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Dear ladies and gents,
As I am more or less tired of playing Rift I thought a change of scenery would do me well.
I am EU based and I believe there are only 3 EU English servers; which one would you recommend for a newcomer?
Second question is class based; I have always been a fan of petclasses. Is a spiritmaster a viable class and wanted in groups for PVE and PVP?
Many thanks in advance.
Have a great weekend.
Kind regards,
depending on what race you want to roll, take a quick look the race distribution of each server on the official Aion website. some server are very Elyos heavy. you dont want to roll a class that is heavely outnumbered, because you will be steam rolled 5vs1 in every pvp encouter.
Spirit masters are ok in pvp, they are mostly there for cc since their damage is sustained but not high. their cc is very very annoying. however they die easy when focused fired. the easy classes for pvp are ranger, sorcere, cleric.
for pve they are definately one of the funnest classes to level solo imo. as for dungeons you wont have any more trouble finding groups than any other dps class.
I only recently played through a welcome back offer...
You can look up faction balance on the aion website. Do that and choose the most balanced server or the winning team (usually elyos) if you want to roll a spirit master.
Personally, I don't have any clue why people are so Elyos-heavy in this game; Maybe because they're all Anime fans (which I am definitely not) or they're all suffering from some obscure Disney-induced brain disease... --> The whole Elyos artstyle is 100% happy bunny land (happy bunny people in a candyland world with happy bunny characters going 'uguuuuuu, hihihihihi' in your face... For something remotely 'gritty' (and using the term loosely) choose Asmodean; They're not quite Warhammer's "Chaos" or Conan's "Cimmerians", but they're bearably crude (in a sense of high-school-emo-pop-crude)...
If you wanna do PvP and do it solo I heavily advice you to pick one of the scout classes (ranger or assassin).
I rolled myself a nice spiritmaster (Asmo) and I am enjoying myself. The gfx and atmosphere of the game are quite refreshing as well.
I deliberately did not take the highest populated server as I don't really fancy getting steamrolled constantly.
If there are any Asmo's playing on Spatalos lemme know.
For the first 30 levels or so you won't run into many PvP anyways, and as the PvE is hard as nails in this game SM is a pretty good choice.
Bein steamrolled was related to Abyss anyways
Just make sure you turn off the battle music, lol. The game has great music but that battle music that comes on when you enter combat is pretty cheezy. If you turn it off it's FAR more immersive imo. If I'm gonna listen to music I have something playing on WMP or Pandora in the background.
Spiritmaster is the pet class, as already said. Critical in group PvP, not compulsory but useful in PvE (fairly weak though, if the group has a mage already they are useless in PvE since SM lack damage). Get focus fired first in PvP so you won't live long which can be frustrating. Main roles are dispell and fear.
Best (most versatile) damage dealing classes are: Gladiator (for constant knockdown on the ennemy, insane damage), mage (for good crowd control and insane damage).
For solo PvP assassin or ranger as said already. Templar is good fun as you never get focus fired.
Oh and don't be surprised (like AT ALL) if you enter the abyss between levels 25-45, and you will, just to see what the fuss is all about, and find yourself not able to even make a dent into the guys you'll meet in PvP.
As you might or might not have found out until now, the game is extremely, and I'm talking about EXTREMELY heavy on item and skill upgrades and additionally very damage-dependent. Small scale fights (1v1, 2v2) are usually quick and desastrous for one side.
You will probably not fight any reasonable small scale PvP until you reach cap and gear yourself up so you can take on the roamers that'll otherwise just gank you blind.