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How this game almost died...two days ago.



  • grunt187grunt187 Member CommonPosts: 956

    Man there are lots of Tinfoil Hats in this thread.image

    The following statement is false
    The previous statement is true

  • kaliniskalinis Member Posts: 1,428

    not true u dont need the origin client even if u bought the digital from origin. This is a total falsehood. Anyone saying diffrent doesnt know what they are talking about. 

    Also im pretty sure ea wont go selling password info or shit like that so i dont have any issue with the client in the first place. 

    That said i wont run it but thats just so i dont have anything running in the background taking up comp space i can use to run the game. 

    Wow scans my comp for info all the time, As others have stated google and facebook do the same thing. Facebook even sells this info to other companies for profit. So if anyone uses facebook and has a problem with origin u might wanna stop using facebook

    Facebook is alot more invasive to yoru privacy then ea will be.

  • FloggingJudeFloggingJude Member Posts: 108

    I've found that if you actually visit the Full Feature List and just click Ctrl - F, any and all questions one may have can be answered.


    Quote: Currently, any payment method supported by EA in a particular country will be accepted for subscription payments for Star Wars: The Old Republic. This includes major credit cards. - Bioware


    For people thinking that you will have to install Origin and run TOR through it, you do not have to. The Keys you get to activate the game are entered through the SWTOR website not Origin. Origin is to ONLY buy the game. Once installed you run the game via the client you installed on your PC. All patches and updates once the game is installed is done via client and direct to servers. - Bioware



  • GwingGwing Member Posts: 85



    now is WoW a everquest clone? since u knwo the original everquest was out LONg before WoW...WoW must haev copied them correct? this makes sense dosnt it?

  • naraku209naraku209 Member Posts: 226

    again, EA is just the money, it's biowares game


  • DigironoDigirono Member Posts: 86

    Originally posted by Vynt

    Originally posted by Z3R01

    Originally posted by Scambug

    Originally posted by Z3R01

    I know this is off topic but can anyone quickly explain to me why you all hate steam so much?

    Im having a hardtime seeing the negative other than it needs to be running.

    I can to keep all of my games in one place, i get ingame chat via text and voice and i get to meet new people through steam groups. 

    I just don't understand the hate.


    As for origins, I dont like EAs service so i cancelled my pre-order with them and plan on waiting on a trial to mess with TOR.

    Steam is in your computerz, watching your every move, stealing your privacies.

    I wonder if 20 years from now, when governments start installing cameras in our homes, you'll all still be cool with the whole idea.

    Because seriously, we're not too far from that.

    What info are they taking? info on thegames i buy and play? wouldnt that data be helpful to them in knowing what game types to support in the future? I personally like that they recommend me games on my purchase history...


    Late addition:

    I guess im a newb i like to think of the benefits of using steam, like a free voice chat option in almostt all of my games so me and my clan can chat while we game, things like achievements and the convenience of keeping all of my games together and updated. Shit Steam even updates my AMD display drivers now lol.

    For all of that their service offers me that i dont have to pay for unlike ones from microsoft, the least i can do is give them some of my activity data so they could make my future experience better.

    Maybe im missing something, are they giving my CC info away? will i be getting physical mail sent to my house because of steam? lol

    I would be with you if the benefit was just tailoring a better experience for you, recommending things you might like based on what your browse, buy, etc.

    What I don't like is, they SELL all that data to anyone who will buy it. They make millions a year off of selling your personal browsing, activity etc data.


    If the information was used for their own purposes to just try to sell you more, I wouldn't mind. Kind of like amazon does. I've discovered a few gems that I would never have found if they didn't recommend them. From what i understand, they (amazon) does not sell your infomation to outside companies like with steam, but use it solely for their own marketing purposes.



    Here is the Privacy Policy part that you were talking about from Steam.

    Collection and Use of Information 

    By using Valve's online sites and products, users agree that Valve may collect aggregate information, individual information, and personally identifiable information, as defined below. Valve may share aggregate information and individual information with other parties. Valve shall not share personally identifiable information with other parties, except as described in the policy below.

    "Aggregate information" is information that describes the habits, usage patterns, and demographics of users as a group but does not describe or reveal the identity of any particular user.

    "Individual information" is information about a user that is presented in a form distinguishable from information relating to other users but not in a form that personally identifies any user or enables the recipient to communicate directly with any user unless agreed to by the user in advance of such communication. This information may be used to improve Valve's products and online sites, for internal marketing studies, or simply to collect demographic information about Valve's users.


  • Dionysus187Dionysus187 Member Posts: 302

    Originally posted by Distopia

    Originally posted by Dionysus187

    Originally posted by Distopia

    Originally posted by Dionysus187

    SWTOR was dead to me soon as I realized the combat was the same as Rift or WoW. It could have the best visuals in the entire video game industry, 1.5 seconds between every action puts me to sleep. Especially when deciding what action to take is a pretty mindless excercise in itself. No, they did not trade speed or twitch for more strategy based gameplay. Give it up.

    EA has been dead to me ever since they shut down EnB.

    You obviously know nothing of MMO combat design if you don't think there is knowledge and strategy invloved.

    No, I know lots. I've tested more MMO's than most people have played.

    Save for a few 'temps' and big abilities on long reuse, you can tie all DPS abilities in a certain order to one button, and get maximum performance. I certainly hope you aren't going off the BS dev videos where they try and show horn 'strategy' into the fights when a simple attack order would have done just as well if not better.

