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Final Fantasy XIV: 1.19 Patch Impressions



  • rwyanrwyan Member UncommonPosts: 468

    I do enjoy and play this game as well.  But I think I will agree very much with the opinions expressed in the article.

    Simply put, if you didn't enjoy the game at launch for whatever reason, you will probably not enjoy it now.  Otherwise, for a player such as myself, most of the changes and updates with 1.19 make the game that much more enjoyable to me.

    The UI is awful.  It was awful in FFXI and it is awful here as well.  It is neither user-friendly nor performant.  Granted, you do get used to it, especially if you played FFXI for any length of time. 

    The devs have certainly hit their stride and I imagine the game will be "ready" with the PS3 release.  Most of the time, revamps and rehauls have been done in one-fell-swoop.  However, battle changes, crafting changes, content updates... they're all being done pieces at a time - so to the writers defense - there never really is a "good" time to post an impressions piece.

    For example, in order to support the materia system, most items were "remade" and assigned new recipes.  All old items and items made with old recipes will not be compatible with the new materia system.  However, not all items have been "remade" and assigned new recipes.  So, some items can only be made via old recipes.  From what I understand, the conversion for all items will not be done until 1.21 (and all the 'old recipes will be retired for good).  Until then, players are left with a small subset of equipment options that was once there.

    Another example... The battle system is still continually in flux.  The "mechanics" are down.  But there are still plans to review and change most of the abilities currently in game.  Just removing physical levels significantly changed the feeling of combat.  That will come again when ability revamps come in 1.20 or 1.21.

  • KcebEnyawKcebEnyaw Member Posts: 29

    While I'm glad he has finally decided to write a less offensive review. But there is still alot of misinformation in this review and Massive new systems left out. Specifcally about Leve Limits, materia, party grinding, the new enmy link system, the new chain xp system, the craft simplification and much more.

    It is once again hard to believe he seriously played this game past level 10 considering he thinks the level 15 dungeon is an instance..

    People should really stop reading this guys reviews and just go read the patch notes.

    I'm not saying this game is a Great Game yet, I'm just saying atleast tell what has actually changed/been added.


  • Zookz1Zookz1 Member Posts: 629

    Originally posted by KcebEnyaw

    While I'm glad he has finally decided to write a less offensive review. But there is still alot of misinformation in this review and Massive new systems left out. Specifcally about Leve Limits, materia, party grinding, the new enmy link system, the new chain xp system, the craft simplification and much more.

    It is once again hard to believe he seriously played this game past level 10 considering he thinks the level 15 dungeon is an instance..

    People should really stop reading this guys reviews and just go read the patch notes.

    I'm not saying this game is a Great Game yet, I'm just saying atleast tell what has actually changed/been added.




    Maybe he meant instance as in dungeon type area, which it is. These type of articles aren't written for people playing the game. From the perspective of an author writing  a piece for a website that covers a massive number of games, I think the scope and content of the article was fair. It wasn't all encompasing, but it doesn't need to be. Someone who isn't currently playing can get a general idea, and the general idea (opinion) in the article stands whether you agree with it or not. The game is finally starting to take shape, and he said that, but he wouldn't reccommend it to new players. What I take away from the article is that the game has come along, but it isn't quite there yet. I think that's pretty fair. Instead of nitpicking, look at the overall message. In comparison to the coverage this game has been getting, I think it's a pretty positive message.



  • taus01taus01 Member Posts: 1,352

    Originally posted by KcebEnyaw

    While I'm glad he has finally decided to write a less offensive review. But there is still alot of misinformation in this review and Massive new systems left out. Specifcally about Leve Limits, materia, party grinding, the new enmy link system, the new chain xp system, the craft simplification and much more.

    It is once again hard to believe he seriously played this game past level 10 considering he thinks the level 15 dungeon is an instance..

    People should really stop reading this guys reviews and just go read the patch notes.

    I'm not saying this game is a Great Game yet, I'm just saying atleast tell what has actually changed/been added.


    QFT ~ It's almost funny how ill-informed, plain and simple wrong he is every time he does a FFXIV article. No facts just his biased view of a game he does not like. should not publish articles like that. They have no merit at all.

