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I've been very happy playing the game on my laptop running vista 32 bit... enjoying about every aspect of game and very immersed in it.... but sick of playing it on an uncomfortable laptop...
I tried one last marathon attempt at running the game on my desktop which is vista 64bit... gave up an entire Friday evening... what a waste... every walkthrough for fixes known to man and I can't get past the gameguard errors.
Account cancelled and now I feel the blood pressure returning to normal.
Debating some fun type of way of giving my in game items away...
Replace the dsetup.dll in your lineage 2 system map with that one. Oh and undo changes you made somewhere else while trying to fix it.
Let me know if it works.
Please explain the errors / problems you have with GG. I regularry get an error that my browser pops up and I can submit a petition to INCA, but then L2 just starts.
Normally, if you remove the ./system/Gameguard folder of L, all works fine. If not, reboot and retry. If your problems stay, better check your system for keyloggers or other nasty things...
It just says gameguard update was cancelled. I have tried deleting the gg folder as the walkthroughs says to do. I've disabled UAC, windows defender is off, windows firewall is off, all components of my norton antivirus are off. I've tried running the game as administrator.... dns dumps.... there are no other options I've seen.
The fyyre patch has seemed to work to get me past the gg errors... however once I enter my acct info into game it just says connecting to game and doesnt do anything... it's prolly a keylogger itself and all I've done is likely sent them my acct info.
Apparently he has tried your fix.