No raids is also dumb. way too alienate more than half of all MMO gamers. Im sure they will enjoy zerging "dynamic content" whatever that means. Prolly more PQ's
Might wanna get your facts straight before spouting off numbers. Few years ago blizzard did some data mining on just how many players raided in world of warcraft, it turned out to be less than 15 percent of the playerbase that EVER raided. You are in the minority with being pro raid and the numbers back me on this point.
Most people don't raid and never will because many of us A. see that raids are simply giant time sinks put in place to divert attention away from the fact that a game doesn't have any further content beyond that point. B. Have grown up and often have responsibilities that don't allow them to raid for time reasons. I'm personally glad anytime a company puts their foot down and says I won't cater to the hardcores that play 10 plus hours a day so they can be the "best" love hearing that in these mmo's that have no skill required since everything is gear based thus making anything else irrelevent.
Face it raiding is a antiquianted concept that will be phased out in the next 5 to 10 years of gaming if mmo's every stop moving at a snails pace when it comes to evolution.
I was also under the impression that higher end dynamic events sort of take the place of raids. With hundreds of players fighting or doing something together. But it doesnt take 4 hours to complete. Probably 10 minutes to around an hour. Like defending a fortress, or fighting a very large enemy like a dragon.
Im all for that. I know people can sit at their PCs for 6 hours at a time with no problem. But Im not one of those people. Even if I had the time I wouldnt want too.
No raids is also dumb. way too alienate more than half of all MMO gamers. Im sure they will enjoy zerging "dynamic content" whatever that means. Prolly more PQ's
Might wanna get your facts straight before spouting off numbers. Few years ago blizzard did some data mining on just how many players raided in world of warcraft, it turned out to be less than 15 percent of the playerbase that EVER raided. You are in the minority with being pro raid and the numbers back me on this point.
Most people don't raid and never will because many of us A. see that raids are simply giant time sinks put in place to divert attention away from the fact that a game doesn't have any further content beyond that point. B. Have grown up and often have responsibilities that don't allow them to raid for time reasons. I'm personally glad anytime a company puts their foot down and says I won't cater to the hardcores that play 10 plus hours a day so they can be the "best" love hearing that in these mmo's that have no skill required since everything is gear based thus making anything else irrelevent.
Face it raiding is a antiquianted concept that will be phased out in the next 5 to 10 years of gaming if mmo's every stop moving at a snails pace when it comes to evolution.
I think MMOs in the future will still have raids in them, but they won't be the focus, nor will you be required to raid to progress/be competetive. They'll just be something else they add for those who want to do them.
No raids is also dumb. way too alienate more than half of all MMO gamers. Im sure they will enjoy zerging "dynamic content" whatever that means. Prolly more PQ's
Might wanna get your facts straight before spouting off numbers. Few years ago blizzard did some data mining on just how many players raided in world of warcraft, it turned out to be less than 15 percent of the playerbase that EVER raided. You are in the minority with being pro raid and the numbers back me on this point.
Most people don't raid and never will because many of us A. see that raids are simply giant time sinks put in place to divert attention away from the fact that a game doesn't have any further content beyond that point. B. Have grown up and often have responsibilities that don't allow them to raid for time reasons. I'm personally glad anytime a company puts their foot down and says I won't cater to the hardcores that play 10 plus hours a day so they can be the "best" love hearing that in these mmo's that have no skill required since everything is gear based thus making anything else irrelevent.
Face it raiding is a antiquianted concept that will be phased out in the next 5 to 10 years of gaming if mmo's every stop moving at a snails pace when it comes to evolution.
I was also under the impression that higher end dynamic events sort of take the place of raids. With hundreds of players fighting or doing something together. But it doesnt take 4 hours to complete. Probably 10 minutes to around an hour. Like defending a fortress, or fighting a very large enemy like a dragon.
Im all for that. I know people can sit at their PCs for 6 hours at a time with no problem. But Im not one of those people. Even if I had the time I wouldnt want too.
I'm not sure how much the events work, but I know a lot of events work in "stages", and you'll be able to still join in on the last stage with the large dragon to kill if that's all you have time for. While everyone else who wanted to, did the optional parts before hand, like saving catapults, and finding supplies and whatnot that will help in the "final" stage but are not required.
It seems this game is really just a bragging rights game. The PvE is pointless and will be very simple as you dont even need a healer. Just block and roll= win basically.