    @Zooks: No, it's not an instance no matter how you twist words. It's not the only thing that is completely wrong in this article. Get your facts straight before you write about a game, that is all i am asking, is that too much? Is it, really too much to ask?

    "Give players systems and tools instead of rails and rules"

  • Zookz1Zookz1 Member Posts: 629

    Originally posted by taus01

    Originally posted by KcebEnyaw

    While I'm glad he has finally decided to write a less offensive review. But there is still alot of misinformation in this review and Massive new systems left out. Specifcally about Leve Limits, materia, party grinding, the new enmy link system, the new chain xp system, the craft simplification and much more.

    It is once again hard to believe he seriously played this game past level 10 considering he thinks the level 15 dungeon is an instance..

    People should really stop reading this guys reviews and just go read the patch notes.

    I'm not saying this game is a Great Game yet, I'm just saying atleast tell what has actually changed/been added.


    @Zooks: No, it's not an instance no matter how you twist words. It's not the only thing that is completely wrong in this article. Get your facts straight before you write about a game, that is all i am asking, is that too much? Is it, really too much to ask?



    It's an area that players go to with quests, bosses, coffers, and gear that is unique to that area. It is not instanced, so by the most literal definition, it is not an instance. It was a poorly chosen word, but it portrays it to be what it is: a dungeon. Again though, look at the overall message of the article.

    What other facts are wrong?


  • AzureDemonAzureDemon Member Posts: 1

    I dont think I have ever seen such a biased review...ever...


    Not only that you fial to mention 3/4s of what has been added to the game and how it has thorougly improved gameplay.


    Keep on being biased knows I only come here for the random beta keys giveaways you guys make.

  • FallensbaneFallensbane Member Posts: 5

    Couple things.

    -I don't think anyone lost HP. Everyone has been given more HP. Pay more attention, manypeople lost MP

    -Guild leves, honestly what do you expect? These are your typical MMO go kill x or go fetch z quest. I sure as shit am glad they don't waste time building much story around those.

    -Why no mention of Materia?

    -Why no mention of the recipe overhaul?

    -Why not mention that Ifrit is there for L25 players as well as end game players?

    -What about the new dungeons/strongholds?

    -What about the new enemy placement?

    -WHy did you not mention the targetting system overhaul that allows classes that were unable to aoe and be of much use a blast to play now?


    As a review the least you can do is review everything. You barely scratched your way into this patch and claim to review it? And lest you think I am some pissed off fanboy, I suggest you do a search for Vesper Darkwalker on the official forums, I bitch and moan about things constantly, but at least I take the time to experience all the content before I spew for forth my venom.


  • QSatuQSatu Member UncommonPosts: 1,796

    I logged in today. Fought 2 enemies. In bboth cases I used an ability. HP bar dropped down, dmg numbers showed up In 1st case animation of my skill fires up 2 seconds later, in 2nd case the animation was skipped (1 second later my character moved but no sign of the rest of animation).

    Yea.. they fixed the combat ==. Untill they fix the unresponsieveness of combat I won;t play it for longer than 5 min. If this is what they call a good combat.. ugh. I'm scared to think how bad it must have been during launch day.

  • EogrisEogris Member UncommonPosts: 102

    This is one of those games where i desperately want it to be good, but it simply isn't.

  • gwarrengwarren Member Posts: 6

    as long as theres no monthly fee, I'm not bitching about anything.

  • MorrowbreezeMorrowbreeze Member CommonPosts: 141

    I dont own this one. Is there anyone here who could give some logic as to why those in charge chose to implement all these awful sounding gimmicks and UI? Like,..what was the mindset for this game and what was the vision?

  • KostKost Member CommonPosts: 1,975

    Originally posted by Fallensbane

    As a review the least you can do is review everything. You barely scratched your way into this patch and claim to review it?


    I agree, but in all fairness this wasn't a review, it was an "impression".

  • grndzrogrndzro Member UncommonPosts: 1,163

    Originally posted by Morrowbreeze

    I dont own this one. Is there anyone here who could give some logic as to why those in charge chose to implement all these awful sounding gimmicks and UI? Like,..what was the mindset for this game and what was the vision?


    no idea,butimo the vision should have been FFXI in it's current incarnation.

