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SWG was my first MMO.
I was blown away by the world size, the freedom of class choice, the complexity of the crafting, the realism of player economy, world housing, shops, city halls, cantina incentives, endless aesthetic apparel, randomaized item statistics, and a noteworthy space expansion. Bravo.
Then the NGE launched...
I decided that it's time to try something else.
I played EverQuest II. It was fun at first. I liked the game. The worlds weren't very big and the freedom I was used to was cut in half, but I could deal. However, I found later that my sustain of interest was lessoned. I was told what to do and where to go the entire time.
It was time to play something else.
World of Warcraft. I saw very little difference from my experience with EQ2. I went to Vanguard, Age of Conan, Warhammer, Aion, RIFT, etc....
I've not played any of these games past the free month.
I'm always feeling nostalgic. I want to play an MMO. But there are none that offeres any decent amount of depth. Thus, I have become this bitter and hateful MMO troll.
MMOs... if you speak of Battlegrounds or instanced PvP, I HATE YOU.
MMOs... if you speak of linear class progression, I HATE YOU.
MMOs... if you speak of small funnel-like world zones, I HATE YOU.
MMOs... if you speak of microtransactions, I HATE YOU.
You're hating people over a video game?
I don't even know you.
if mmo's are mo longer fun for you find something else that is. Becoming a bitter and hateful mmo troll is not worth it. Find a single player game. Find another hobby, go outside and see what there is to see. HAVE FUN!.
Currently bored with MMO's.
Ive ended up in pretty much the same place, ArcheAge looks like it could be good and Wild Star too.
I feel the same way. However, I stopped playing games for a long time, and I look forward to whatever is around for a short duration. I have become a casual gamer which also made me enjoy a wider variety of games which i would normally consider lame and never give it a chance.
Swtor looks alright, but sand boxes are not what the majority is looking for. So to make a SWG would mean it would fade to obscurity again just like other sand box mmos, even if it is a famous SW IP. Which I do find a bit strange since I think there was enough to keep things going from a sub PoV, but maybe the devs did not want to continue to offer a service with the SW franchise that was stagnating. That could be a reason, which is unfortunate for those who don't care about PR or future expansions but the mmo that they like.
Other than that, I dont know what to say about your avatar and your sig. Props for the effort, but all this hate makes me thing we might need some one holy to purify this thread to bring zen back to our lives.
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble
I have to agree that I'm am somewhat in the same boat, as SWG was my first MMO and since the NGE I've had a hard time finding a game that has really filled that void, though I wouldn't go as far as to call myself a hater. I try my best to look at a game for what it is, and I will be playing SWTOR knowing fully that it is going to be nothing like SWG, other than being Star Wars. Of course, the fact that it was a Star Wars game is what drew me to SWG in the first place, before I even knew what the game was actually like.
That being said, if a game was released with a similar design to what SWG was, I'd be on it in a heartbeat. As some people mentioned, games like Arche Age and Wildstar sound promising, though only time will tell, I suppose.
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I had the same problem for a very long time. My 1st was UO, another sandbox game however. But regardless, you just need to let go, lurking on forums hoping for the perfect game sucks. I did it for a long time trust me. Try to have fun playing a different style of game or get a new hobby. UO/SWG type games will never happen again.
Remember Old School Ultima Online
I think it's unrealistic to hope for a open ended sandbox game that will be really good.
I think it's better to just start seeing themepark games in a new light and take them for what they are. You still had SWG. You still have great times. To be greedy. Think about all the people who never got the chance to play that amazing game before they killed it!?
Once you start viewing games like WoW and TOR for what they are, and not what they should be(sandbox standards) then that's when you can appreciate and enjoy them for what they are.
My first MMO was SWG but never had this problem. I like the gameplay offered in games like SWG but also the gameplay offered in games like WoW.
I never compare games, I look at it for what it is and decide if it looks fun.
The way I feel, minus the hate. I have 50 years of waiting in me. So I will wait in the shadows for an MMO to come out to fulfill my desires. I have been waiting six years already, I can go on.
Sent me an email if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
i wish they bottled the feeling you got when playing your first ever mmorpg...sadly the drug has worn off for me and i no longer find these games fun.
I feel you. However, I find nothing fun about quest-grinding. Gather up quests, do them all in the most efficient way possible, return and rinse and repeat until you're sent to the next quest-hub. Rinse and repeat until max level. Of course, there's the instant dungeons along the way, and BG's if you're into that. We all know how this goes. It'd be fine if it started and ended with WoW, making it another unique game, in a genre full of unique games in 2005, but instead every game must now be the same thing, except with a different skin. Same types of classes, quests, combat, and everything from one game to the next.
I don't think many people actually enjoy the quest-grinding, so I think the difference between myself and others is that I've had enough and haven't played a MMO in over a year, with the exception of checking out RIFT and Cataclysm...neither of which I spent more than a week or two in.
How are we supposed to have irrational discussions if you speak truth? you're ruining everything!
I'm speaking merely in the digital realm.
I'm active, e.g., drums, guitar, family, gym, church, business, etc.