Well the truth is, I haven't played since a month or two at release. I was in the beta as well but it was around the 2nd month I remember hitting my mid 30's I believe and actually running out of quests. I had quests in my journal but I was to low to do them and I enjoy grouping but not being forced to and I'm overall not a PvP person so if I didn't want to PvP then I had to literally find a zone with mobs my level or a little higher and just grind until I was finally high enough level to do some of the quests I had. That's what turned me off.
Until I got to that point though I absolutely adored and loved the game.
back then the truth is a lot of player got stone walled at the area where you progress,player would watch those and activly gank to prevent anybody from progressing.so after a while player got fed up and left.i hear most pvper at end game dont bother to fly anymore.cant say if it is true,but if it is true it is one of the main feature of the game after all .
Some, maybe many, ignore it because of the forced PVP. Others ignore it because of the small world size and the huge role that PVP plays in providing extended content. Some scoff when they see some of the monstrosities that can be created with the character creation and never give Aion another thought. I'm sure there are many other factors that blend in as well.
There is a lot in the game for those who like it for what it does offer, but what it offers is pretty narrow vs. what the broader MMO community wants from a title. It doesn't invalidate the game for those who like it, the game addresses what you want from a game and gives it to you. However, it's not hard to see why Aion isn't a much broader success.
Well i always see alot of post of peeps asking what game's to play or if they should play rift or WoW wtf why dnt people see aion? I mean ive been playing the game for only like 3 weeks and am level 31 and am having a blast of a time best game in my opnion i love the gear the wings the skills the people even the mobs lmfao i jsut love the game i go to bed sometimes still thinking am playing in the game still lol so why dnt people give aion a try? Is it because how NCSOFT screwed it up at launch? Or is it because some people find it boring i just want the opnions of why u dnt like aion or what gives u the turn off for this game? Just curious to now other people's opnion's.
Simple answer. NCSoft treated us like crap for 10 months straight and ignored every single request that was made to make the game better, then after pretty every one left and they merged all the servers we were given broken content that made the situation worse.
Nothing outside of free to play for Aion will ever make a lot of people want to return including me. You do realize Aion has hardly any Oceanic players anymore because they refused to accept the fact theirs routers were crap and they kept blaming the players.
My god so many examples of flat out failing. The free transfer fiasco based on Korean rules and not adjusted for America while we begged then to tighten up the restrictions while Tamat was posting about getting drunk at Gamescon while the game got even worse. Horrible decisions one after another.
Well i always see alot of post of peeps asking what game's to play or if they should play rift or WoW wtf why dnt people see aion? I mean ive been playing the game for only like 3 weeks and am level 31 and am having a blast of a time best game in my opnion i love the gear the wings the skills the people even the mobs lmfao i jsut love the game i go to bed sometimes still thinking am playing in the game still lol so why dnt people give aion a try? Is it because how NCSOFT screwed it up at launch? Or is it because some people find it boring i just want the opnions of why u dnt like aion or what gives u the turn off for this game? Just curious to now other people's opnion's.
Ok, to be clear I'm an Aion fan so take this opinion for what it is.
I've stopped trying to convince people how great Aion is for multiple reasons:
1. While I think the world of Atreia is the most beautiful of any MMO on the planet, and the character creation tool is second to none, some players won't play an Asian-looking game, usually because of the art style. It's not their thing.
2. While I love the fact that it can take months, not weeks, to level a character, not everyeone likes this. Plus, it's vitally important to keep your gear up to date/enchanted. People who sit around asking, "How long does it takes to get to max level" usually don't take the time and care to keep gear updated. Literally every person I've met who's started playing the game who flies through the first 20-30 levels will barely make it to 40 because leveling slows down tremendously. Repeating quests becomes boring quickly to players who only play for the leveling experience, and not for the entire game as a whole. That's a problem if you're just playing to level!
3. While I personally love the risk involved in enchanting gear, some find the randomness of certain aspets infuriating...some people would rather feel more in-control of everything. When someone is trying to put a manastone into the last slot it's a love-hate thing: if it fails, THIS GAME SUCKS. If it succeeds, I JUST WON THE SUPER-BOWL! That's life in Aion.