Also hard mode dungeons why? Its not like you get anything interesting from doing it.You just beat the hardest dungeon in the game on super hard mode? Grats here is the same gear you were already wearing only its the color RED! wow so cool *rolls eyes*
No raids is also dumb. way too alienate more than half of all MMO gamers. Im sure they will enjoy zerging "dynamic content" whatever that means. Prolly more PQ's
Anyways the fanboys have really hyped this game up for something that ultimately will be uncompetitive and shallow. Casuals will love it though.
Lol. Games are usually be played for fun. So fun is it because i will play it.
And if you really think WoW and the item hunting and raiding is any competitive or challenging.. then go on and play WoW.
There are enough games outthere where you got your carrot on a stick.
But i dont play games for some virtually shiney items. I play games, because they are fun, and to play against other players for challenge.. Mobs arnt Challenging anyways.
Also hard mode dungeons why? Its not like you get anything interesting from doing it.You just beat the hardest dungeon in the game on super hard mode? Grats here is the same gear you were already wearing only its the color RED! wow so cool *rolls eyes*
I know you don't really care, because you're not in here for meaningful discussion, you're just poking people with a stick to watch them run around...
... but I just wanted to say this is one point I'm actually proud of GW2 on.
Since there's a 3 channel dye system, the idea of rewarding somebody with an alternate color but same polygon armor is woefully outdated and can stay with games like WoW.
Seriously, the whole WoW armor thing makes me laugh. So many of those armors are just color swaps. Hideously ugly color swaps at that. It's like WoW is staffed mostly by color blind people.
So thanks CzechGuy! Thanks for giving me an excuse to feel superior and smug about one of the great things about GW2, that the unique armor from dungeons actually is a whole new model, polygon mesh and all.
Not that I needed extra reasons to feel superior about GW2, but I guess I appreciate the help.
It's also worth noting that your energy bar allows you to dodge twice before needing to recharge so you won't be able to continually dodge as you have put.
We all know you posted this to get some attention but don't worry GW2 is going to be a very social game so you'll get some friends soon.
It seems this game is really just a bragging rights game. The PvE is pointless and will be very simple as you dont even need a healer. Just block and roll= win basically.
Also hard mode dungeons why? Its not like you get anything interesting from doing it.You just beat the hardest dungeon in the game on super hard mode? Grats here is the same gear you were already wearing only its the color RED! wow so cool *rolls eyes*
No raids is also dumb. way too alienate more than half of all MMO gamers. Im sure they will enjoy zerging "dynamic content" whatever that means. Prolly more PQ's
Anyways the fanboys have really hyped this game up for something that ultimately will be uncompetitive and shallow. Casuals will love it though.
Poor you ,are you bitter because GW2 looks great but does not cater to CzechGuy's needs.
Millions will have fun playing GW2 but you wont be there and that is a great thing.
Dont beat yourself up though, there is always RIFT lol
We could use the same kind of stupid logic and say why do you play all those games where progression is the be all end all of your mmos? Why do you do when you suck at pay to win games even if you emptied your mom account?
In any case some people prefer progression over player skill and other the way around. Mostly mmo are based on progression, which goes at the opposite of pvp concept. Sure you have quiet a few pvp mmo where progression is everything, games like L2 and many others. As i said you can probably empty your parent accounts and still suck at it, but you still should be confident if you spend few thousand $ in RMT to get that +15 weapon.
In any case many people think too much progression is simply killing pvp, why even fight against someone if the time spend, game mechanisms like rock scissor paper, and $ spend automatically make you win or loose? It make no sense to many people, hence GW2 design.
If this lack of balance is natural and accepted for you fair well and good luck, i'm sure you could find many games that fit you perfectly, some companies seam perfectly fine in emptying your wallet to get you an edge in your games, its not missing really. A lot of people and game designer have exactly your point of view.
But for the other i'm sure a game like GW2 is a breath of fresh air. Also if you followed all the NCsoft games and the few other pvp games, you will understand where this design is coming from. Its pretty clear all the pvp mmos from NC and others were heavily criticized, at least in the west, and what was all these criticizes about? You got it, unbalance, rock scissor paper problems, i win buttons due to heavy progression, RMTs and so on. So its not like they are making this game to piss off people like you really, i think there is a real demand behind it.
So just curious. Since you fanboys claim that this game is going to be all about "skill" and not things like gear and time invested what are you going to do when you find out you suck at it?
My guess is you will quit. in fact most casuals will.
Then who will play GW2?
if you quit because you suck then your just a troll.....
