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General: Five MMOs That Should Be Remade



  • RoguewizRoguewiz Member UncommonPosts: 711
    Remake shadowbane

    Raquelis in various games
    Played: Everything
    Playing: Nioh 2, Civ6
    Wants: The World
    Anticipating: Everquest Next Crowfall, Pantheon, Elden Ring

    Tank - Healer - Support: The REAL Trinity
  • HardangerHardanger Member Posts: 226

    #1 on this list was so obvious, it would've been ridiculous if it'd been anything else.  Nice article.


  • Mrf1ipMrf1ip Member Posts: 2

    Originally posted by JYCowboy

    The majority may want to play a game... but give me a world to live in.


    Amen, I'm with you on that

  • SavageSageSavageSage Member UncommonPosts: 66

    To add to that list, for me it would be one that never made it out of beta, yes I was lucky enough to be counted amongst it's beta testers.  That would be Wish.  Somebody needs to pickup where that one left off.  Fantastic overall game mechanics, graphics, skills, combat, crafting.  With it's "you don't use it, you lose it" skills.  Loved the game, was deeply saddened when they closed it down prerelease.

  • DasKraut46DasKraut46 Member Posts: 22

    I would add EQ2 to that list.  The newbie areas have been redone but many of the other areas are pretty bad.  Of course the game itself should be redesigned so that the monsters/npc's actually do something and don't just stand around until you get into aggro range.  And then there are the graphic bugs such as seeing blank space where the arm joins the shoulder.  Or the clunky mounts.

  • oblivitaroblivitar Member UncommonPosts: 13

    I vote a Neocron remake!  

  • RinnaRinna Member UncommonPosts: 389

    SWG - exactly how it was pre CU with a brand new shiny graphics engine and UI update.

    No bitchers.

  • FatherAnolevFatherAnolev Member UncommonPosts: 265

    +1 for DAoC... My 2nd MMO (EQ was my first), but still my favorite to this day!

  • SubilacSubilac Member UncommonPosts: 49

    If EQ1 was remade, I would be all over it again for years probably. I think about it every day. I was personally disappointed with EQ2.

  • UcilUcil Member Posts: 8

    The new engine for Anarchy Online is a discussion, in some form, almost weekly in the "FWM" community post by the game director. Here's an example.

  • BenthonBenthon Member Posts: 2,069

    Even if I disagreed with number 2 through 5, number 1 is hit so hard on the head I'd agree with the whole article.

    I agree with 2-5 as well, for the record.

    He who keeps his cool best wins.

  • UnsungTooUnsungToo Member Posts: 276

    Originally posted by Ucil

    The new engine for Anarchy Online is a discussion, in some form, almost weekly in the "FWM" community post by the game director. Here's an example.


     Thank ya , thank ya

    Godspeed my fellow gamer

  • swampgasswampgas Member Posts: 10

    Earth and Beyond would be my #1 choice.

  • fabiofloydfabiofloyd Member UncommonPosts: 6

    Anarchy Online without a doubt


    Matrix Online, i really miss this game

  • RaventreeRaventree Member Posts: 456

    Any time I see a thread that includes chatter on DAoC I absolute HAVE to get involved.  A remake of DAoC would be so freaking epic!  Three realm RVR with a huge variety of classes and RVR zones that are separate from leveling zones so you don't spend all day getting ganked were the BEST!  Not only that, but the combo system that DAoC used for combat was by FAR the most involved and amazing system that I have seen yet.  Knowing how to queue your reactive moves AND your primary moves to get the best combos was the difference between a player and a good player.  Oh yeah, and keep seiges were epic!  I would snipe through windows with my casters while the enemy tried to seige the front door and pick off defenders who didn't move fast enough.  Eventually you would see the door health get very low and you knew it was almost time to make your last stand.  Once they were in, the game wasn't over yet, though!  Not by a long shot!  We would give those albs and mids hell before they got control of one of our keeps.  LONG LIVE HIBERNIA!!!