4. It's a game built for polar opposite kinds of players: the hardcore balls-to-the-wall pvp'er who maxes out their gear to the hilt and dives into epic battles with hundreds of wings flying in the Abyss sky...or just hunts you down while you're minding your own business, and also for the player who wants to make their character pretty with little dresses, bowties and play with their cute little puppy pet. The funny thing is, that it turns out that quite often, that player is both...they're killing you in their little dress with their puppy nodding in approval of your death.
We know that Aion is massively popular in Korea, and actually has improved greatly. NCSoft west wasn't prepared for all of the bots and hackers that literally ransacked the game at launch. Western Players were much more inclined to "gank" and "grief" people who were just trying to level. That's why there are rules in place now to help reduce the griefing. There are tons more quests in the game now, and even increased customization options.
3.0 will bring player housing, which I can't wait for!
3.0 will sill a huge rise in subs, but it will settle back down to where we are today, most likely...which is fine by me. I don't expect people to rush to Aion and stay. By the time most of these players have tried the next big thing, and the next big thing and the next, I'll still be in Aion
but them adding pay to win item to the cs they can get bent, it was bad enough with the dyes and what not that they had in there when i played.
It just doesn't work out the way you're describing. Korea hasn't had an issues with selling these items, and to be quite frank, th buffs aren't that great for real PvP anyway. The people who are crying over these are people who are just looking for more ways to complain.
For people who don't know, it's a novelty candy you can buy that turns you in to a penquin and gives you a buff. Yes, those same candies I still have my bank full of from last summer when they were free.
This is definitely an eye-candy mmo. Aerial pvp thing looks great. But i think there are more better f2p mmorpg out there rather than spending huge amount of time and money for this.
This game had 2 things going for it that set it apart from every other mmo..... and they have nerfed them both. It had player flight combat (unmounted) and Rifting into enemy territory. Rather than fix the issues melee classes had in the abyss with flight, they made end game a ground war like every other mmo. As for rifting, it may as well not exist given the home territory buff.
I think that sums it up very well for me, I had the same feeling while playing Rift, both games are pretty to look at, but my goodness arnt they shallow and unitelligent.......
However Aion for me was worse than RIft because there was and still is more things basicly wrong with the game on top of the Aion/Rift comparison.....Balancing(and Aion has been out in the East a very long time compared to Rift) is the fist major issue that leaps to mind, but there is quite a list thats already been gone over numerous times on this thread.
It's awesome.....right up until you meet up with a cleric in the Abyss only 2 levels higher then you and your friends and he rapes all 5 of you in a few minutes. They may have changed that, but that ruined it for me. At the time I last played, there was no real guarunteed stuns or interupts...you could use a skill that had a CHANCE to do those things, but to be honest, they hardly ever did, leading to clerics healing themselves to full every couple of seconds, all while dropping their little lightning thingy that kills you. That alone was enough for me to say screw it and leave for another game.
ALL games have problems with balance as far as PvP goes, don't get me wrong, but when the guy that keeps everyone alive is almost unkillable unless you gang up on him, it kind of takes away from anyone NOT being a cleric, and there were a TON of them back then.
This is the reason I quit because of the horrible class balance in pvp. I played a Templar from launch for about 3 months and made to Level 35. I gave up afther getting pwned over and over again by ranged classes like Sorcerer / Ranger. Aion is an awesome game and I still think its the best mmo out of its kind.
I hyped myself way to much during beta...it was simply amazing to play during that time for me.
2 months after launch it just went completely dull for me. Everything felt like a "rinse and repeat" grind and nothing felt like a great accomplishment. It just dissappointed me so much I hold a grudge against the game and would never give it a 2nd chance.
It's my fault for sure for having these feelings, but sadly it's the truth.
Couldnt have explianed it better as MMOtoGO did but seriously people think that at level 30-35 ur invincible come on if ur PVPing agaist a level 50+ with better gear ull lose and yes the game is gear dependant but thats why i love it even more because the game isnt one of those game's where u just sit around and just get handed everything to u. The game is about working for the stuff u want if u want to be one of the best ingame or want to have the best gear hell u have to work ur ass off to do it lol and people say well i want an MMO to relax in and i find nothing wrong with that so u can go play WoW and get to max level in 2 weeks and get awsome gear there in another 2 weeks its fine by me. But if u just want to work and feel accomplished after getting rare gear that took u a while to get but was worth it and love PVP then i believe AION is the game for that and with all the patches in the next year NCSOFT is launching i am pretty sure AION will kick ass but of course thats my opinion ur opinon is different but my whole point is why dnt u try it out now that its better than before instead of ignoring it or joining the group of people talking crap about the game and some of these people havnt even played aion in 1 year or so thats just my advice am not a fanboy at all hell i even sometimes get bored of aion lol after 4-6 hours lol but i find the game as one of a kind..