This game is going to rock. No healers? Game for casual? No raids to run endlessy for a piece of gear getting old and useless in a month time? Good, here you try yourself and see how good you are and if you like raids you don't have to do them for the gears, just for the challenge which you don't know what means.
dude..... really? I mean... COME ON!?! Is this what you do all day? You find the highest rated MMORPG and your like, "UUUUGH man why isnt this WoW? Im gonna troll out this game." Then, you find nothing thats wrong so then you try to twist things around of what they actually are. GET A LIFE MAN! And being a troll is not a good life. no it is not.....
OH! btw..... everyone thinks your a troll now......
It seems this game is really just a bragging rights game. The PvE is pointless and will be very simple as you dont even need a healer. Just block and roll= win basically.
Also hard mode dungeons why? Its not like you get anything interesting from doing it.You just beat the hardest dungeon in the game on super hard mode? Grats here is the same gear you were already wearing only its the color RED! wow so cool *rolls eyes*
No raids is also dumb. way too alienate more than half of all MMO gamers. Im sure they will enjoy zerging "dynamic content" whatever that means. Prolly more PQ's
Anyways the fanboys have really hyped this game up for something that ultimately will be uncompetitive and shallow. Casuals will love it though.
Poor you ,are you bitter because GW2 looks great but does not cater to CzechGuy's needs.
Millions will have fun playing GW2 but you wont be there and that is a great thing.
Dont beat yourself up though, there is always RIFT lol
Nothing wrong with Rift I enjoy playing it. But I will admit it is alot like WOW in certain ways but its also diffrent in alot of ways.Anyway after doing some research on GW2 I will be giveing it a try I like there ideas on combat and gear not being the focal point of the game. Im also a carebear pvper if there is such a thing lol so the pvp in the game sounds fun as well.
Its worth noteing I started off looking at SWTOR only for a new game but after watching some combat vids and reading up on GW2 Im haveing a change of heart and leaning towards this game instead.
dude..... really? I mean... COME ON!?! Is this what you do all day? You find the highest rated MMORPG and your like, "UUUUGH man why isnt this WoW? Im gonna troll out this game." Then, you find nothing thats wrong so then you try to twist things around of what they actually are. GET A LIFE MAN! And being a troll is not a good life. no it is not.....
OH! btw..... everyone thinks your a troll now......
Nah, it is wet and cold to live under a bridge...
I kinda laugh to OP though, like gear with different color would be handed out in a game where you lock up color the same way you lock up skills.
There will be levels and weapon skills to gain as forms of progression. And personal skill through practice is also a form of progression. You will still get new skills, weapons, and armor skins as well as titles. I imagine some of the PvP will have ladder systems. There may not be as much stat progression like in the hundreds of WoW clones out there, but to me that is a good thing.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
I was also under the impression that higher end dynamic events sort of take the place of raids. With hundreds of players fighting or doing something together. But it doesnt take 4 hours to complete. Probably 10 minutes to around an hour. Like defending a fortress, or fighting a very large enemy like a dragon.
Im all for that. I know people can sit at their PCs for 6 hours at a time with no problem. But Im not one of those people. Even if I had the time I wouldnt want too.
I think MMOs in the future will still have raids in them, but they won't be the focus, nor will you be required to raid to progress/be competetive. They'll just be something else they add for those who want to do them.
I'm not sure how much the events work, but I know a lot of events work in "stages", and you'll be able to still join in on the last stage with the large dragon to kill if that's all you have time for. While everyone else who wanted to, did the optional parts before hand, like saving catapults, and finding supplies and whatnot that will help in the "final" stage but are not required.
Someone baking cookies? Because we got some trolls up in here.
Stay Alert! Trust No One! Keep Your Laser Handy!
Yellow Clearance Black Box Blues!
I was going to join my friends in lguk for an exp group but some jerk troll kept corpse camping me in innothule.
troll thread
makes me sad since he's from the same country as me:((
Now Czech look even dummer:(
I think I actually spent way more time reading and theorycrafting about MMOs than playing them
Lol. Games are usually be played for fun. So fun is it because i will play it.
And if you really think WoW and the item hunting and raiding is any competitive or challenging.. then go on and play WoW.
There are enough games outthere where you got your carrot on a stick.
But i dont play games for some virtually shiney items. I play games, because they are fun, and to play against other players for challenge.. Mobs arnt Challenging anyways.
What I wanna know is, why has everyone feed the troll to this point?
I know you don't really care, because you're not in here for meaningful discussion, you're just poking people with a stick to watch them run around...
