when GW2 releases. I let a SWTOR Beta Key rot. Oh well, have no interest whatsoever in SWTOR. Only thing good about Star Wars are the me of course. :)

    "My Fantasy is having two men at once...

    One Cooking and One Cleaning!"


    "A good man can make you feel sexy,

    strong and able to take on the whole world...

    oh sorry...that's does that..."

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