The Escapist is fun and moderated. That is another place to visit.
After this post I will only be in RIFT, EVE and Perpetuum forums. Guys take care! Hope to see you at the others!
I do wonder, what's your name in EVE so i can haunt you in your sandbox dreams ^^
I dont resub EVE til the beginning of next month. But you can look up Ede-Ebu, or Maidden(TR). Also have a character in the Praxis Initiative. That one I wont give out due to the political nature. But I play Maidden alot.
Also use TS, Vent and Mumble depending on the game ;-D
I've got all those comms as well... wonder why people can't settle to one.
Not such a fan of mumble though, still didn't find out how to disable those silly warnings about "x changed channel". Always annoys me when we are hunting frogs.
PS: come and visit us in the FW! We have cookies
Maiddens a EWAR/EW pilot who specs with interdicters :-D Have a opening?
The Escapist is fun and moderated. That is another place to visit.
After this post I will only be in RIFT, EVE and Perpetuum forums. Guys take care! Hope to see you at the others!
I do wonder, what's your name in EVE so i can haunt you in your sandbox dreams ^^
I dont resub EVE til the beginning of next month. But you can look up Ede-Ebu, or Maidden(TR). Also have a character in the Praxis Initiative. That one I wont give out due to the political nature. But I play Maidden alot.
Also use TS, Vent and Mumble depending on the game ;-D
I've got all those comms as well... wonder why people can't settle to one.
Not such a fan of mumble though, still didn't find out how to disable those silly warnings about "x changed channel". Always annoys me when we are hunting frogs.
PS: come and visit us in the FW! We have cookies
Maiddens a EWAR/EW pilot who specs with interdicters :-D Have a opening?
Heh, we have openings for anything that can PVP. Interceptors are always welcome in our fleets.
Unless you're a spai!
Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt. Among those who dislike oppression are many who like to oppress.
I'll take any recommendations for new forums. Coming here to lurk is pretty much all I did on this site. I may have run out of things to say about 3 years ago, and most of the users in R&P were dickweeds, doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it.
I've been on the Escapist for a year, but geeeez, their R&P is only good in doses. Whiny bunch of gun-phobics..
Considering most MMORPG's have been garbage for years now, and Emu's are non grata,there is not much of a reason to hang around, so i will bid all adieu....
I was active a few years ago on the R&P forums but gave up out of frustration and became are lurker. It was fun reading the (normally) diatribe posted on a daily basis. It was fun knowing all you guys (or just reading your posts), would take any recommendations for newer forums though this was unique. R&P had become somewhat of clique of posters attacking each other constantly but i guess that's what made it fun..
"If they can make Penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make something out of you," - Muhammed Ali
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
It will be nice to see some good discussions in the OT forum though. Back in the old days, that was a good place to hang out. Well, except for the conspiracy theories about 9/11 that popped up...
It will be nice to see some good discussions in the OT forum though. Back in the old days, that was a good place to hang out. Well, except for the conspiracy theories about 9/11 that popped up...
Ahh..nope,if you read Mike Bs announcement Religion and Politics are Forbidden so it won't be like it was before
I had fun, take care guys, I wish you all the best and remember to all ways read between the lines no matter what side you lean.
I will be mostly in the SW:TOR forums from now on.
P.S if any of you find a good R & P forum please let us know or if one of you are plaining on starting one.
The Escapist one is good, but very tightly moderated. You can't fart without getting a warning and/or suspension.
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
Hey guys, I changed my mind about leaving R&P! I am BAC...., wow, wait a minute...what the hell happened?!!!
Seriously guys, I leave you alone on R&P forums for less than a day and the whole system collapses.
R&P before it was shut down was all gentlemen and gentlewoman politely disccussing the concerns of the day that gentlefolk are wont to ruminate on before their daily constitutional:
Ok, that's not quite true lol. It was more often than not a quarantined zone for trolls, extremists, the criminally insane and lost souls who wandered in by mistake; a place whose inmates more often than not resembled the chaps below.
It was, as a result, a curious place and a curioser experiment in umoderation, interesting but depressing in equal measure. I can see why it was shut down, the experiment did fail and I was surprised that it even lasted this long.
Nonetheless, I did make some friends there and did have some good debates so thanks mmorpg for having the courage (insanity? lol) to try this experiment in unmoderation and let it run for as long as you did.
well i just found out about the r n p forums and i must say it was entertaining there at least. Me thinks some people need a tougher skin though. it was fun to have unmoderated forums where we can say what we wanted at least. i wasnt there long but it was some good conversations and some that was just junk. sorry to see it go.