... but I just wanted to say this is one point I'm actually proud of GW2 on.
Since there's a 3 channel dye system, the idea of rewarding somebody with an alternate color but same polygon armor is woefully outdated and can stay with games like WoW.
Seriously, the whole WoW armor thing makes me laugh. So many of those armors are just color swaps.
Hideously ugly color swaps at that. It's like WoW is staffed mostly by color blind people. 
So thanks CzechGuy! Thanks for giving me an excuse to feel superior and smug about one of the great things about GW2, that the unique armor from dungeons actually is a whole new model, polygon mesh and all.
Not that I needed extra reasons to feel superior about GW2, but I guess I appreciate the help.
We all know you posted this to get some attention but don't worry GW2 is going to be a very social game so you'll get some friends soon.
Trolls be trollin'
Poor you ,are you bitter because GW2 looks great but does not cater to CzechGuy's needs.
Millions will have fun playing GW2 but you wont be there and that is a great thing.
Dont beat yourself up though, there is always RIFT lol
We could use the same kind of stupid logic and say why do you play all those games where progression is the be all end all of your mmos? Why do you do when you suck at pay to win games even if you emptied your mom account?
In any case some people prefer progression over player skill and other the way around. Mostly mmo are based on progression, which goes at the opposite of pvp concept. Sure you have quiet a few pvp mmo where progression is everything, games like L2 and many others. As i said you can probably empty your parent accounts and still suck at it, but you still should be confident if you spend few thousand $ in RMT to get that +15 weapon.
In any case many people think too much progression is simply killing pvp, why even fight against someone if the time spend, game mechanisms like rock scissor paper, and $ spend automatically make you win or loose? It make no sense to many people, hence GW2 design.
If this lack of balance is natural and accepted for you fair well and good luck, i'm sure you could find many games that fit you perfectly, some companies seam perfectly fine in emptying your wallet to get you an edge in your games, its not missing really. A lot of people and game designer have exactly your point of view.
But for the other i'm sure a game like GW2 is a breath of fresh air. Also if you followed all the NCsoft games and the few other pvp games, you will understand where this design is coming from. Its pretty clear all the pvp mmos from NC and others were heavily criticized, at least in the west, and what was all these criticizes about? You got it, unbalance, rock scissor paper problems, i win buttons due to heavy progression, RMTs and so on. So its not like they are making this game to piss off people like you really, i think there is a real demand behind it.
if you quit because you suck then your just a troll.....
I didn't know one person could make your entire country look dumber. wow!!
Troll indeed.
Seriously though, there are actually people on here who do have this mindset(not the trolling, but what the post says). It's definitely pathetic.
Troll, go back to WoW's forum.
This game is going to rock. No healers? Game for casual? No raids to run endlessy for a piece of gear getting old and useless in a month time? Good, here you try yourself and see how good you are and if you like raids you don't have to do them for the gears, just for the challenge which you don't know what means.
dude..... really? I mean... COME ON!?! Is this what you do all day? You find the highest rated MMORPG and your like, "UUUUGH man why isnt this WoW? Im gonna troll out this game." Then, you find nothing thats wrong so then you try to twist things around of what they actually are. GET A LIFE MAN! And being a troll is not a good life. no it is not.....
OH! btw..... everyone thinks your a troll now......
Nothing wrong with Rift I enjoy playing it. But I will admit it is alot like WOW in certain ways but its also diffrent in alot of ways.Anyway after doing some research on GW2 I will be giveing it a try I like there ideas on combat and gear not being the focal point of the game. Im also a carebear pvper if there is such a thing lol so the pvp in the game sounds fun as well.
Its worth noteing I started off looking at SWTOR only for a new game but after watching some combat vids and reading up on GW2 Im haveing a change of heart and leaning towards this game instead.
Nah, it is wet and cold to live under a bridge...
I kinda laugh to OP though, like gear with different color would be handed out in a game where you lock up color the same way you lock up skills.
There will be levels and weapon skills to gain as forms of progression. And personal skill through practice is also a form of progression. You will still get new skills, weapons, and armor skins as well as titles. I imagine some of the PvP will have ladder systems. There may not be as much stat progression like in the hundreds of WoW clones out there, but to me that is a good thing.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
Man the OP just got steamrolled. He hasn't even bothered to try and back up his post.
My theme song.
Locking this thread. At this point, there's just little going on aside from bait and replies to it.
To give feedback on moderation, contact [email protected]