There is no reason to make a built-in browser to the game. Just stick to Alt+Tabbing, if you cant handle it then dont play games.
How exactly is /browser going to hurt you....particularly if you don't use it? You seem to be pretty strong with your opinion, so I thought I'd ask....what's the harm exactly? I've been using this feature in EQ2 for years without even so much as a hiccup.
I will say this much....
TSW needs this feature MORE than GW2. I wouldn't really care if GW2 had it but if TSW DOESN'T....I will be a bit miffed.
Thanks to everyone who supports this idea! Its been done before in many games and i just thought it would be a GREAT addition to GW2 considering i havent heard anything about it being in the game yet, and also considering the programming to make this happen could be done fairly fast and easy.
Im going to post a thread of GW2Guru forum website and see if i have any better luck there...
Also i just downloaded OVERWOLF and its a very nice program, but i am not a fan of running a whole bunch of third-party programs while i game and i would still perfer ingame brower.
There is no reason to make a built-in browser to the game. Just stick to Alt+Tabbing, if you cant handle it then dont play games.
How exactly is /browser going to hurt you....particularly if you don't use it? You seem to be pretty strong with your opinion, so I thought I'd ask....what's the harm exactly? I've been using this feature in EQ2 for years without even so much as a hiccup.
I will say this much....
TSW needs this feature MORE than GW2. I wouldn't really care if GW2 had it but if TSW DOESN'T....I will be a bit miffed.
TSW does have this. Saw in a demo of their investigation type quests.
Just to let you guys know GW already has something like this in place, If you type /wiki in GW1 it opens up your browser to the wiki page. Also ANet has said that this function will be in GW2 so they really do not need to add a /browser command since they have /wiki.
Originally posted by drazzah This is a long shot... but ill try.
Reason for me starting this thread is for hopefully ANYONE from ANET to read this, then give this idea to someone else, then that person gives it to someone else, and hopefully ending up on a Devs lap and them putting it ingame.
/browser command, in game.
EQ2 does it, all you do is type /browser in chat, and there you go. Internet brower.... in game. Crazy right?
No more alt-tabbing to read up builds, specs, strats, maps, guides, tutorials, videos, pr0n, monster locations, item prices, quests, etc etc.
I know this implementation could not be hard at all, I study computer programming & info systems at college and even I could think of some pretty basic commands to have "/browser" open up ones designated default internet browser. Of course it might be harder to put into a game but if EQ2 could do it many years ago, then ANET devs surely can.
Anyone else think this is a great idea?
This reminded me of a raide we did once were we had to pug a spot or two and one of the guys was all over the place, slagging behind, and just generally didn't seem to be playing attention. Then he admitted he was messing around on-line with other stuff.
We kicked him. Then we all put him on ignore.
I didn't play EQ2 that long before I was bored to tears, is it so bad now they need to find a way to keep you entertained in game?
Please DON'T add in-game browsing. A game specific knowledge base is one thing, but anything outside of the game should be done outside of the game. And I don't think anyone wants to wait the time it would require to integrate and test such a "feature".
guild wars has a /wiki comand that brings up the wiki page for easy viewing and you can even /wiki (name) and it will bring you that page, this however is a comand that simply brings up your default browser, it is easy and really useful, i see no need to put a browser in the game window.
I remember using an in game browser before (I think eq1) and it seemed inferior to my regular browser. I ended up just alt tabbing. Did eq2 do a better job of it?
yes and no. For a while, it worked fine for me but after a while it started crashing my game every time I used it..that was only after the hacking incident (not sure if or how that was related and it could be a coincidence). I personally just use my small laptop to look things up..or my phone. And when I don't use that, I just alt tab. Works fine for me. Plus the in game browser in EQ2 had no minimize option so you would have to keep it open and it would take up a good portion of your screen. It was a pain in the arse and I would just end up using my second computer instead. So I'm another that would vote no on the in game browser. Anet has proven that they make quality enough games to where they don't need an in game browser. What I mean by that is the game runs perfectly fine with other programs in the background and there is no need for an internal browser. External works just fine.
1. The fact that you have to minimize game, open browser, search, close/leave browser, then maximize game is so much more time consuming then typing "/browser". (personally)
2. Alt-Tab in a heavily populated area may cause black screen of death when you try to alt-tab back in (seent it!) or cause to wait very long for it to load.
3. Alt-Tab out of game, then when you get back you are dead. Seen this happen countless times
4. Alt-Tab feature does not work for some games.
5. Alt-Tab feature does not work CORRECTLY for some games. Half the time it throws you into windowed mode.
6. Referring to example 1, Some peoples computers are not up to par and may to slow to even alt-tab effeciently
7. Sometimes its nice if you are searching something online, say a quest guide or location of something on the map, to be able to see it in-game simultaneously as you play.
8. If you have multiple programs running, when you alt-tab it might throw you to another program and cause even more time consumption.
Im sure there are more i will think of to why i think they should implement a /browser command.
I think you are kinda searching too much for things that could go wrong.
All that you list at point 1 goes either automatically (minimize/maximize) or also applies to the ingame browser (searching/closing/leaving).
