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Ive been looking at a new mmo for sometime , but im not really into stawars. When i look at the info on it i cant really see anything making me want to play it,as far i see so far its only the bog standard mmo in starwars clothes .
If your not into the lore then what will it offer the general player who wants to have fun.
Rather than posting ANOTHER note on all the features of the game, I suggest you go to one of the features lists in this forum and read it. I would suggest Whilan's thread personally. Then go to the website and watch all the gameplay videos. If you feel the same way after that, then I would suggest NOT playing the game. For me though, there is enough of the familiar to keep me calm (change is not always a good thing, I know from experience), but so much new (innovation or twists) that I am excited. In the end though we really can't know until we get a chance to play the game. I will say this though, it is AMAZING how few bad reviews we have gotten on this game from beta leaks or even professional reviewers compared to how many good comments out there. I could be wrong, but not many games that I can remember meeting that particular milestone at this stage of development.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
If you think it offers no more than bog standard mmo . then maybe you have not looked deep enough .
SWTOR will be the mmorpg equivalent of a Michael Bay movie, so if you buy SWTOR, you should be buying it for the same reasons you would go see a Transformers movie.
I have not yet made up my mind, but Bioware alone is enough to suggest a purchase.
Hey guys, I could be wrong, especially after all the bashing SWTOR has gotten from GW2 fans like this guy (suggested by his forum signature), but I actually don't think this guy/gal was trying to bash the game. This seems more like a poorly worded request for help. So rather than beating him down, try giving him some good links or at least good places to look for more info.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
If you dont like what you see on their website, dont buy it, wait for a free trial or... something like that.
you are really correct i do want a new mmo and yes i really am looking forward to guildwars2 and i can get excited about that as i have all the prievious guildwars games but when i looked at starwars i couldnt see anything in it for me
im not here to bash starwars i really want to have a new mmo and as starwars is the next one out and could give me my mmo fix till guildwars comes out i was looking for what i should be looking for
when i wander around the swtor site i just dont see anything other than starwars which i did state in my opening comment
for me starwars is just a movie and and has a game about it but other than that i only know the main characters and dont know anything else, so the lore of starwars is completely lost on me .
i went to the site again and looked around and still didnt see anything
im not here to bash im just lookign for what starwars has to offer joe public
For me such a badddddddd analogy, arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I so hope SWToR is 0% like anything Michael Bay does, pleeeeeease let it be nothing like anything he has ever done. To say I despise Michael Bay movies would be a massive understatement so I sure hope you are wrong and this game is absolutely NOTHING like anything he has ever done :P
To the OP, as to why you should buy it? This is a question we all have to ask ourselves and answer for ourselves. Like people have said watch some videos, do some reading, if it doesn't sound like it is for you then it is probably not for you. Nothing wrong with that not everyone likes every MMO
And I think one poster already stated that you already answered your own question.
Just wait till GW2 comes out then and don't force yourself to like something your not into. There are plenty of other fantasy mmo's out there, especially F2P if your looking for a quick fix.
If I was you I would be floating around Tera and ArchAge websites looking for BETA invites, instead of SWTOR.
The same could be said about swtor fans.
Go to the main website and forums and GW2 is bashed all the time.
Two wrongs doesn' make one right. i really hate it when people reply 'but hey fans of x games does it too' so what? we already know it and it is wrong on part of both Swtor or GW2 fans. But currently we are on swtor forums and yes GW2 fans try too hard to always start trouble on SWTOR forums. Not saying that OP is trying to do the same.
If the OP wants reasons to be interested in this title they have all been packaged (all the known features / info) for him or her in Whilan's thread that is stickied at the very top of this Star Wars forum. He / she can go there and look through that listed and hopefully find something that tickles them about TOR.
If they don't find anything, then he or she probably shouldn't buy TOR. After following TOR for years I only made up my mind to buy it in the last 2 or 3 days because of my curiosity about their crafting system, Huttball and the world PvP. If not for those three I'd pass.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
I think the point here is.. If you want to try it.. Try it.. If noting you have read or seen strikes your fancy then dont.. No one has the energy anymore to convince you.. Too many times people post on this forum with a *Help I cant decide* post only to start bashing and criticizing everything everyone says about what we like.. Its just getting old and honestly I dont get it anyway.. Nothing anyone says on a forum should get you to make a purchasing decision.. Make up your own mind.. And I have to agree that it looks like you all ready have tbh.
We are on the swtor forums so why mention GW2 then?
The OP could of left out naming GW2 and just said swtor get's bashing from other MMO.
And swtor fans try too hard to always start trouble on the GW2 forums.
See what i did there....
You are still doing it... didn't i just say it is wrong for fans of both sides? you replied to me with typical 'hey they do it too' once again.
I thought OP was serious till I saw the GW2 sig.
Dieing by my hands in Huttball.
U should buy SW TOR if u like it from what have u seen so far...if u dont ,buy any other game.Leave us in peace.
Thank you.
If you arent really into star wars as an ip, then dont play it. The game is a bioware take on the traditional themepark model (emphasis on story, characters, choice). If none of those things appeal to you, then you are probably best not to waste your money on something you wont like, just for the sake of having something to play.
Try some of the F2P games, DDO, LotRO, AoC, CO, Star Trek is going F2P this year, Dragon's Nest, Global Agenda, ect. There are plenty out there.
You said that "When i look at the info on it i cant really see anything making me want to play it" you basically said "I've done my research about the game (visited the game site and/or other sites to get informed about everything this game will have in it right?) and came to conclusion this is not a game for me" - you've already made up your mind, so what's the purpose of this thread? To start yet another flamewar? Tsk tsk.
Fun is a subjective concept. My suggestion is to wait and see. Might not be your cup of tea.
"The person who experiences greatness must have a feeling for the myth he is in."
You've answered your own question.
Better to be crazy, provided you know what sane is...
Because you either:
1. Have no taste.
2. Didn't do your research well enough.
3. Are a big WoW fan but were always looking for a good sci-fi game.
4. Are a Star Wars fan and you'll play anything Star Wars no matter what the game is.
5. Have too much free time on your hands to give it a try, even though you are quite sure you aren't going to like it.
6. You never played any other mmorpg.
7. Can't find anything better to play/do until Guild Wars 2 is released.
"Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted.
Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world."
Hans Margolius
As someone else said in the second post i guess you already know its not for you..
I know its not for me and well i sued to be a pretty big star wars fan abck in the day.. not going around dressed as a storm trooper big but really liked the films and games... and loved SWG when it was first out before it got broke..
But this every time a read somthing about it.. well it makes me sad
latest was the crap about getting killed and no real DP.. i mean you get rezzed by some odd droid that appears and the only negative effect if that if you die again t takes a tiny bit longer to be rezzed... maybe as well be un-killable. bah..that along with a load of other things that seem to be making the game super easy mode has turned me right off from it..
But this is just me im sure people are all wet just waiting for this game to come out lol... but im really not bothered.. i will check it out when there is a free trial or if it turns up on offer some place but thats it..