Well i always see alot of post of peeps asking what game's to play or if they should play rift or WoW wtf why dnt people see aion? I mean ive been playing the game for only like 3 weeks and am level 31 and am having a blast of a time best game in my opnion i love the gear the wings the skills the people even the mobs lmfao i jsut love the game i go to bed sometimes still thinking am playing in the game still lol so why dnt people give aion a try? Is it because how NCSOFT screwed it up at launch? Or is it because some people find it boring i just want the opnions of why u dnt like aion or what gives u the turn off for this game? Just curious to now other people's opnion's.
I played the Beta & tried to like the game but it just was not for me. No one particular thing stands out as bad but the whole experience simply did not grab me. I was coming from AoC at the time but I am not sure that influenced my feelings.
Fallen Earth came out sometime after that & got my money for 6 months or so.
i have just redownloaded it and playign the trial, i played in the beta, played at launch and WOW the game has changed alot! for the better im actually considering buying and playing the game full time till SW comes out im very impressed with how far it has come and think its a spectacular game worthy of being in the top 10 list
It's very beautiful and "good" game, but to me it feels like Lineage 2 with a new mask, and that's my own fault. I out played myself on Lineage 2 and that feeling transfered to Aion.
Entrenched opinions formed years ago that refuse to acknowledge change or take a reasonable look at the current game. It happens with every game across these boards, because everyone knows having an entrenched 'pro' opinion (ie, one that just stupidly repeats what the 'cool kids' say) makes you 'pro'.
It does suck, pretty anime graphics, same old asian mmo style of play and grind. All these games just remind me of lineage 2, except in this you have wings. Lame. Even if it was f2p I wouldn't touch it again.
Entrenched opinions formed years ago that refuse to acknowledge change or take a reasonable look at the current game. It happens with every game across these boards, because everyone knows having an entrenched 'pro' opinion (ie, one that just stupidly repeats what the 'cool kids' say) makes you 'pro'.
Thanks White for demonstrating that
lol Aion did suck at launch and at Beta and Even months after that. But Now it's a much better game though. I think it's worth having another look at it, as I did, but I just can't be bothered with MMORPG's anymore. That doesn't make Aion a bad game though, it's just the same/similar formula like all other MMORPG's. i'm suffering form MMORPG Burnout lol
I played through the betas on Aion, actually to help test the game, rather than as a freebie, unlike most people there it seems. I then played from launch for a month or two, but for me there was something just missing. It looked awesome, I found it fun, but it just didn't grab me, or hold my attention very well. There was nothing definitive, but it just didn't keep my interest.
I guess that it just wasn't right for me. I thought overall it was a good game though.
I'm 30% Rock, 10% Roll, 50% Nerd and 10% Troll. Axis of Awesome - Moderately Rock and Roll
these are all well for most of the replys i believe most are good ones expressing why u quite although some are just badwagnors lol that are following whatever the other guy said lol but if u still want to try aion or buy it amazon is selling the game with 30 day ingame for only 10 bucks with shipping so i think its a good deal for a game this great..
Well the truth is, I haven't played since a month or two at release. I was in the beta as well but it was around the 2nd month I remember hitting my mid 30's I believe and actually running out of quests. I had quests in my journal but I was to low to do them and I enjoy grouping but not being forced to and I'm overall not a PvP person so if I didn't want to PvP then I had to literally find a zone with mobs my level or a little higher and just grind until I was finally high enough level to do some of the quests I had. That's what turned me off.
Until I got to that point though I absolutely adored and loved the game.
back then the truth is a lot of player got stone walled at the area where you progress,player would watch those and activly gank to prevent anybody from progressing.so after a while player got fed up and left.i hear most pvper at end game dont bother to fly anymore.cant say if it is true,but if it is true it is one of the main feature of the game after all .
Why do people ignore Aion?
Some, maybe many, ignore it because of the forced PVP. Others ignore it because of the small world size and the huge role that PVP plays in providing extended content. Some scoff when they see some of the monstrosities that can be created with the character creation and never give Aion another thought. I'm sure there are many other factors that blend in as well.