As for ALT+TAB nog working in games, I'd have a better suggestion: make the game so it does work All that said, I don't really have anything against a /browser command.
I think it's a waste of time.... But hey thats my opinion.
Humanity is getting lazier and lazier.
Considering that everything we ever do is a waste of time IS a matter of fact a waste of time. Then i say why not and just waste the time to do it? lol
I never considered everything we do is a waste of time... I have said that in no way at all, i said implementing this idea into Gw2 is a waste of time (IMO), Because seeing as how the game isnt even in Closed Beta 1 yet, A-net are probably and i hope they are too busy to implement this idea because they are stilling finishing the game and more important features such as PvP, Dungeons, and other core elements.... yes they have shown some but there is much much more.
Also even if i did say what you said, it still wouldn't be a waste of time, because if we corrected ourselfs in how we live and spend out time on more important things such as advancing the human race... then we would be saving time for all of humanity in total and possibley succeed in bypassing our Possible future extinction.... Lol
Overwolf works as a good in game browser and does other stuff too. I love it. Use it when i play forsaken world and Flyff. Havent tryed it with guild wars yet but they're trying to make it compatible with all games. ^_^
Im not sure why so many seem to have a problem with this, or seem hostile regarding the idea.
Only game I played with an in game browser was EvE. And I used it. A lot.
I can say its infinitely more convenient than having to tab out of the game. Its not game breaking and the OP isnt complaining, he's just suggesting a GOOD IDEA. Im not sure why people have to be sarcastic or pessimistic about this. Its not like its a new feature. Its been done plenty of times before.
If you'd rather tab out you are free too. But we all know every one of you would probably use the in game browser instead if they had one.
From most of the responses, it seems like not many are aware of chat browsers like those of xfire and steam, or just tend to forget they actually exist for in-gaming purposes. Anet shouldn't really be concerning themselves too much with this and should rather be focusing on what is more important.
Let the third party programs take care of it, after all, that is what they technically "specialize" in.
Terrible idea. I hope this never happens. Of course, I really doubt I have anything to worry about.
Normally, I am all for freedom in gameplay, but this has two major strikes against it.
1: Most importantly, this has the potential to bog down the engine and make it less light than it could/should be.
2: People will undoubtedly end up abusing it if it does not fill up the screen by keeping it open during fights to keep tabs on what everyone should be doing. Yes, this is possible in other ways, but I would rather the game not facilitate it.
It's just, not a good idea. It's a bad idea. It is a waste of time and energy for the developers, and it can cause problems.
No. Just, no.
"Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true you know it, and they know it." Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007
How could this at all be a bad thing? if you like alt-tab, then you could surely continue to do so without any effect to your gameplay. If you wanted to /browser then feel free.
I truly don't understand a single arguement against this idea. I'm certain it would not take many rescources at all to implement therefor smashing that arguement also.
IF this is gonna be optional, I don't see why not, some people are just to fussy over what is done and what isn't, as long as it isn't mandatory, no harm done. Move on
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW? As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
Lets see, if it ever is implemented in my most awaited game ever, ok I can deal with it. AS LONG as it is optional and doesnt get forced upon me, and doesnt hog any extra resources if I dont use it and causes no side-effects to the game.
I'm being so negative about this because I dont want to ruin my game experience after waiting for so long, just because someone is to lazy to alt+tab.
Already posted before but I'm going to duplicate, mmorpg have a banner up top for Overwolf which allows in-game browsing and a number of other things. Probably worth a look.
----- The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
See that banner at the top of the page, just above the Home, Game List etc tabs.....Its for a program called overwolf which does everything you want
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
How exactly is /browser going to hurt you....particularly if you don't use it? You seem to be pretty strong with your opinion, so I thought I'd ask....what's the harm exactly? I've been using this feature in EQ2 for years without even so much as a hiccup.
I will say this much....
TSW needs this feature MORE than GW2. I wouldn't really care if GW2 had it but if TSW DOESN'T....I will be a bit miffed.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
Thanks to everyone who supports this idea! Its been done before in many games and i just thought it would be a GREAT addition to GW2 considering i havent heard anything about it being in the game yet, and also considering the programming to make this happen could be done fairly fast and easy.
Im going to post a thread of GW2Guru forum website and see if i have any better luck there...
Also i just downloaded OVERWOLF and its a very nice program, but i am not a fan of running a whole bunch of third-party programs while i game and i would still perfer ingame brower.
Its a good idea but definately not something they need at release.
TSW does have this. Saw in a demo of their investigation type quests.
My theme song.
Just to let you guys know GW already has something like this in place, If you type /wiki in GW1 it opens up your browser to the wiki page. Also ANet has said that this function will be in GW2 so they really do not need to add a /browser command since they have /wiki.
This reminded me of a raide we did once were we had to pug a spot or two and one of the guys was all over the place, slagging behind, and just generally didn't seem to be playing attention. Then he admitted he was messing around on-line with other stuff.
We kicked him. Then we all put him on ignore.
I didn't play EQ2 that long before I was bored to tears, is it so bad now they need to find a way to keep you entertained in game?
