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With the recent indepth information about the Silvari, everyone should be able to decide on their first characters race, what wil it be?
So its time for a new race poll.
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
Your thread says class poll and I think you should wait until Asura week has come and gone. The Asura are definetly the least favorite race at the moment but that could change once we learn more about them.
Lol the title had me think it would be a poll on whether it would be Mesmer or another class from the original GW.
Waiting for Guild Wars 2, and maybe SWTOR until that time...
I'm playing everything... why isn't there an "everything" button?
This is not a game.
Ehm why this thread is named "Final Class Poll" when it is about races ?
I'm undecided, but i like new sylvari look, so maybe sylvari will be my main, a lot of time to decide still 
They are not even called classes, but professions. Not OP fault if he never played gw
Suggestion: I'd make a new thread for this. Call it race and add an option for people planning on playing many alts of different races. Or perhaps ask about people's main instead of just saying "first."
"Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true you know it, and they know it." Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007
WTF? No subscription fee?
srsly ? 0.0% for norn ? XD
I'll likely choose Norn. ; )
Norn guardian or ranger here
I am, quite frankly, utterly surprised at the popularity of the charr. Perhaps a good portion of the gaming subculture aren't incredibly xenophobic and insecure. Who'd have thought it? Not me, if I'm being honest with you, but it is nice to see. I'm also surprised to see that the sylvari are doing so well, too. And that the humans and norn are doing so poorly by comparison. Frankly, this has turned out to be the exact opposite of what I was expecting. Maybe that's because it's only 19 votes? Who knows.
Still, if this is any indication of how others might vote, then consider me pleasantly surprised and mildly hopeful for the future community of Guild Wars 2.
What does the race the majority chooses have to do with the quality of community? Am I not going to fit in because I prefer Norns and Humans? lol
I'm not surprised in the least by the results so far. Charr will probably be one of the big races with Norn not too far away. Sylvari is popular because it's just being showed off this week, Asura would probably go up a bit once they've been showcased and if they're looking good, but I think they look a bit too unimpressive to appeal to the masses thus far. If Anet manages to let them shine then we might be heading for a very balanced distribution.
Waiting for Guild Wars 2, and maybe SWTOR until that time...
I'm an altoholic so I'll have at least a couple of mains, but there will only be one "first", and that will be the race that most interests me. That aspect of the poll seems fair. But all the races get a bump in popularity during and shortly after their reveal week, so it's not surprising to see Sylvari at the top of the list. To be perfectly accurate, ask this question a few weeks after the Asura have been officially introduced.
By the way, rolling a Sylvari first here. Had that planned a year ago and the recent information only confirms my hopes. Now just give me the Mesmer reveal so I can finally make a custom sig like all the other cool kids.
the results are not going to be the same as this poll.
first, we haven't finished sylvari week (doesn't really mean much), and we haven't had asura week (probably why asura is so unpopular).
second, people change their decisions. It is a fact of life.
I used to TL;DR, but then I took a bullet point to the footnote.
My first will be Norn or Sylvari. I answered the poll with Norn, but I'm having a hard time deciding between the two. They will at least be my first two. I'm an altoholic though and I know I will play every race if at all possible.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
Slyvarian ranger sounds cool, but i really cannot decide every single class looks appealing well gotta play em all
My main will be human.
My theme song.
i will decide between a norn or a sylvari than a charr later
Some people believe that if you don't like animalistic races you must be racist or immature or something. It couldn't possibly have anything to do with personal preference alone.
"Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true you know it, and they know it." Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007
WTF? No subscription fee?
Human all the way (for the first character) but I won't decide a main until I've played around with all the races and professions. Sometimes (like in LOTRO) I get a main and change it once or twice until finally deciding on one I prefer. I started with a Champion in LOTRO, got him to 25, switched to a Rune-Keeper, got him to 45, switched to a Warden, who is my main and finally got him to 65...
But GW2 has so many options I won't know for sure until well after it's released.
the sylvari are so my style, but with all the amazing things Im seeign and reading about the other races I'll probubly end up rolling a sylvari, then char a char and a human.
The great thing about Guild Wars 2 is that there are 5 races, so if you cant decide, roll the dice
I like all the race except the Asura, even if the golem theme is nice i find this race a bit underpart.
I voted Silvary. But i'll maybe play a Char too, if i find the strengh to make an alt, but i'm not a alt maker usually.
While it is true that there are 5 faced dices, most common ones have 6, i dont think i got any tabletop game with 5 faced dice in it.
"I am not a robot. I am a unicorn."
norn warrior all the way!
This, Being from Sweden and always playing warrior in every other MMO. Norn felt perfect.