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Now i know this game is very old. But i've never played it and after kinda looking at pictures of it and hearing great storys about it from real life peers in the past, tonight kinda had me thinking about it. My question is. Does this game still have a population, or is it worth a new player jumping into it?
honestly it depends on you. I was in the exact situation as you are in a couple months ago and I bought it, played it for a few weeks and am done. It was like 20 or 30 dollars and I got my money worth.
Lots of cool ideas, systems, mechanics- not very many low level players at all, even less friendly ones.
You may have better luch though.
Last time I played it still had a great population and they even merged some servers a few months back. Now last year I was on a server that had roughly 900-1200 people on at a time and was merged into another server and it resulted into 3-4k+ on at any giving time. For the most part the community is very nice.
For little over a year now they have been making the lower levels much easier to go through so only thing a new person would need at the start is learning how to play as it's not you're typical button masher and requires some thinking.
It definatly has some population, but starting out could be tough it's not very forgiving of a game. But it is a really good game I recently stopped playing because I didn't really feel like leveling again when they kept increaseing the level cap. I might go back once they are done with the cap increase and the game stablizes for a bit. definatly a good story line and content that is hard to match in any MMO. You have to like grouping with people and killing mobs though thats how the game is done.
Achiever 20.00%, Explorer 86.67%, Killer 60.00%, Socializer 33.33%
If you enjoyed other FF games, it still might be good fun but to be honest with you the game is just old now. Now take that as a grain of salt as I checked out the game way after it's prime, but ye it still has it's compexity. The game still has a very dedicated group of players and you can get the entire game with all expansions and other content for $20, cheaper if on sale whic I've seen it being $5 many times.
To really get into FFXI, you really need to find a linkshell first before deciding what to roll for your starter job (I'd say warrior since it's nice to just be a big wall of HP early on, but Redmage is good too). The reason why I say this is because FFXI has no LFD/LFG functions, so the community is driven around linkshells. Talking to people in public doesn't really work out since most probably are focusing on their vent/mumble/TS3 chat or even doing something else away from the screen at the moment (if we're talking about hanging out in the towns).
Use search? look for people with LFG flag up? read peoples comments?
yeah a LS makes it alot easier but really you can find and make groups fine with the games LFG system I don't know how you missed it. With level snyc anyone is fair game under like 50 for almost any party. although with the new zones alot of people get power leveled on those dominion quests if I recall. I havn't played in almost a year now so not sure.
Sadly though the best thing to do is know someone with a PL or have a PL. It makes anything possible for groups.
Achiever 20.00%, Explorer 86.67%, Killer 60.00%, Socializer 33.33%
FF11 is really good. I was playing it about 3 monthes ago. i played on Slyph. the population was good. Linkshells really do make the world go round though. I found an awesome family based linkshell and met alot of friends. It was nice because we always had some kind of party going and if I wanted to solo i had someone to chat with. I highly recomend the game especially now with the abbysea game box you can buy. it saves you alot of money. be ready to be patient with the game though, it is old and is quirky. the controls are pretty much completely keyboard based. you can play the entire game without using your mouse. it has years of content though so definitely check it out
oh btw Redmage are amazingly fun to play.
There is population, don't be fooled when you log in and there aren't ajillion noobs running around.
This game is so old, all the newbies have been weeded out.
You're either:
A) Someone who stopped playing
C) A new player (Quite rare) Who will become either A or B
However, it's only enjoyable IF you find a good linkshell, so look for one first before you decide to play.
For what you can buy it for today, it's definitely worth it. It is a fun and entertaining game.
I did have some issues with it: primarily, how slow it is/feels, how difficult it is to start off without a guide, and how unfriendly the community can be when you log in for the first time. The controls scheme is a bit odd and will take some getting used to as well.
i would suggest finding a few players on this website who would be willing to show you the ropes (perhaps in a vent), that would make the game not only easier to get into but more enjoyable both immediately and in tthe long run.
But yes, as I've said before, it is a fun game when you get into it.