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The game with the BEST commuity

vinhvu95vinhvu95 Member Posts: 1

Basically, after years of playing Maplestory and other mmorpgs i got tired of it cos it was boring. Can anyone recommend a good mmorpg that has a Good community, fun gameplay and kindof addicting. 


  • David_LopanDavid_Lopan Member UncommonPosts: 813

    LOTRO, Landroval server.  Best community I have ever played in.  Other great communties would be Vanguard and EQII, more so Vanguard.

  • Ex0dUs101Ex0dUs101 Member UncommonPosts: 273

    Id have to say Everquest 2 on the Antonia Bayle sever, with Ultima Online on the Europa Server being a close second.

  • decoy26517decoy26517 Member Posts: 313

    World of Warcraft. Nothing compares.

    "World of Warcraft is the perfect implementation of this genre." - Hilmar Petursson. CEO of CCP.

  • NightAngellNightAngell Member Posts: 566
    LOTRO Luarelin server the only official RP server and it's european. Vanguard servers are right up there along with EQ2 runnyeye server.
  • DraemosDraemos Member UncommonPosts: 1,521

    City of Heroes has a great community.  

  • gaeanprayergaeanprayer Member UncommonPosts: 2,341

    Originally posted by vinhvu95

    Basically, after years of playing Maplestory and other mmorpgs i got tired of it cos it was boring. Can anyone recommend a good mmorpg that has a Good community, fun gameplay and kindof addicting. 

    What exactly do you mean by 'best'? That sort of info is pretty important. By 'best' do you mean largest? WoW easily has the largest community, though EQ's community still goes pretty strong. DDO has a decent sized one, too, as does City of Heroes (after many years, the main servers still reach 'red' status in the evenings). If by 'best' you mean closest, LoTRO's community is fairly tight-knit depending on your chosen server. Ragnarok Online has a strong community due to the game being almost purely party-oriented. Lineage 2 is similar in that you will need people to back you up in order to survive.

    Generally, the more solo-friendly games will have many more people playing. The more party/open-world pvp games typically have smaller communities, but they're a bit more dependant on each other and thus deeper relationships are easier to form, be that for better or worse (plenty of 'ipwntyou' drama in addition to the good stuff). I've made some really good friends in both styles of gameplay.

    If you want something that's a mix of all of the above, but with more current graphics, give Aion a try. The majority of the content is solo-ish, in that you can do it alone though certain zones will require you be aware of your surroundings (pvp), but the most rewarding stuff requires you to participate with other people; the Abyss fort raids will have the majority of the server cooperating in faction warfare. There have been a lot of changes to the game since I played though, which was well over a year ago, so do some of your own research first.

    "Forums aren't for intelligent discussion; they're for blow-hards with unwavering opinions."

  • Cpt_PicardCpt_Picard Member Posts: 300

    Though there are plenty of Mmorpgs with very solid though very low pop communities, I would suggest Lotro, more specifically the unoficcial roleplaying Server Landroval, the best community in a well populated mmorpg. 

    Make it so...

  • NizurNizur Member CommonPosts: 1,417

    Out of all the MMOs I've tried/played, the ones with the best communities were Ryzom, LoTRO and Vanguard.  Ryzom and VG have pretty small populations though, so if you want a larger community then LoTRO is your best bet imo.

    Current: None
    Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
    Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
    Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN

  • JimmacJimmac Member UncommonPosts: 1,660

    I would say Eve. Between the great corpmates I've met on there, and the help channels which are bar none the best help channels in any mmo ever, Eve has the best community.

    It's true there are many jerks, but if you actually look around, you'll find just as many cool guys.

  • kylekbbkylekbb Member Posts: 165

    LORTO hands down Valya when i played a few weaks back. Man everyone reas nice as could be and it was fun to just play with your guild mates. First one in a while that you can get crafting things from with such a high cost to make without having to pay anything for. Least for me in here its been a while since i have had that nice of a group.


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  • KabaalKabaal Member UncommonPosts: 3,042

    Once upon a tiem i'd have said City of Heroes. The community was great there for the first couple of years, helped by the fact that the game encouraged 8 man grouping for everything you did. Nowadays it's more of an eltist game where vets only group with vets etc.

  • KalferKalfer Member Posts: 779

    Originally posted by vinhvu95

    Basically, after years of playing Maplestory and other mmorpgs i got tired of it cos it was boring. Can anyone recommend a good mmorpg that has a Good community, fun gameplay and kindof addicting. 

    SWG pre-CU. But it's too late for that.

  • moosecatlolmoosecatlol Member RarePosts: 1,531

    Originally posted by Draemos
    City of Heroes has a great community.  

    The CoH community reminds me of a cult.

        Originally posted by Kalfer
       SWG pre-CU. But it's too late for that.

    Absolutely agreed.
  • sketocafesketocafe Member UncommonPosts: 950

    I concur with the poster above that EvE has a great community. Just don't trust any of them and you'll survive in it.

  • SouzetsuAeriSouzetsuAeri Member UncommonPosts: 120

    I too agree with LotRO having a great community but I wouldn't go as far as saying the best-only because there are many other games out there I have yet to really get into.


    I play on Windfola and from my experience with the game over the length of a year I have never had any bad player interactions and everyone is always helpful. :)

  • therain93therain93 Member UncommonPosts: 2,039

    Originally posted by Kabaal

    Once upon a tiem i'd have said City of Heroes. The community was great there for the first couple of years, helped by the fact that the game encouraged 8 man grouping for everything you did. Nowadays it's more of an eltist game where vets only group with vets etc.

     The danger of those vet badges viewable by everyone. ( ' ;

    CoH still has a strong community, but the boards are where the elitists hang out mostly.  Fortunately, you can spot most of them by their absurdly high post counts (anything going over 2,000 with an air of cockiness should be a red flag).

  • drbaltazardrbaltazar Member UncommonPosts: 7,856

    best community is kind of vague?you mean to get info ?wow!
    rp wise?
    what you mean op?

  • aspekxaspekx Member UncommonPosts: 2,167

    Originally posted by Aquazen

    LOTRO, Landroval server.  Best community I have ever played in.  Other great communties would be Vanguard and EQII, more so Vanguard.

    +1 for truthiness.

    this post really says it all. ive played a LOT of mmo's and the above statement is totally true. time and again, after wandering the mmo wastelands of today i always end up back in one of those 3 mmos: Vanguard, EQ2, or LotRO. the communities are outstanding, each has a different approach to content, but its always in depth and robust.

    check out these 3, if you dont care for any of them, im not sure where to point you to, except back to the asian f2p market.

    "There are at least two kinds of games.
    One could be called finite, the other infinite.
    A finite game is played for the purpose of winning,
    an infinite game for the purpose of continuing play."
    Finite and Infinite Games, James Carse

  • mizanyxmizanyx Member Posts: 70

    AIKA Online, Ostyrion nation... And after that, Metin2 Mexican official server.

  • KelthiusKelthius Member UncommonPosts: 298

    Originally posted by decoy26517

    World of Warcraft. Nothing compares.

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *deep breath* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Man... I really needed that laugh. Thank you for that comment.

  • ErzabetaErzabeta Member Posts: 14

    LOTRO by far IMO.

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