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Item shop Epics @ 80

Just a warning to people who might be bothered by something like this. Had I know you could pay 4 epics I wouldnt have played :/ So a heads up to people considering this game.


  • RawizRawiz Member UncommonPosts: 584

    It's garbage especially on the new B&G servers. Buying up to PvP 5 items is pretty close to pay2win. It saves like 3-4 weeks of minigames and makes you far more resilient than those who chose to play the game like it's supposed to be.

    I could understand this on old servers like Tyranny, where a freshly dinged 80 is a punching bag for ages, but on fresh start server it's just disgusting.

  • Destiny2010Destiny2010 Member UncommonPosts: 327

    The sets are meant for startersets, but yeah, on new servers they might be a little too much. But as of now its on of FC incomes as people don`t pay monthly anymore.

  • KabaalKabaal Member UncommonPosts: 3,042

    Originally posted by Destiny2010

    The sets are meant for startersets, but yeah, on new servers they might be a little too much. But as of now its on of FC incomes as people don`t pay monthly anymore.

    Nah, they do. I dont know anyone from guild or ingame that switched from subscription to to the F2P model. For existing customers there was just too much to lose by doing so.

  • SulaaSulaa Member UncommonPosts: 1,329

    Originally posted by Kabaal

    Originally posted by Destiny2010

    The sets are meant for startersets, but yeah, on new servers they might be a little too much. But as of now its on of FC incomes as people don`t pay monthly anymore.

    Nah, they do. I dont know anyone from guild or ingame that switched from subscription to to the F2P model. For existing customers there was just too much to lose by doing so.

    Frequently F2P model mean milking player more than in P2P. After some time playing F2P games myself I started to hate this model and that is one of main reasons why.

  • Darth_OsorDarth_Osor Member Posts: 1,089

    I had resubbed when the new engine went live and was probably going to stay until TOR went live, but as soon as I saw the P2W cash shop, I immediately cancelled.

  • sibs4455sibs4455 Member UncommonPosts: 369

    Originally posted by Darth_Osor

    I had resubbed when the new engine went live and was probably going to stay until TOR went live, but as soon as I saw the P2W cash shop, I immediately cancelled.

     yup, everyone needs to know that funcom has made PVP pay2win, just look at the cash shop for crit / mana / magic / hit rating buffs, lots more too ... it is pay to win and what gets me is Funcom loves fxxking the subs with this.

    What hurts me most is that i returned to the game and thought 'great , Funcom has sorted the shxt out.' and only to find that they have the policy to rip as much money off people as they can.

    You know some companys never seem to learn.

  • slim26slim26 Member UncommonPosts: 645
    Once some mmorpg games go f2p you all can forget about our say so on things like bugs etc, all the dev's do is just sit back and collect more than they did with subs in a week, its a easy cash flow method and really screw the players that choose to sub up. I don't like FC FTP but at the same time I kinda understand why they are doing it. The cash they are collecting from us hopefully is going to TSW.
  • stayontargetstayontarget Member RarePosts: 6,519

    It's the awesome new future, at least that's what every game developer / game publisher has been telling us (or more like pushing down our throats). 

    WooHoo say hello to freemium / f2p / pay2win or what ever the hell they call it now.

    Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...

  • AzrileAzrile Member Posts: 2,582

    Originally posted by stayontarget

    It's the awesome new future, at least that's what every game developer / game publisher has been telling us (or more like pushing down our throats). 

    WooHoo say hello to freemium / f2p / pay2win or what ever the hell they call it now.

    AOC is the only game that has really blatently gone with the play2win model in a traditional MMO.    DDO has a lot of power enhancing things in the cash-shop, but it is also a very non-competitive game with no real pvp.  Lotro the same way, EQ2 same way

  • UNH0LYEV1LUNH0LYEV1L Member UncommonPosts: 572

    For B&G it was probably not wise to implement these items.  As for servers that have been around forever its a good thing to help the new players.  That said the items are terrible and any PvP player in PvP T2 will beat your and player in PvP T3 will laugh as they 2-3 shot you.

  • BarCrowBarCrow Member UncommonPosts: 2,195

    They probably should have left them out...but they need to make money somehow in F2P model. It certainly isn't pay to win either..the stats on the store PvP items suck.

  • KabaalKabaal Member UncommonPosts: 3,042

    Originally posted by BarCrow

    They probably should have left them out...but they need to make money somehow in F2P model. It certainly isn't pay to win either..the stats on the store PvP items suck.

    They don't suck when it's a new server like B&G. I remember grinding out the PvP 5 set when it was all there was before they lowered the xp needed for PvP levels or had introduced Bori and they made a fair bit of difference to my Demo, even more so to tanks. For the existing servers they are a good entry set as the PvP 10 gear is so so much better but they really should have disabled the shop on B&G.