  • braingame007braingame007 Member UncommonPosts: 98

    This is a farily well written article but like all other FFXIV reviews on this site for each patch that comes out you leave out the best parts of the patch. To me it honestly seems like you log on play for an hour or two then write the article.  You left out the great parts of the patch and talk about old news and rehash old problems that don't really even apply to the game anymore. Still complain about  UI that is going to get reworked in the future but has been made to work perfectly. I have played many MMO with a far slower UI than XIV so I don't really get where you are coming from.  Then at the end of you 2 hour play time you give it another terrible 5/10 score and your lack of really playing the game and talking about the biggest changes and all the new stuff hurt the game because people actually read what you write and use it as a point of reference before they pick up the game. 


    After patch 1.19 the game has hit about a 7/10, not the crappy 5 they keep giving it. Still needs some work but a lot of it is right on the cusp of making this game a true FF title. 1.20 and 1.21 is the patches to keep an eye out for.

  • ValkaernValkaern Member UncommonPosts: 497

    I tried the beta and was baffled. Why? What? eh?


    Gorgeous game, but we cancelled our pre-orders.


    However, a few days ago I picked up a  cheap copy to see what had changed. Despite the fact that I'm a clueless newbie (I'm trying not to use sources outside of the game, and when I do peek, what I find isn't very helpful)., I have to admit I'm really loving the change of pace. So far, I have most combat classes between 7-12 and armorcrafting at 7, and yet my main quest is trying to figure out how the hell to make or where the hell to get a shield...

    But I am enjoying it. It doesn't feel very social but I suppose that would change if I joined a LS, but I don't even know how one goes about that as there doesn't seem to be many times I find myself in the vacinity of others or needing to team up, so far my interactions have been watching people zip by on chocobos and people in merchent mode. Is there some...thing... that comes along later which pushes players together or will I be soloing till the end? actually, *can* I even solo much longer?


    Anyway, it's nice to play something that's immersive and doesn't shower me with loot for taking 5 steps or clicking on a jug. I actually appreciate greatly every small step forward I take. And mixing and matching classes has been a lot of fun as well.


    There's clearly a bit of a learning curve, but once I stopped fighting the combat system and figured out it's intricacies, I've come to love the pace of combat as well, there's a tension that's lacking in a  lot of the more chaotic fast paced zero risk zero consequence wow clones.


    Only a few days in, so I'll have to see how it goes, but so far, I'm glad I picked it up and if the game gets better from here, I'm pretty sure I'll be hooked.


    But sheesh, where the hell do I buy or how the heck do I craft a shield? There's never any in the merchant areas that are suitable for low lvls.



  • RyukanRyukan Member UncommonPosts: 858

    Squenix needs to do one of three things to give this game a more definitive status in the MMO industry other than "not charging to play"

    1) Relabel it as Final Fantasy XIV Beta because that is what it essentially is right now, only with a box fee. That way there is no confusion as to whether the game is actually full release status ready and not a string of development changes that hopefully eventually lead to something that could be considered "finished".

    2) Just call the game f2p and get it over with already. Then tack on a cash shop. Then FFXIV can be considered "up to par" with all the other MMO's out there.

    3) Worst case scenario...nut up and reinstate the monthly sub fee, it's been free for long enough.Then they'll get a real good idea just how many paying customers they will have. Hell, even if a lot of people leave, they will still be bringing in more money that it is now.

    Of course there is the fourth option, continue to dump money into it while they work on it and leave it's status labeling as ambiguous quasi-beta, but not really.

  • jmoreejmoree Member Posts: 30

    Call me odd but I always liked the UI of FFXI and now the UI of XIV over the basic row of boxes on the bottom of my screen that I just reaarange so that I can mash them in order...

  • taus01taus01 Member Posts: 1,352

    Originally posted by jmoree

    Call me odd but I always liked the UI of FFXI and now the UI of XIV over the basic row of boxes on the bottom of my screen that I just reaarange so that I can mash them in order...

    FFXI has the best UI i have seen in a MMO so far. Unobtrusive, 90% of the screen is for the game, you know the thing you actually enjoy looking at. If i look at other UI monstrosities with 70% or less left for the actual game, i could puke.

