For GW2 stuff that was new to me, there was the mention that they were doing voice recording in two week blocks, with ten more weeks scheduled and featuring a broad cast of notable voide actors, including a number of those also doing voice acting for TOR. As the author points out, we know there is at least ten more weeks of development before launch, but I don't think that surprises anyone.
There was a cool tidbit about bonus XP. If a mob exists in the world for a period of time with out being killed, it will accumulate some bonus XP for when it is killed, in order to encourage people to explore, rather than grinding a small area.
There is some more insight on the design process, but there wasn't much new for me as far as game play. Worth a read though.
For GW2 stuff that was new to me, there was the mention that they were doing voice recording in two week blocks, with ten more weeks scheduled and featuring a broad cast of notable voide actors, including a number of those also doing voice acting for TOR. As the author points out, we know there is at least ten more weeks of development before launch, but I don't think that surprises anyone.
There was a cool tidbit about bonus XP. If a mob exists in the world for a period of time with out being killed, it will accumulate some bonus XP for when it is killed, in order to encourage people to explore, rather than grinding a small area.
There is some more insight on the design process, but there wasn't much new for me as far as game play. Worth a read though.
Personally I think that having Jon St.John do the PvP maps announcements is freaking priceless, even if you don't know who is is anyone certainly heard the "Balls of steel" from duke nukem, he is the voice in there.
Finished, finally, nice read
"I am not a robot. I am a unicorn."
TLDR someone
Anything new or just more of what we know ;x
GW2 won't release in the next 10 weeks!
The drama!
Start from page 8 if you dont want to read the whole lot.
Up tp page 8 was the fun part, the rest I knew everything
"I am not a robot. I am a unicorn."
Good read.
For GW2 stuff that was new to me, there was the mention that they were doing voice recording in two week blocks, with ten more weeks scheduled and featuring a broad cast of notable voide actors, including a number of those also doing voice acting for TOR. As the author points out, we know there is at least ten more weeks of development before launch, but I don't think that surprises anyone.
There was a cool tidbit about bonus XP. If a mob exists in the world for a period of time with out being killed, it will accumulate some bonus XP for when it is killed, in order to encourage people to explore, rather than grinding a small area.
There is some more insight on the design process, but there wasn't much new for me as far as game play. Worth a read though.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated

Personally I think that having Jon St.John do the PvP maps announcements is freaking priceless, even if you don't know who is is anyone certainly heard the "Balls of steel" from duke nukem, he is the voice in there.
"I am not a robot. I am a unicorn."
Thanks for sharing that. It was well-written and interesting.
Nice to get a collection of thoughts and insights in one place.
I'm 30% Rock, 10% Roll, 50% Nerd and 10% Troll.
Axis of Awesome - Moderately Rock and Roll