Hello i am new to this site is there anything that is really good and really bad about this site?
Yes, there is. The people who visit it.
"I used to think the worst thing in life was to be all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone." Robin Williams
Maiddens a EWAR/EW pilot who specs with interdicters :-D Have a opening?
Heh, we have openings for anything that can PVP. Interceptors are always welcome in our fleets.
Unless you're a spai!
Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.
Among those who dislike oppression are many who like to oppress.
I'll take any recommendations for new forums. Coming here to lurk is pretty much all I did on this site. I may have run out of things to say about 3 years ago, and most of the users in R&P were dickweeds, doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it.
I've been on the Escapist for a year, but geeeez, their R&P is only good in doses. Whiny bunch of gun-phobics..
Considering most MMORPG's have been garbage for years now, and Emu's are non grata,there is not much of a reason to hang around, so i will bid all adieu....
Peace out....
well it has been fun it is a shame that i never got vato to tell me he was wrong.
anyway i think the winner was those of us on the right lol so peace out
I was active a few years ago on the R&P forums but gave up out of frustration and became are lurker. It was fun reading the (normally) diatribe posted on a daily basis. It was fun knowing all you guys (or just reading your posts), would take any recommendations for newer forums though this was unique. R&P had become somewhat of clique of posters attacking each other constantly but i guess that's what made it fun..
"If they can make Penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make something out of you," - Muhammed Ali
Good riddance to that cesspool. Lates!
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
And nothing of value was lost.
Thanks MikeB!
Damn, now I only have msnbc and fox to get my blood pressure up...
I'm just bummed, as a long time member of the OT and then R&P forums, that I didn't really hang out there for it's last few days.
It will be nice to see some good discussions in the OT forum though. Back in the old days, that was a good place to hang out. Well, except for the conspiracy theories about 9/11 that popped up...
Ahh..nope,if you read Mike Bs announcement Religion and Politics are Forbidden so it won't be like it was before
I had fun, take care guys, I wish you all the best and remember to all ways read between the lines no matter what side you lean.
I will be mostly in the SW:TOR forums from now on.
P.S if any of you find a good R & P forum please let us know or if one of you are plaining on starting one.
The Escapist one is good, but very tightly moderated. You can't fart without getting a warning and/or suspension.
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
Hey guys, I changed my mind about leaving R&P! I am BAC...., wow, wait a minute...what the hell happened?!!!
Seriously guys, I leave you alone on R&P forums for less than a day and the whole system collapses.
R&P before it was shut down was all gentlemen and gentlewoman politely disccussing the concerns of the day that gentlefolk are wont to ruminate on before their daily constitutional:
Ok, that's not quite true lol. It was more often than not a quarantined zone for trolls, extremists, the criminally insane and lost souls who wandered in by mistake; a place whose inmates more often than not resembled the chaps below.
It was, as a result, a curious place and a curioser experiment in umoderation, interesting but depressing in equal measure. I can see why it was shut down, the experiment did fail and I was surprised that it even lasted this long.
Nonetheless, I did make some friends there and did have some good debates so thanks mmorpg for having the courage (insanity? lol) to try this experiment in unmoderation and let it run for as long as you did.
Sayonara for the second time.
Know why I posted in R&P?
I can't say anything in other forums, even non-offensive stuff, without it being moderated or deleted outright.
Now with 57.3% more flames!
This is not the place to discuss moderation. However, no one gets something moderated or deleted if it's not against the RoC.
To give feedback on moderation, contact [email protected]
Well, it was nice sparring with a few of you, let me know what forum you guys choose. I rather enjoy it!
well i just found out about the r n p forums and i must say it was entertaining there at least. Me thinks some people need a tougher skin though. it was fun to have unmoderated forums where we can say what we wanted at least. i wasnt there long but it was some good conversations and some that was just junk. sorry to see it go.
i don't get those who say "good riddance". If they didn't like it they could just ignore it. No one was forced to check that place out
Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.
Among those who dislike oppression are many who like to oppress.
Thank goodness it's closed down,now some of these undercover racist can p off to other forums that really represent their true intentions.
Hello i am new to this site is there anything that is really good and really bad about this site?
Yes, there is. The people who visit it.
I pleed guilty.
Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.
Among those who dislike oppression are many who like to oppress.
I play EVE.
if you play EVE, feel free to say hi or come try and shoot at me.... :P
Faxx Rheagar - Marauder pilot ...and I shoot back.
The lesson learned from that forum is that you have pretty much no chance to change someone's mind when it comes to politics.