    FFXIV is not there yet, but it has the basics of a nice, clean UI.

    Some players just like their MMO to look like the cockpit of a B747, not me i am afraid.

    "Give players systems and tools instead of rails and rules"

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,496

    Still looks like they released it two years too early, another year to go.

  • KcebEnyawKcebEnyaw Member Posts: 29

    Tingle's a troll, don't ever expect to get a remotely unbias review from this guy. If it's not a WoW clone, he's not interested.

  • taus01taus01 Member Posts: 1,352

    Originally posted by Valkaern

    I tried the beta and was baffled. Why? What? eh?

    Gorgeous game, but we cancelled our pre-orders.

    However, a few days ago I picked up a  cheap copy to see what had changed. Despite the fact that I'm a clueless newbie (I'm trying not to use sources outside of the game, and when I do peek, what I find isn't very helpful)., I have to admit I'm really loving the change of pace. So far, I have most combat classes between 7-12 and armorcrafting at 7, and yet my main quest is trying to figure out how the hell to make or where the hell to get a shield...

    But I am enjoying it. It doesn't feel very social but I suppose that would change if I joined a LS, but I don't even know how one goes about that as there doesn't seem to be many times I find myself in the vacinity of others or needing to team up, so far my interactions have been watching people zip by on chocobos and people in merchent mode. Is there some...thing... that comes along later which pushes players together or will I be soloing till the end? actually, *can* I even solo much longer?

    Anyway, it's nice to play something that's immersive and doesn't shower me with loot for taking 5 steps or clicking on a jug. I actually appreciate greatly every small step forward I take. And mixing and matching classes has been a lot of fun as well.

    There's clearly a bit of a learning curve, but once I stopped fighting the combat system and figured out it's intricacies, I've come to love the pace of combat as well, there's a tension that's lacking in a  lot of the more chaotic fast paced zero risk zero consequence wow clones.

    Only a few days in, so I'll have to see how it goes, but so far, I'm glad I picked it up and if the game gets better from here, I'm pretty sure I'll be hooked.

    But sheesh, where the hell do I buy or how the heck do I craft a shield? There's never any in the merchant areas that are suitable for low lvls. 

    It seems they have been reading your post, because in Patch 1.19a released today:

    [dev1200] The following NPC vendors have received new inventory:

    • Iron Thunder – Limsa Lominsa Battlecraft Ward

      Conayn – Gridania Battlecraft Den

      Reluctant Boar – Ul’dah Battlecraft Row

      Tylswaen – Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (7,5)

      Zagylhaemr – Gridania (6,6)

      Etgar – Ul’dah Merchants Strip (6,4)


      Category / Requirements

      Square Maple Shield

      Shield / Requires: GLA CNJ THM / Required Level: 5

      Bronze Buckler

      Shield / Requires: GLA THM / Required Level: 14



    "Give players systems and tools instead of rails and rules"

  • dsp1dsp1 Member Posts: 36

    just so everyone knows se has made a post and looks like they plan to start charging for this game late dec/early november of this year. this will no longer be a game in which you can freely check in periodically and see if the condition has improved. i will give an update if any clarification comes out. i'll be one of the many that will be dropping this incomplete pile of rubbish as soon as they try to charge for it.


    if it's not worth playing while it's free there's no way it's worth playing if you are forced to pay for it.

  • SlickShoesSlickShoes Member UncommonPosts: 1,019

    Just incase anyone was wondering, its been anounced that the game will still come to PS3, between october and december 2012. If anyone is still following this game by then, I would be quite surprised.

  • dsp1dsp1 Member Posts: 36

    little other update. they did confirm they wanted to start charging either late november or early december of this year. the next miracle patch is revision 2.0 that is tenatively scheduled for the end of next year along with the ps3 release.


    it's strange a company that admits the game has hurt its reputation and that it doesn't even resemble the series it is based on is willing to start charging for it after one good patch.



  • myganmygan Member Posts: 4

    I have wanted to try this game for a long time, but i couldnt figure out how to get into the game, I have entered my cdkey on their website, and it says its registred. But when i log in to the game it says something about account options. Witch i cant figure out what the hell i am supposed to do...

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