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Hi everyone, I just started playing this game yesterday, so I don't much about it. My main is currently a lvl 12 Glacier and I have a few questions about this archetype. Should I go arms, science or mystic? what are the traits I should always improve (i.e. endurance? intellect?) and any other tips about this class?
That link has a lot of info on the Glacier.
Usually you want to focus on your superstats, which will be the stats that are in bold on items you pick up. Superstats change from AT to AT and if you are freeform you get to pick what you want your superstats to be.
As for your craft, find one that has a lot of items with the superstats you want, they all have items of every stat, but they usually have more of one or two of the stats then the others.
PS: Don't be afraid to sidekick, even if you sidekick with a lvl 40 you still get boss drops your level and exp.
"I swear -- by my life and my love for it -- that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."
- John Galt
Thanks! I'll check it out.