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Just got my beta invite!!!



  • CorehavenCorehaven Member UncommonPosts: 1,533

    Just remember why you're really there folks.  To test the game and write those bug reports.  Good luck to you all. 

  • TJixleeTJixlee Member Posts: 159

    well if it makes anyone feel any better i signed up for beta testing in 2008 when the site came up......


  • goouiegoouie Member Posts: 44

    yar  I signed up back in 2009


  • ignore_meignore_me Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 1,987


    Survivor of the great MMORPG Famine of 2011

  • CorehavenCorehaven Member UncommonPosts: 1,533

    Originally posted by skeaser

    Originally posted by Corehaven

    Originally posted by Fratman

    What I wanna know is how do you take people's preorder money and not give them some sort of priority when it comes to your large scale beta tests? Really bad form on Bioware's part.

    You gotta show some loyalty to the people actually laying out cash for your game.

    Hmmm.......for some reason I thought this was already the case. 


    If not there may be no reasoning behind it.  Or?  You've already pre ordered and are thus getting the game.  So could they be letting those that haven't in so they might try it and decide to buy it?  One has to wonder. 

    Give someone who paid a beta and you have a chance they cancel.

    Give someone who has not yet paid a beta and you have a chance they buy.

    Well said.  Im not saying this is the case for sure or not, but its possible. 


    One thing I do think they were doing awhile back was giving invites to people who had accounts on the Swtor site, but never posted.  People would say they got into Beta, and it was their first post.  Or 4th.  Or maybe their tenth post.  I never saw a single person with a post count of something like 600 get in.  Ever. 


    I assumed it was because Bioware figured people who didnt post much would be less likely to violate the NDA.  But people who were forum addicts might.  I even mentioned this on the Swtor site forums and had a lot of people seem to agree with me that it might be going on. 

  • TJixleeTJixlee Member Posts: 159

    that may be true... because i just joined this website but i've been on it for many many many years.. just never had a reason to sign up. untill recently i noticed something that i jsut had to give my feedback



    actually pretty funny i just realised me and you corehaven we joined on the same date


  • CorehavenCorehaven Member UncommonPosts: 1,533

    Originally posted by TJixlee

    that may be true... because i just joined this website but i've been on it for many many many years.. just never had a reason to sign up. untill recently i noticed something that i jsut had to give my feedback



    actually pretty funny i just realised me and you corehaven we joined on the same date

    Okay yea, that really makes me wonder.    *shrugs* 

  • artemisentr4artemisentr4 Member UncommonPosts: 1,431
    Just checked and got mine as well. For the 2nd through the 5th. And my wife isn't happy because it is her birthday on the 2nd and I have a 3 day weekend. I may have to pull all nighters with the game and spend time with my wife during the day. Well at least i got in. I'll just have to sleep in on the 6th.

    “How many people long for that "past, simpler, and better world," I wonder, without ever recognizing the truth that perhaps it was they who were simpler and better, and not the world about them?”

  • FoomerangFoomerang Member UncommonPosts: 5,628

    grats to everyone that got in. just a friendly reminder: send in those bug reports and give plenty of feedback! we want to help make tor the best it can possibly be :)

  • MikeBMikeB Community ManagerAdministrator RarePosts: 6,555

    Originally posted by marinrider

    Originally posted by jahwarrior28

    Just a heads up to everyone to check their inbox and spam boxes!  I recieved my invite and am downloading the client now.

    I hope you didnt just break NDA by telling us.

    He didn't. Congrats!

  • pierthpierth Member UncommonPosts: 1,494

    Grats, hope you enjoy it more than I did, OP!


    Also, does anyone know if there is a way to cancel the beta access? There was a choice when I got the invite e-mail but I didn't see any choice afterwards and I'd rather my spot go to someone that will use it (I tested and reported often but now have no desire to log in).

  • oakthornnoakthornn Member UncommonPosts: 863

    I got my email a week ago.. Congrats to those who got in :)

    Rallithon Oakthornn
    (Retired Heirophant of the 60th season)

  • MikeBMikeB Community ManagerAdministrator RarePosts: 6,555

    Originally posted by Corehaven

    Just remember why you're really there folks.  To test the game and write those bug reports.  Good luck to you all. 

    This isn't entirely true. While I'm sure any developer appreciates players who do this, just playing the game actually provides lots of useful information, especially to a developer that keeps the crazy sort of metrics that BioWare does.