There is a lot in the game for those who like it for what it does offer, but what it offers is pretty narrow vs. what the broader MMO community wants from a title. It doesn't invalidate the game for those who like it, the game addresses what you want from a game and gives it to you. However, it's not hard to see why Aion isn't a much broader success.
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Simple answer. NCSoft treated us like crap for 10 months straight and ignored every single request that was made to make the game better, then after pretty every one left and they merged all the servers we were given broken content that made the situation worse.
Nothing outside of free to play for Aion will ever make a lot of people want to return including me. You do realize Aion has hardly any Oceanic players anymore because they refused to accept the fact theirs routers were crap and they kept blaming the players.
My god so many examples of flat out failing. The free transfer fiasco based on Korean rules and not adjusted for America while we begged then to tighten up the restrictions while Tamat was posting about getting drunk at Gamescon while the game got even worse. Horrible decisions one after another.
Ok, to be clear I'm an Aion fan so take this opinion for what it is.
I've stopped trying to convince people how great Aion is for multiple reasons:
1. While I think the world of Atreia is the most beautiful of any MMO on the planet, and the character creation tool is second to none, some players won't play an Asian-looking game, usually because of the art style. It's not their thing.
2. While I love the fact that it can take months, not weeks, to level a character, not everyeone likes this. Plus, it's vitally important to keep your gear up to date/enchanted. People who sit around asking, "How long does it takes to get to max level" usually don't take the time and care to keep gear updated. Literally every person I've met who's started playing the game who flies through the first 20-30 levels will barely make it to 40 because leveling slows down tremendously. Repeating quests becomes boring quickly to players who only play for the leveling experience, and not for the entire game as a whole. That's a problem if you're just playing to level!
3. While I personally love the risk involved in enchanting gear, some find the randomness of certain aspets infuriating...some people would rather feel more in-control of everything. When someone is trying to put a manastone into the last slot it's a love-hate thing: if it fails, THIS GAME SUCKS. If it succeeds, I JUST WON THE SUPER-BOWL! That's life in Aion.
4. It's a game built for polar opposite kinds of players: the hardcore balls-to-the-wall pvp'er who maxes out their gear to the hilt and dives into epic battles with hundreds of wings flying in the Abyss sky...or just hunts you down while you're minding your own business, and also for the player who wants to make their character pretty with little dresses, bowties and play with their cute little puppy pet. The funny thing is, that it turns out that quite often, that player is both...they're killing you in their little dress with their puppy nodding in approval of your death.
We know that Aion is massively popular in Korea, and actually has improved greatly. NCSoft west wasn't prepared for all of the bots and hackers that literally ransacked the game at launch. Western Players were much more inclined to "gank" and "grief" people who were just trying to level. That's why there are rules in place now to help reduce the griefing. There are tons more quests in the game now, and even increased customization options.
3.0 will bring player housing, which I can't wait for!
3.0 will sill a huge rise in subs, but it will settle back down to where we are today, most likely...which is fine by me. I don't expect people to rush to Aion and stay. By the time most of these players have tried the next big thing, and the next big thing and the next, I'll still be in Aion
It just doesn't work out the way you're describing. Korea hasn't had an issues with selling these items, and to be quite frank, th buffs aren't that great for real PvP anyway. The people who are crying over these are people who are just looking for more ways to complain.
For people who don't know, it's a novelty candy you can buy that turns you in to a penquin and gives you a buff. Yes, those same candies I still have my bank full of from last summer when they were free.
I quit playing because it's BORING.
This is definitely an eye-candy mmo. Aerial pvp thing looks great. But i think there are more better f2p mmorpg out there rather than spending huge amount of time and money for this.
This game had 2 things going for it that set it apart from every other mmo..... and they have nerfed them both. It had player flight combat (unmounted) and Rifting into enemy territory. Rather than fix the issues melee classes had in the abyss with flight, they made end game a ground war like every other mmo. As for rifting, it may as well not exist given the home territory buff.
This is the reason I quit because of the horrible class balance in pvp. I played a Templar from launch for about 3 months and made to Level 35. I gave up afther getting pwned over and over again by ranged classes like Sorcerer / Ranger. Aion is an awesome game and I still think its the best mmo out of its kind.