    There would definitely need to be graphics updates and some other updating as well, though.  The DAoC machinery is very old now and certain aspects need to be brought up to the current generation.  For example casters not being able to cast once in combat would absolute HAVE TO go.  That was terrible, lol. 

    Even after trying most of the MMOs that are out today, DAoC remains my favorite MMO.  While I don't expect to ever see a remake or a DAoC 2, I can still dream and remember my home in Hibernia.  <tear>

    Currently playing:
    SWToR, Aion,EQ, Dark Age of Camelot
    World of Warcraft, AoC

  • UcilUcil Member Posts: 8

    Originally posted by UnsungToo

    Originally posted by Ucil

    The new engine for Anarchy Online is a discussion, in some form, almost weekly in the "FWM" community post by the game director. Here's an example.


     Thank ya , thank ya


    Now we just need William Murphy to conduct that interview of the AO team :p

  • tazarconan7tazarconan7 Member Posts: 74

    Tbh im curious how it is possible that Ultima Online didnt got a remake with 3d grafs on like the many mmorpgs we ve seen last years. Not something great in terms of grafix but just 3d. Apart grafix the game was pretty much the most complete mmorpg we ve seen so far in terms of gameplay and player's options on what he could do once online including wow, and therefore the best so far.

    Maybe Daoc as well due to the so called best open world pvp  R v R v R

    But L2? it was just plain farming and combat quality was crapped

    I dont have a valid opinion about asheron's call so therefore i cant say.

  • maplestonemaplestone Member UncommonPosts: 3,099

    I find it amusing that the column suggests just making a new UI and new graphics and includes a Kingdom Reborn promo picture.

    It's worth noting that when UO first came out, it already had obsolete graphics, having a closest kinship to U6.

    The question is, what should a "modern" UO even look like?  WoW or Minecraft?

  • odinsrathodinsrath Member UncommonPosts: 814

    one and only SHADOWBANE and give it to some publishers that care to keep the game alive with a bigger deeper quests..lvl and play to crush

  • skeaserskeaser Member RarePosts: 4,228

    A remake of DAOC or AC would make me squeal with joy if they stayed true to their original premises. I still hop into both games from time to time but can't stick around due to the now seemingly tedious controls and UI. I know it's a petty thing to squabble over but I just can't get back into the groove of oldschool controls.

    Sig so that badges don't eat my posts.

  • AmarantharAmaranthar Member EpicPosts: 5,852

    How about Minecraft? I know it's a newer game, but imagine a remake, with great 3D art, and maybe some advancement to what it already does and a few other things added in.

    Once upon a time....

  • ZooceZooce Member Posts: 586

    Great list.  I would enjoy an AC revival.

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004

    if they remade those games with better graphics, it would be awesome...  add in a remade FF7 and im done :D

  • XexvXexv Member Posts: 308

    Good list, most agreeable =)

  • AnthonyMSAnthonyMS Member Posts: 33

    For my Top 5:

    5. The Sims Online

    I know people are probably going to nuke me out of the sky for this; but, I've always thought that TS2O would've been a reasonable success even with TSO being a failiure on the simple fact that TS2 is SO MUCH MORE elaborate than TS1.

    4. Anarchy Online

    The minute Funcom announced that they're updating AO with AoC's graphics, I thought they should really be making AO2.

    3. City of Heroes/Villains

    Mostly because I'm disappointed that Freedom (CoX's upcoming F2P conversion) is just a carbon copy of CO's FFA. It does have more content being older than CO; but, when I played Going Rogue, I felt that CO's character creator made CoX look too old.

    2. DAoC

    Though it's kind of a tie with AC, the fact that AC had a sequal is the reason I list DAoC instead of it. Don't get me wrong if Turbine relaunched AC2 or made AC3, I'd subscribe in a heart beat. But, DAoC should be the one that gets a sequel.

    1. UO

    I was heartbroken when they cancelled the sequel however many years ago it was. It could've said, "it's UO with EQ/WoWish style 3d" and I would've subscribed to it. 

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