  • JakdstripperJakdstripper Member RarePosts: 2,410

    this is the kicker that just completely turned me off this game for the last time:  every  piece of pvp gear higher then level 4 (that is 4 out of 10 for those that dont know) costs more then the 2 gold limit of the f2p.

    so basically you will never even be somewhat competitive in pvp unless you subscribe. for those that don't know much aboutthe game, you'll get absolutely steam rolled in pvp with level 4 pvp gear and no AA feats or Khitai rep gear.  f2p is nothing more then an extended trial. to do absolutely anything you'll have to pay. thanks but no thanks.

  • ChimpsChimps Member Posts: 192

    Why does almost every game have the most horrible marketing team?

    What idiot actually sits there and suggests a F2P system like this.

    And what idiot accepts it?

    Remove subscription completely and make the game F2P entirely with cash shop that doesn't give benefits. For those who paid for the game before would get sets of clothes/mounts that nobody could ever get unless they paid for AoC. They would also get bunch of coins for the cash shop to spend. 

    Give them whatever necessary to make them happy.

    Or just don't give them anything because they were stupid to pay for a shit game.

  • GargolaGargola Member Posts: 356

    I don't see the item requirements (to equip) changed, so a Pvp level 5 item requires the character to have PvP level 5 to equip, so them being on the shop for cash only adds the option to buy them with real money instead of with ingame gold.  Considering that they cost more gold that the max free character can hold it allows FC to still keep the max gold limit (to cut the "free" gold farmers) while still giving the free players the option of buying the items once they reach the propper pvp level.


    I see no problem at all there, they are not selling the Pvp level, just the item, which you could also buy ingame with gold whenever you felt like it, and let it sit in your inventory till you get the Pvp level to actually use it.

  • OziiusOziius Member UncommonPosts: 1,406

    Originally posted by Azrile

    Originally posted by stayontarget

    It's the awesome new future, at least that's what every game developer / game publisher has been telling us (or more like pushing down our throats). 

    WooHoo say hello to freemium / f2p / pay2win or what ever the hell they call it now.

    AOC is the only game that has really blatently gone with the play2win model in a traditional MMO.    DDO has a lot of power enhancing things in the cash-shop, but it is also a very non-competitive game with no real pvp.  Lotro the same way, EQ2 same way

    Very True. I have been playing Eq2 until recently, but the cash shop didn't have any weapons or armor other then cosmetic. The day any game adds actual gear to the shop with stats is the day I walk out. Hopefully some of the traditional games keep their backbone. 

  • rastorgrastorg Member UncommonPosts: 32

    Originally posted by Jakdstripper

    this is the kicker that just completely turned me off this game for the last time:  every  piece of pvp gear higher then level 4 (that is 4 out of 10 for those that dont know) costs more then the 2 gold limit of the f2p.

    so basically you will never even be somewhat competitive in pvp unless you subscribe. for those that don't know much aboutthe game, you'll get absolutely steam rolled in pvp with level 4 pvp gear and no AA feats or Khitai rep gear.  f2p is nothing more then an extended trial. to do absolutely anything you'll have to pay. thanks but no thanks.

     This doesn't make any sense to me. What makes you think you should be able to be competitive in a game where you don't want to spend a dime ? 

    If they allow that then nobody will be spending a dime to play the game, and in case you don't know, games are run by companies to make profits, not to entertain cheap people like you.

  • GargolaGargola Member Posts: 356

    If the items where anywhere near the "best" ones, hard to find or actually advantageous it would be bad.  Most items are at best a minor advantage at certain entry levels, the PvP gear you can buy still require you to get the Pvp levels and for all of them there are way better options that you can't buy and are only acquirable playing the game.


    Hardly game breaking.

  • KabaalKabaal Member UncommonPosts: 3,042

    Originally posted by Gargola

    If the items where anywhere near the "best" ones, hard to find or actually advantageous it would be bad.  Most items are at best a minor advantage at certain entry levels, the PvP gear you can buy still require you to get the Pvp levels and for all of them there are way better options that you can't buy and are only acquirable playing the game.


    Hardly game breaking.

    No they don't. You can just equip the cash shop pvp gear without gaining the pvp levels.

  • GargolaGargola Member Posts: 356

    Hmm, well, that sucks, what PvP level are they?

  • DaSpackDaSpack Member UncommonPosts: 589

    shop gear sucks compared to what you get in game. Shop gear is just a tadd better than the generic items.

    I think your point basically is gone considdering this.

    The Ultimate Breakdown

  • catlanacatlana Member Posts: 1,677

    Originally posted by DaSpack

    shop gear sucks compared to what you get in game. Shop gear is just a tadd better than the generic items.

    I think your point basically is gone considdering this.

    My thoughts pretty much agree with this. The only "epics" in the shop are the low pvp level gear. This stuff might be useful for a few weeks on a new server ala Deathwish but once everybody starts getting pvp t2 gear, the bought stuff simply does not compare.  

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