I hyped myself way to much during beta...it was simply amazing to play during that time for me.
2 months after launch it just went completely dull for me. Everything felt like a "rinse and repeat" grind and nothing felt like a great accomplishment. It just dissappointed me so much I hold a grudge against the game and would never give it a 2nd chance.
It's my fault for sure for having these feelings, but sadly it's the truth.
Couldnt have explianed it better as MMOtoGO did but seriously people think that at level 30-35 ur invincible come on if ur PVPing agaist a level 50+ with better gear ull lose and yes the game is gear dependant but thats why i love it even more because the game isnt one of those game's where u just sit around and just get handed everything to u. The game is about working for the stuff u want if u want to be one of the best ingame or want to have the best gear hell u have to work ur ass off to do it lol and people say well i want an MMO to relax in and i find nothing wrong with that so u can go play WoW and get to max level in 2 weeks and get awsome gear there in another 2 weeks its fine by me. But if u just want to work and feel accomplished after getting rare gear that took u a while to get but was worth it and love PVP then i believe AION is the game for that and with all the patches in the next year NCSOFT is launching i am pretty sure AION will kick ass but of course thats my opinion ur opinon is different but my whole point is why dnt u try it out now that its better than before instead of ignoring it or joining the group of people talking crap about the game and some of these people havnt even played aion in 1 year or so thats just my advice am not a fanboy at all hell i even sometimes get bored of aion lol after 4-6 hours lol but i find the game as one of a kind..
I played the Beta & tried to like the game but it just was not for me. No one particular thing stands out as bad but the whole experience simply did not grab me. I was coming from AoC at the time but I am not sure that influenced my feelings.
Fallen Earth came out sometime after that & got my money for 6 months or so.
i have just redownloaded it and playign the trial, i played in the beta, played at launch and WOW the game has changed alot! for the better im actually considering buying and playing the game full time till SW comes out im very impressed with how far it has come and think its a spectacular game worthy of being in the top 10 list
It's very beautiful and "good" game, but to me it feels like Lineage 2 with a new mask, and that's my own fault. I out played myself on Lineage 2 and that feeling transfered to Aion.
TwitchTV: iNeoki
OP, this is why.
Entrenched opinions formed years ago that refuse to acknowledge change or take a reasonable look at the current game. It happens with every game across these boards, because everyone knows having an entrenched 'pro' opinion (ie, one that just stupidly repeats what the 'cool kids' say) makes you 'pro'.
Thanks White for demonstrating that
It does suck, pretty anime graphics, same old asian mmo style of play and grind. All these games just remind me of lineage 2, except in this you have wings. Lame. Even if it was f2p I wouldn't touch it again.
lol Aion did suck at launch and at Beta and Even months after that. But Now it's a much better game though. I think it's worth having another look at it, as I did, but I just can't be bothered with MMORPG's anymore. That doesn't make Aion a bad game though, it's just the same/similar formula like all other MMORPG's. i'm suffering form MMORPG Burnout lol
I played through the betas on Aion, actually to help test the game, rather than as a freebie, unlike most people there it seems. I then played from launch for a month or two, but for me there was something just missing. It looked awesome, I found it fun, but it just didn't grab me, or hold my attention very well. There was nothing definitive, but it just didn't keep my interest.
I guess that it just wasn't right for me. I thought overall it was a good game though.
I'm 30% Rock, 10% Roll, 50% Nerd and 10% Troll.
Axis of Awesome - Moderately Rock and Roll
I just couldn't stand the combat audio, it made my ears bleed it was so irritating.
these are all well for most of the replys i believe most are good ones expressing why u quite although some are just badwagnors lol that are following whatever the other guy said lol but if u still want to try aion or buy it amazon is selling the game with 30 day ingame for only 10 bucks with shipping so i think its a good deal for a game this great..
I avoid it because its annoying grind of kill x amount of monster style quest..
feels like a glorified korean grind fest. did the botters ever get dealt with? i know for a while it was infested with botters.
I remember that being on my list when I quit the game.
I couldnt believe that anyone could listen to that for an extended period of time.... personally I had to play with no sound.
Other than that the game is simply boring to me... full of bots, the flying is a gimmick....
On sale you say? That's because they can't sell it at full price thus the reduction.
I know that "some" folks like the game, yet some folks also like to be abused, tied up and dominated....