Just got the code but its forcing me to pay up front even if I don't like it.. perhaps I'll just make a trial account and then mess around on it for a bit, that will cure my curiosity. Thanks again.
Just got the code but its forcing me to pay up front even if I don't like it.. perhaps I'll just make a trial account and then mess around on it for a bit, that will cure my curiosity. Thanks again.
Return Keys are for people who are comming back as a subscriber so you have to pay.
I would like to get a key if I could. I have downloading the client the past day or so. Can't seem to enjoy other mmo's and Lineage 2 being the guilty pleasure of mine it is, I would like to check it out again. Kinda want to get a jump on GoD expansion, looks sick!
I would like to get a key if I could. I have downloading the client the past day or so. Can't seem to enjoy other mmo's and Lineage 2 being the guilty pleasure of mine it is, I would like to check it out again. Kinda want to get a jump on GoD expansion, looks sick!
I don't know if there are any still floating around but I'd love one. I've been thinking of coming back for some time and this could seal the deal for me.
I don't know if there are any still floating around but I'd love one. I've been thinking of coming back for some time and this could seal the deal for me.
Thank you in advance to anyone willing to help.
Drop me a PM with your eMail address and I'll send you one. I have enough keys left to send
Just got the code but its forcing me to pay up front even if I don't like it.. perhaps I'll just make a trial account and then mess around on it for a bit, that will cure my curiosity. Thanks again.
Hello i would like to see how much L2 changed since i last playedon hellbound.
If someone could send me a return key at: i would be gratefull. Thank YOu
Return Key sent.
Return Keys are for people who are comming back as a subscriber so you have to pay.
thank you verry much!
I am very interested in returning to this game, I would very much appreciate a return key
I would like to get a key if I could. I have downloading the client the past day or so. Can't seem to enjoy other mmo's and Lineage 2 being the guilty pleasure of mine it is, I would like to check it out again. Kinda want to get a jump on GoD expansion, looks sick!
Send me your email address
Send me your email address
Nevermind I just bought a 60 day time card.... but if you want you can hit me up on my new acount, names Altheous
I would like a return key to check how lineage 2 is now... i m bored of rift and i wanna see it again.
thank you.
Send me a pm with your email address
Manish is out of codes, does anyone else can do a buddy return in my e-mail? ( dlevel7 at gmail dot com )
got it,
thank you
I don't know if there are any still floating around but I'd love one. I've been thinking of coming back for some time and this could seal the deal for me.
Thank you in advance to anyone willing to help.
Drop me a PM with your eMail address and I'll send you one. I have enough keys left to send
[email protected] i nered one thank you
Please drop your eMail address here and we can send you one ;-)
thanks again
I'm bored. I'd love to reactivate my old acc and play a lil. I'd be greatful if I could get a key, my mail: yourcorporalNOSPAMgmail.com
Is that your email?
Yes, but Coldices already sent me one. Tnx to both.