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Seriously How many Play for free games are actualy free? Ive only come across a few good ones where it dosnt seem like the Dev's are begging you to spend money from the verry start. It compleatly ruins any immersion I have when I have to see a "buy full game", or "Upgrade to Premium", or "Buy this buy that" all the time. I like trying free games but when i start feeling like the game is begging for my money more than trying to make me like the game I get disgusted and drop the game all together. I wish more free games would actualy try to make me like the game.... then adversise there merchandice as i would be way more pron to spending money on a game I love playing. Anybody else feel like this or am I just going crazy?
If you are not old enough to work then get a paper round or wash the next door nighbours car. Their are countless ways to earn the pathetic monthly sub these company are asking for.
In my experience, it isn't so much a matter of not being able to afford it as:
A: not having enough time to make a subscription worthwhile. There are months where I'd be lucky to sneak in as much as 5 hours of total play time
B: Not wanting to spend money on crap. VERY few MMOs out there are worth even half of their subscription cost in my personal opinion.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
actualy i said nothing about not wanting to actualy pay for a game. I dont mind paying for a good mmo, i payed for wow for 3 years because i loved it so much. It just seems like nowadays every mmo advertises free just to try and scam me out of money for a crappy game. Even though there a few mmo's that would be prety neat and worth paying for but dont seem to have payment option i find worth.
I don't know why so many of you support F2P model. I play a game to escape reality and every time I get begged for money it brings me right back to the real world..... F2P is ruining the MMORPG model but is somehow successful because of so many gamers with no standards.
It just is what it is. At least you get to actually try the game out for free and then decide if you want to continue playing, and if you continue then most f2p games can be played very well with the $15 a month you would pay for a sub. If you dont think it's worth $15 then you can move on, no big loss.
I'm not a big fan of all. But i cant see why people cry so much about them. Play them or dont play them. They are what they are. Theres no law saying that you must participte in every mmo available.