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Long Epic Quests!

schrollbachschrollbach Member UncommonPosts: 72

Hello Peoples,


I was wondering if you guys could help me find a game.

What I am looking for mainly is an MMO where there isn't a quest grind. What I would like to do is do 1 or 2 hard/epic quests that take a while to complete. I would prefer to do that over a couple of levels rather than do 150 quests to get a level. I know in Everquest 2 Extended there are Heritage Quests that you could do, but they would range such a large level range that you would have to grind other quests to be able to finish them.

As for everything else, I really don't care about the setting, price, age, or anything else about the game. I would just like to play an MMO where I do 1 or 2 epic quests solo or with a group of people and go on an epic adventure.

Thank you for your time.


  • schrollbachschrollbach Member UncommonPosts: 72

    No suggestions? :(

  • gambe1gambe1 Member UncommonPosts: 123

    Lord of the Rings online fits that description best i would say. They have book (storyline) quest chains, that take quite long time to finish and give great xp. There are solo and group quests, many of them take you to dungeons etc. But you can't lvl up just by doing those quests, you still have to do ordinary ones as well.

  • schrollbachschrollbach Member UncommonPosts: 72

    I was really enjoying LotRO until I got to about level 9 when the book quest got about 3 levels ahead of me. That was a real bummer because now I need to do the usual "Kill X amount of Y because they are eating my childrens' feets."

    I was just wondering though, does this trend continue where for about every 10 levls of the book quest I would only have to do about 2 levels worth of quest grind, or does it continue to just shoot ahead and require me to do more and more quest grinding the further along I go?

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