Only in a handful of situations have I ever bothered to read quest text. Both were in LOTRO and Eve. In LOTRO, there were a few quests that incorporated some of the Appendices, so reading them was like reading the actual novels at times (especially when they were referencing some 1st and 2nd ages lore that was still in play in the 3rd age). In Eve, if you didn't pay attention you'd might leave something behind even if it was a frelling kill mission, so the text tells you what you need to do and where to go.
Now, cutscenes... I really don't like them if they're too long or they're abused like in MGS or FFXIV. Cutscenes should be a reward for doing something or the start of something that will be rewarding itself (like how it seems GW2 and TOR are trying to do it).
I don't give a damn about the story, I'm playing a game, not reading a book. All I want to do is get to the action, what some random NPC is blabbering about means nothing to me.
It's funny you should say that. I just finished Dragon Age II today and I had to laugh because I was very much enjoying the cut scenes and taking in the characters and the information between "play" and I had to think that there were people out there who would go nuts at sitting back and taking it in.
My thought is that it's more about different type of players wanting/liking/desiring different types of things.
For some reason players on this site actually forget that "people are different".
Some people like playing football and some people like collecting stamps.
you not liking the consumption of information and story while playing a game doesn't make you any less than a person who would rather experience more story and lore and information.
games aren't just about "action - action - action" any more than they are about having the player sit back and listen to npc's talk.
What they are "about' is presening the player (and hopefully they are in the appropriate demographic for the particular game they are playing) with compelling game play and a good game experience.
For some that is more god of war type game play and for others it's micromanaging a "Total War" game.
"Reading a book" doesn't invalidate a game any more than having a player constnatly interacting with something validating that it's a "good game".
Just differnet people who want/desire different games.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
The problem with stories in MMOs is that they're generic. Everyone who gets that quest gets that same old tired story. Everyone is a "hero", everyone is the same and nothing that any individual does makes any difference to the world at large. Therefore, it's like playing Halo and getting engrossed in the story. Why bother? It's just fluff.
Only in a handful of situations have I ever bothered to read quest text. Both were in LOTRO and Eve. In LOTRO, there were a few quests that incorporated some of the Appendices, so reading them was like reading the actual novels at times (especially when they were referencing some 1st and 2nd ages lore that was still in play in the 3rd age). In Eve, if you didn't pay attention you'd might leave something behind even if it was a frelling kill mission, so the text tells you what you need to do and where to go.
Now, cutscenes... I really don't like them if they're too long or they're abused like in MGS or FFXIV. Cutscenes should be a reward for doing something or the start of something that will be rewarding itself (like how it seems GW2 and TOR are trying to do it).
It's funny you should say that. I just finished Dragon Age II today and I had to laugh because I was very much enjoying the cut scenes and taking in the characters and the information between "play" and I had to think that there were people out there who would go nuts at sitting back and taking it in.
My thought is that it's more about different type of players wanting/liking/desiring different types of things.
For some reason players on this site actually forget that "people are different".
Some people like playing football and some people like collecting stamps.
you not liking the consumption of information and story while playing a game doesn't make you any less than a person who would rather experience more story and lore and information.
games aren't just about "action - action - action" any more than they are about having the player sit back and listen to npc's talk.
What they are "about' is presening the player (and hopefully they are in the appropriate demographic for the particular game they are playing) with compelling game play and a good game experience.
For some that is more god of war type game play and for others it's micromanaging a "Total War" game.
"Reading a book" doesn't invalidate a game any more than having a player constnatly interacting with something validating that it's a "good game".
Just differnet people who want/desire different games.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
The problem with stories in MMOs is that they're generic. Everyone who gets that quest gets that same old tired story. Everyone is a "hero", everyone is the same and nothing that any individual does makes any difference to the world at large. Therefore, it's like playing Halo and getting engrossed in the story. Why bother? It's just fluff.
Played: UO, EQ, WoW, DDO, SWG, AO, CoH, EvE, TR, AoC, GW, GA, Aion, Allods, lots more
Relatively Recently (Re)Played: HL2 (all), Halo (PC, all), Batman:AA; AC, ME, BS, DA, FO3, DS, Doom (all), LFD1&2, KOTOR, Portal 1&2, Blink, Elder Scrolls (all), lots more
Now Playing: None
Hope: None
were is the never option?,i read all the text even the kill 10 boars style quests