    In fact, test weekends are really more about load testing than anything else, so the above applies even more. Play and have fun!

  • Dekarx12Dekarx12 Member UncommonPosts: 380

    Originally posted by xKingdomx

    I got 3 mails from ...........


    I guess Australia gets the shaft in the bottom hole again

    Feeling ya pain man I'm stinging to play this game and GW2 but as always to get everything last... :(


    Mind you i was surprised we weren't Ip blocked for Dragon Nest and got it the same time as the yanks


    Enjoy ya Beta testing OP, whats the client size 40gig or sumthing crazy like that?


  • bigbenzbigbenz Member Posts: 82
    Yes,, you can also cancel your preorder and get your money back like I did. I had other things more important I ( so did a few others in beta i knew/know) needed the money for like popcorn, and random donations to bums. I'm not giving you anyone any opinion of the game.

    bars+girls+no condoms= babies

  • TullyxoxTullyxox Member Posts: 45

    wow just got one.  Suprised but happy.  Download only took about 90min.  Not bad due to I live in Hawaii. 

  • cybersrscybersrs Member UncommonPosts: 181


    Could you tell us the download link?

  • IsawaIsawa Member UncommonPosts: 1,051

    Originally posted by Tullyxox

    wow just got one.  Suprised but happy.  Download only took about 90min.  Not bad due to I live in Hawaii. 

    No way... I guess this means they've adequately covered the Hawaiian Islands users...looks like you live on the Big Island though, maybe still hope for me on Oahu :)

  • DarkholmeDarkholme Member UncommonPosts: 1,212

    Don't feel too bad guys, it's only for the weekend, and they are inviting more and more people every weekend, so you have a fairly decent chance to get in one of the weekends.

    Yes, I got my invite for this weekend as well.

    "Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places..." ~ H.P.Lovecraft, "From Beyond"

    Member Since March 2004

  • GoldknyghtGoldknyght Member UncommonPosts: 1,519

    Originally posted by Fratman

    What I wanna know is how do you take people's preorder money and not give them some sort of priority when it comes to your large scale beta tests? Really bad form on Bioware's part.

    You gotta show some loyalty to the people actually laying out cash for your game.

     Because you can cancel a pre-order. They rather have your money before u try :o)

  • GibboniciGibbonici Member UncommonPosts: 472

    Originally posted by Fratman

    What I wanna know is how do you take people's preorder money and not give them some sort of priority when it comes to your large scale beta tests? Really bad form on Bioware's part.

    You gotta show some loyalty to the people actually laying out cash for your game.

    Preorders do get priority to the large scale beta test, but that's a different stage of beta testing to the current one which they are now expanding.

    The current beta is an actual beta test, not a "preview" as most people seem to think of betas as being. The next stage, to which preordering gives priority, will be more of a preview as little will change in the game from there because it's more of a back-end server test.

  • blondehblondeh Member UncommonPosts: 540

    I've been on that site since day one. Avid Star Wars fan and I bet I dont get a look in. I never get lucky with Betas! I'm gonna go cry now...


  • NightAngellNightAngell Member Posts: 566

    Originally posted by marinrider

    Originally posted by jahwarrior28

    Just a heads up to everyone to check their inbox and spam boxes!  I recieved my invite and am downloading the client now.

    I hope you didnt just break NDA by telling us.

    Lol..typical nda police who like to make themselves busy.

    Most MMO allow you to say you are in beta as it's not actually talking about game content.

    People like yourself are actually busy bodies who are just envious.

  • whilanwhilan Member UncommonPosts: 3,472

    Bleh i always get into betas that i couldn't really care too much about (yes i do report bugs i'm refering to the actual game itself)

    But the game i actually want to get into and really care about maknig better i fail everytime. Course that probably has to do with numbers as theres a much smaller percentage of people who can get in compared to those that signed up for this game then others but still.

    Anyway congrats, squish those bugs, make it smooth, i want a good clean launch and minimal bugs.

    Really watch for one i ran into where the dialog wheel comes up but all the options are blank and you can't pick any of them, basically breaks the game and you have to reload a previous save....which you can't do here :)

    Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.

    Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.


  • alakramalakram Member UncommonPosts: 2,301

    Originally posted by jahwarrior28

    Just a heads up to everyone to check their inbox and spam boxes!  I recieved my invite and am downloading the client now.

    *rechecks email a few times*

    I hate you!

    *runs away with tears going down his face*

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