Please DON'T add in-game browsing. A game specific knowledge base is one thing, but anything outside of the game should be done outside of the game. And I don't think anyone wants to wait the time it would require to integrate and test such a "feature".
guild wars has a /wiki comand that brings up the wiki page for easy viewing and you can even /wiki (name) and it will bring you that page, this however is a comand that simply brings up your default browser, it is easy and really useful, i see no need to put a browser in the game window.
I just want my /pizza command back. :S
But in my opinion, every game needs this feature.
And messenger.
And a video function.
Just put Overwolf in the games. All of them.
yes and no. For a while, it worked fine for me but after a while it started crashing my game every time I used it..that was only after the hacking incident (not sure if or how that was related and it could be a coincidence). I personally just use my small laptop to look things up..or my phone. And when I don't use that, I just alt tab. Works fine for me. Plus the in game browser in EQ2 had no minimize option so you would have to keep it open and it would take up a good portion of your screen. It was a pain in the arse and I would just end up using my second computer instead. So I'm another that would vote no on the in game browser. Anet has proven that they make quality enough games to where they don't need an in game browser. What I mean by that is the game runs perfectly fine with other programs in the background and there is no need for an internal browser. External works just fine.
Do you want some cheese with that whine?
go to options
run game in windowed mode
problem solved?
I think you are kinda searching too much for things that could go wrong.
All that you list at point 1 goes either automatically (minimize/maximize) or also applies to the ingame browser (searching/closing/leaving).
As for ALT+TAB nog working in games, I'd have a better suggestion: make the game so it does work
All that said, I don't really have anything against a /browser command.
I never considered everything we do is a waste of time... I have said that in no way at all, i said implementing this idea into Gw2 is a waste of time (IMO), Because seeing as how the game isnt even in Closed Beta 1 yet, A-net are probably and i hope they are too busy to implement this idea because they are stilling finishing the game and more important features such as PvP, Dungeons, and other core elements.... yes they have shown some but there is much much more.
Also even if i did say what you said, it still wouldn't be a waste of time, because if we corrected ourselfs in how we live and spend out time on more important things such as advancing the human race... then we would be saving time for all of humanity in total and possibley succeed in bypassing our Possible future extinction.... Lol
I'd rather have great alt+tab support, to be honest with you.
In-game browsers work great in EVE, but would destroy immersion in a game like GW IMO.
But yeah, coming back to the alt tabbing.. get some skilled techs and make it smooth, like a Blizzard games.
"Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
I need to take this advice more.
Overwolf works as a good in game browser and does other stuff too. I love it. Use it when i play forsaken world and Flyff. Havent tryed it with guild wars yet but they're trying to make it compatible with all games. ^_^
Im not sure why so many seem to have a problem with this, or seem hostile regarding the idea.
Only game I played with an in game browser was EvE. And I used it. A lot.
I can say its infinitely more convenient than having to tab out of the game. Its not game breaking and the OP isnt complaining, he's just suggesting a GOOD IDEA. Im not sure why people have to be sarcastic or pessimistic about this. Its not like its a new feature. Its been done plenty of times before.
If you'd rather tab out you are free too. But we all know every one of you would probably use the in game browser instead if they had one.
From most of the responses, it seems like not many are aware of chat browsers like those of xfire and steam, or just tend to forget they actually exist for in-gaming purposes. Anet shouldn't really be concerning themselves too much with this and should rather be focusing on what is more important.
Let the third party programs take care of it, after all, that is what they technically "specialize" in.
Terrible idea. I hope this never happens. Of course, I really doubt I have anything to worry about.
Normally, I am all for freedom in gameplay, but this has two major strikes against it.
1: Most importantly, this has the potential to bog down the engine and make it less light than it could/should be.
2: People will undoubtedly end up abusing it if it does not fill up the screen by keeping it open during fights to keep tabs on what everyone should be doing. Yes, this is possible in other ways, but I would rather the game not facilitate it.
It's just, not a good idea. It's a bad idea. It is a waste of time and energy for the developers, and it can cause problems.
No. Just, no.
"Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true you know it, and they know it." Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007
WTF? No subscription fee?
How could this at all be a bad thing? if you like alt-tab, then you could surely continue to do so without any effect to your gameplay. If you wanted to /browser then feel free.
I truly don't understand a single arguement against this idea. I'm certain it would not take many rescources at all to implement therefor smashing that arguement also.
Make it so...
IF this is gonna be optional, I don't see why not, some people are just to fussy over what is done and what isn't, as long as it isn't mandatory, no harm done. Move on
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW?
As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
Lets see, if it ever is implemented in my most awaited game ever, ok I can deal with it. AS LONG as it is optional and doesnt get forced upon me, and doesnt hog any extra resources if I dont use it and causes no side-effects to the game.
I'm being so negative about this because I dont want to ruin my game experience after waiting for so long, just because someone is to lazy to alt+tab.
Agree whole heartedly!
Already posted before but I'm going to duplicate, mmorpg have a banner up top for Overwolf which allows in-game browsing and a number of other things. Probably worth a look.
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.