I've been looking for new mmos/online games to play with my friends aswell.
Right now we play Realm of the Mad God and League of Legends. now we're thinking about trying Spiral knights and Dragon Nest.
Sadly I cant find many online games where you can do fun things with a group from the get go. =(
-- "Any free people have the right to choose how it wants to be govern thats the essence of democracy. It's sad when America has chosen for the stability and consistency of a dictatorship and doing it democratically" -utnow
Im not fussed if it takes a while to get to a lvl where things become fun. Just dont want it to be of the point and click variety of MMO. I want to be able to straffe and jump and dodge incoming attacks.
As i said, DDO was exelent if only everyone could get an online account (known problem with Turbine who dont seem to want to be helpfull on the matter when it comes to us people in the UK)
P.S. If you are looking for similar type games check out my first post as there is quite a list of these type of games that are comming out to look out for on the horizon.
I have the sameproblem with the mmo´s out there. Sure there are many good games but all have this mouse bashing style off gaming and I have played themlong enough.
Now i just wait for an mmo with the controll of darksiders and the charakter variety of an WOW(not the best but thats enough^^).
Sadly the big mmo year 2011 let us wait and the great ones like tera,c9 or gw2 dont even have the cb state, but i have to say i feel an wind of changing.
I have the sameproblem with the mmo´s out there. Sure there are many good games but all have this mouse bashing style off gaming and I have played themlong enough.
Now i just wait for an mmo with the controll of darksiders and the charakter variety of an WOW(not the best but thats enough^^).
Sadly the big mmo year 2011 let us wait and the great ones like tera,c9 or gw2 dont even have the cb state, but i have to say i feel an wind of changing.
2012 is the year of action mmo ;-)
But 4 tonight i just give DDo a try.
DDO is deffo worth a look mate, a bit of an uphill batle to start off with (i highly recomend looking at the custom character builds section of the DDO forums) but once you get into the swing of things it is truely a good game.
Just hope that if you chose to subscribe that you dont face the issue my friend is having (error 000006 or something like that)
Dragons Nest? Sounds to me like what you're looking for. European/SEA OB starts now in mid august, I'll be joining up as well. Maybe the graphics are a no-no for you but I still think the gameplay looks solid and stylish with alot more skillbased combat compared to what's coming out these days. Looks like fun to me!
Seems to me that this game is running stealth on the MMO-radar even though to me it looks very promising. OB should be a good time to try it all out, until the inevitable cash shop is introduced to fuck everything up. But that's just my own assumption of what's going to happen, don't know how 'cherrycredits' handle their business.
Looks good, But its character locked which sux. 100 copies of the same person running around gives a lack of diversity.
Cheers for the reply though mate
Any more from any more?
I've been looking for new mmos/online games to play with my friends aswell.
Right now we play Realm of the Mad God and League of Legends. now we're thinking about trying Spiral knights and Dragon Nest.
Sadly I cant find many online games where you can do fun things with a group from the get go. =(
"Any free people have the right to choose how it wants to be govern thats the essence of democracy. It's sad when America has chosen for the stability and consistency of a dictatorship and doing it democratically" -utnow
Im not fussed if it takes a while to get to a lvl where things become fun. Just dont want it to be of the point and click variety of MMO. I want to be able to straffe and jump and dodge incoming attacks.
As i said, DDO was exelent if only everyone could get an online account (known problem with Turbine who dont seem to want to be helpfull on the matter when it comes to us people in the UK)
P.S. If you are looking for similar type games check out my first post as there is quite a list of these type of games that are comming out to look out for on the horizon.
I know exactly what you meen.
I have the sameproblem with the mmo´s out there. Sure there are many good games but all have this mouse bashing style off gaming and I have played themlong enough.
Now i just wait for an mmo with the controll of darksiders and the charakter variety of an WOW(not the best but thats enough^^).
Sadly the big mmo year 2011 let us wait and the great ones like tera,c9 or gw2 dont even have the cb state, but i have to say i feel an wind of changing.
2012 is the year of action mmo ;-)
But 4 tonight i just give DDo a try.
DDO is deffo worth a look mate, a bit of an uphill batle to start off with (i highly recomend looking at the custom character builds section of the DDO forums) but once you get into the swing of things it is truely a good game.
Just hope that if you chose to subscribe that you dont face the issue my friend is having (error 000006 or something like that)
Dragons Nest? Sounds to me like what you're looking for. European/SEA OB starts now in mid august, I'll be joining up as well. Maybe the graphics are a no-no for you but I still think the gameplay looks solid and stylish with alot more skillbased combat compared to what's coming out these days. Looks like fun to me!
Seems to me that this game is running stealth on the MMO-radar even though to me it looks very promising. OB should be a good time to try it all out, until the inevitable cash shop is introduced to fuck everything up. But that's just my own assumption of what's going to happen, don't know how 'cherrycredits' handle their business.