    There's so much wrong with what you just said, an attack order is meaningless if someone breaks a snare in there or heals a dot you're counting on.

    I couldn't care less how many MMO's you've tested, take your my attack order beats all, into any circle of knowledgable gamers and come back to me.

    You keep asserting I don't know anything about MMO combat when you've yet to provide any proof of that or even ask some simple questions as a test. Never said attack order beats all btw, so not sure where you got that from. But I initially got these facts from knowledgeable gamers several years ago, sadly they are still applicable in full force. Even if they only work 50% of the time it would still be a very sad state of affairs.

    Also it seems you're talking about PvP, but unfortunately for SWToR my point still stands. If you consider things like 'kill the healer' 'kill the casters' 'kill the guy with least defense repeatedly' and 'assist Soandso' huge breakthrough tactics then yeah, I guess there is a lot of 'strategy' in this game. Just copy paste any 'strats' *snicker* from WoW and you're GTG.

    Originally posted by shinobi234

    so wait you beta tested a game you dont like :) how nice.  maybe this game ant for you then. i dont belive  you your information is wrong you have no idea about this game and you just post flames about it shows how much you beta testing this game :P

    Who said I beta tested? The Eternal Vault video is all the proof anyone should need. 1.5 second GCD. 'Stand and click' combat. Repeated cuts between characters since staying on one was too boring. Didn't even have anything to do with being different classes, think they mentioned class specific mechanics maybe twice but made several switches between characters. Then they act like PBAoE, target based PBAoE and LoS based AoE's were some huge innovation rather than tired and old MMO mechanics.


  • MMO.MaverickMMO.Maverick Member CommonPosts: 7,619

    Originally posted by Dionysus187

    Who said I beta tested? The Eternal Vault video is all the proof anyone should need. 1.5 second GCD. 'Stand and click' combat. Repeated cuts between characters since staying on one was too boring. Didn't even have anything to do with being different classes, think they mentioned class specific mechanics maybe twice but made several switches between characters. Then they act like PBAoE, target based PBAoE and LoS based AoE's were some huge innovation rather than tired and old MMO mechanics.

    If you saw the PvP footage, then you see a hell of a lot moving around while fighting, I suggest you give it a try. As for the rest, it seems you dislike tab based combat or such, well to each their own I guess.

    The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's

    The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
    Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."

  • AntariousAntarious Member UncommonPosts: 2,848

    Originally posted by Corehaven

    I have an honest question.  If I buy the game box at retail, bring it home, install and use, am I in any kind of real risk regarding privacy and security? 


    The OP mentioned something about about EA being bad for your PC.  Im confused how this actually works?  I dont ever download anything.  I just buy the box.  I prefer it that way as I see no real advantage to buying online.  Besides having to go to the store. 


    I just picked this off the first page.. sure its been answered but responding to this.


    There is no new risk regarding your privacy from buying a game online.   People don't really grasp the fact they have almost no privacy.   Almost anything about you can be found online.. and even better.. for free.   Your phone number.. where you live... relatives..  There are some ways around this but most people aren't setup for it.


    Because... if you get married, own property you pay taxes on etc   Beyond all else all that information is free for all to see through a county website.   Almost all counties have them and well the amount of information about *you* onine might suprise you.


    Security well...  I won't really comment on that.   I think it was Spore?  that had some pretty intense pc related issue with its supposed anti piracy tactics.   However, if you are up on PC security I don't think its really an issue.


    Its the privacy thing that I like to comment on.   I honestly just think most people don't realize how much of their information is ... easily found.   However, if someone is going to keep track of what software you install or what hardware you have.. OMG the sky is falling.


  • Paradigm68Paradigm68 Member UncommonPosts: 890

    Originally posted by Khrymson

    Originally posted by Paradigm68

    Right now people are going to say that there is no risk because TOR and Origin are not linked. And that is correct. However to be realistic its the kind of thing you won't know til launch and even then it wouldn't be surprising if there is stil no link between them at launch but 3 to 6 months down the road, its suddenly required. As an example I will point you to Ubisoft's latest debacle with DRM and the game "From Dust" in which they assured everyone that an always-on internet connection would not be required, then when it launched it was required and they got caught deleting the post from their forums stating that it wouldn't be required. At the moment they're promsing to release a patch to change it but its just goes to show you never know.

     While I agree the Ubisoft fiasco is BS, normally you wouldn't see such an unwanted feature added to a game after its launched.  {It'd be more like Origin was required but now its not...}

     If EA we're to force everyone into suddenly requiring Origin 3 to 6 months from launch or at anytime really, that'd be like SOE and the NGE for SWG all over again, resulting in alienating most their subscribers overnight!  I would surely quit, because there is absolutely no reason why such a service should be required for a game bought from another retailer.  {Now if it we're entirely digital like many games are these days from Steam, I can understand that, but SW:TOR isn't...}

    I don't think it would be comparable to NGE at all.  Since using Origin wouldn't actually change any part of the playable game it would be easy for EA to implement it down the road and ignore any noise made by customers since they've already bought the game, the chance of anyone quitting because of it would be minimal and offset by what EA would see as the financial benefits of promoting their new service.  I'm not saying they'll do it but if you're playing an EA game and its something that is important to you, you need to keep it in mind.

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