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What kind of a guild is Gunbad ? - Gunbad is a mmorpg gaming guild for adults over the age of 25. Our average age is somewhere around 40/45. We love to get right into the game and explore everything that it has to offer. We have a mix of PvE and PvP players in the guild. We normally stay away from raiding, but since in SWtOR the raid sizes are so small that we will be easily able to gather enough people on daily basis we are sure to do 8 man raids.
We don't schedule things at all, if enough people show up (not a problem there) we do something, if they don't then we usually just talk on Vent while playing. There is never going to be any scheduling (we simply do not require scheduling, there is more then enough people in the guild to field 8 man raids and groups daily), we are keeping it casual.
We are the over the hill nerds and geeks who play games in the confines of our dark computer rooms when everyone in the house falls asleep.
We won't tell anyone what to play or how to play it. This is a truly casual guild. We frown on DPS meters and laugh at hardcore players.
Real Life issues are always > games. This is a guild for adults with families, responsibilities and commitments who understand that they all come before gaming.
How many people are there in Gunbad ? - At the moment of writing this we have 21 people who joined our SWtOR chapter & pre-ordered. Everyone on that list has a pre-order, with about a third having Collector Editions pre-ordered. We do have a membership cap of 100 and recruiting will be closed to everyone once/if we reach 100 players. This is not going to be a zerg guild.
What are the requirements to join Gunbad ? - You have to be at least 25 years of age, there is no other requirements. Nobody in this guild cares what you play, how you play it or if you are any good at it. This is a casual guild, none of these things are an issue.
How do I register on the website ? - Simply come to our guild website at and register, our guild website is open to everyone so please do join us on the forum to discuss SWtOR and any other mmorpgs. In order to make sure that you have your character name & spot in the guild secured make sure that you join us on the official Bioware site here. Our guild has a minimum age requirement of 25 just as does our Ventrilo server and website.
How do I join you on your Ventrilo server ? - Our Ventrilo server information is listed on our forum, you will have to register before it becomes available to you. Our Ventrilo server has a minimum age requirement of 25 just as does our website and guild.
Does Gunbad raid ? - Gunbad is not a raiding guild but we will be doing all of the content available in SWtOR. We regularly have 10-20 people online every evening so the 8 man raids won't be an issue at all, 16 person raids are likely to be a weekly event. Please do not join us if you are heavily interested in raiding, we are a casual guild above all.
How do I join Gunbad ? - Join us on the official Bioware site here in order to make sure that you secure your spot in the Gunbad roster, we have a membership cap of 100 players so once we hit that we will be closing recruiting.
What are the goals on Gunbad ? - Our goal is to have a great time with great friends. Please note that loot or raiding do not feature in the previous statement.
Does Gunbad do organized events, such as raids ? - This is a casual guild, no scheduled anything. When enough people show up online we do what everyone feels like, if not then too bad so sad. So, if you are heavily into raiding then this is not a good guild for you.
Is Voice chat/Ventrilo a requirement ? - Not at all, but we do have a private Ventrilo server and encourage everyone to jump on. Our Ventrilo server, along with our website, is our social hub. Where as our website would be an equivalent of a discussion, Vent is more of a night club/coffee shop feel.
How many people in your roster have pre-ordered SWtOR ? - I believe that everyone in our roster has a pre-order. That's a total of 21 people. A number of us have the CE pre-order, including myself.
Is Gunbad eligible for guild testing program ? - Yes, we have over 10 members. We have 21 when I wrote this.
Is Gunbad eligible for automatic placement& creation by Bioware at launch ? - Yes, we have more then four pre-orders with our members. We should have over 20.
I think I have covered most of what's fairly important as far as deciding what guild you want to join. If you have any questions please PM them to me here or post them in this thread.
If you have any additional questions please post them in this thread.
A++ Write up Brother
This game is going to be a hoot
We have over 2o people with pre-orders registered in our roster on the Bioware site allready 
And if it crashes & burns - on well we have Rift to go back to
More info on our Empire Chapter at,3.0.html
Mor einfo on our Republic Chapter at,54.0.html
Sinister Savant MMORPG Community
Welcome BOUL to the guild! We are currently at 23 members with pre-orders. Please check the original post that started this thread for ore info.
Sinister Savant MMORPG Community