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Star Wars: The Old Republic: Do Weapon Restrictions Bug You?



  • CyclopsSlayerCyclopsSlayer Member UncommonPosts: 532
    TOR is rapidly becoming a game of dodge the restriction, more than a full mmo. Want to play this class? Here is the only weapon you can use. Want a speeder bike? Herr is your segway. Want a spaceship? Here is your mobile house that you can occasionally use in a scrolling shooter arcade game.

    Guided, on rails, handheld seem to describe it better sadly.
  • c4_Garudac4_Garuda Member Posts: 77

    It does bother me to some extent. I want double-bladed sabre, only one advanced class in the game has that option -.-

    "To be a rock and not to roll..."

  • SuprGamerXSuprGamerX Member Posts: 531

    Heh , really?  I'll start by playing the game first , if it ever releases that is.

    Only thing pissing me off about this , is that they announced the game way too early , like Blizzard and D3 , waitted so long that I'm not even following it anymore and I won't be surprised if I don't even notice it's release.  

     So , let's just start by having a release of this MMO first , play it , then judge.

  • MMO.MaverickMMO.Maverick Member CommonPosts: 7,619

    Originally posted by CyclopsSlay

    TOR is rapidly becoming a game of dodge the restriction, more than a full mmo. Want to play this class? Here is the only weapon you can use. Want a speeder bike? Herr is your segway. Want a spaceship? Here is your mobile house that you can occasionally use in a scrolling shooter arcade game.

    Guided, on rails, handheld seem to describe it better sadly.

    This is nonsense. First, you'll have choice in vehicles, including speeder bikes. Second, a lot of MMO's don't even have a spaceship or player house or a base that a player can own. If you can't handle guided or feel it's 'on rails', I suggest you stay away from themepark MMO's.

    The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's

    The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
    Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."

  • garrygarry Member Posts: 263

    One thing I have noticed about all these posts. I am a retired game designer (TSR and Pacesetter Games) and presently enjoying my retirement with on-line games. Among all these posts I have found some old time arm-chair designers or their grown up kids. They were doing the same thing back in the 80s that they are doing now. Why didn't you do this? You were stupid to do that! My way is much better that this! You screwed that up bad! Let me tell you what you should have done, do or should be doing!


    If criticizing something you should really point out facts first and then offer your opinion, and state it as an opinion or suggestion. Ranting, raving, cursing, accusations, threats etc...will avail you little or nothing. As an old game designer (yes I have published material in my name - google Garry Spiegle if you care) I have seen and heard it all. Eager young people with great ideas (gratefully recieved and appreciated) as well as vociferous accusations and angry 'I know better than you' statements and on and on ad naseum.


    George Lucas has the same rights as an author over his work. Period. No one is required to like it. That is American Law. Period. Not like the laws such a those against speeding or drinking and driving which many just ignore. He has licensed his work to Bioware and given them the constraints within his work and financial requirements. The OP is disappointed in not being able to have a wider selection of weapons for the classes. Many of us disagree in that we like the differentation for the multiple classes. Fair enough, friendly disagreement.


    To the others, millions of us are going to buy and play SWTOR, including a lot of those who have some parts they don't like or care for and that is fair.. Some posters won't play and frankly, I am happy about it. The rest of us will give it a fair shot.

  • asj18asj18 Member UncommonPosts: 86

    Originally posted by garry

    One thing I have noticed about all these posts. I am a retired game designer (TSR and Pacesetter Games) and presently enjoying my retirement with on-line games. Among all these posts I have found some old time arm-chair designers or their grown up kids. They were doing the same thing back in the 80s that they are doing now. Why didn't you do this? You were stupid to do that! My way is much better that this! You screwed that up bad! Let me tell you what you should have done, do or should be doing!


    If criticizing something you should really point out facts first and then offer your opinion, and state it as an opinion or suggestion. Ranting, raving, cursing, accusations, threats etc...will avail you little or nothing. As an old game designer (yes I have published material in my name - google Garry Spiegle if you care) I have seen and heard it all. Eager young people with great ideas (gratefully recieved and appreciated) as well as vociferous accusations and angry 'I know better than you' statements and on and on ad naseum.


    George Lucas has the same rights as an author over his work. Period. No one is required to like it. That is American Law. Period. Not like the laws such a those against speeding or drinking and driving which many just ignore. He has licensed his work to Bioware and given them the constraints within his work and financial requirements. The OP is disappointed in not being able to have a wider selection of weapons for the classes. Many of us disagree in that we like the differentation for the multiple classes. Fair enough, friendly disagreement.


    To the others, millions of us are going to buy and play SWTOR, including a lot of those who have some parts they don't like or care for and that is fair.. Some posters won't play and frankly, I am happy about it. The rest of us will give it a fair shot.

    I agree with you 100% I personally cant wait for the game.

    Games I will be playing are: TES V, SWTOR, ME 3, TSW

  • potapithikospotapithikos Member Posts: 178

    This is the Toyota Avensis of MMOs one big SAME OL', SAME OL'

  • erikk3189erikk3189 Member Posts: 306

    Space combat is the very one thing that irks the heck out of me. Not being able to control your ship and no freedom of moving about space on your own dosen't seem like fun to me. THis is the one thing I liked about SWG, their space flights and being able to have an assortment of ships.

    Unlike EVE, at least there you knew which end of your ship was the front, the back and the sides.

    I, too was very excited at first but slowly and as more and more content is exposed, I've also seen a few things I don't like much either.

    With this said, it still looks like the best game out once it goes live.  And I also believe many games will begin to follow suit as far as putting in similar content in their games like voice as well as other things not yet seen until Republic goes live.

    You hear this WoW?

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004

    Originally posted by garry

    One thing I have noticed about all these posts. I am a retired game designer (TSR and Pacesetter Games) and presently enjoying my retirement with on-line games. Among all these posts I have found some old time arm-chair designers or their grown up kids. They were doing the same thing back in the 80s that they are doing now. Why didn't you do this? You were stupid to do that! My way is much better that this! You screwed that up bad! Let me tell you what you should have done, do or should be doing!


    If criticizing something you should really point out facts first and then offer your opinion, and state it as an opinion or suggestion. Ranting, raving, cursing, accusations, threats etc...will avail you little or nothing. As an old game designer (yes I have published material in my name - google Garry Spiegle if you care) I have seen and heard it all. Eager young people with great ideas (gratefully recieved and appreciated) as well as vociferous accusations and angry 'I know better than you' statements and on and on ad naseum.


    George Lucas has the same rights as an author over his work. Period. No one is required to like it. That is American Law. Period. Not like the laws such a those against speeding or drinking and driving which many just ignore. He has licensed his work to Bioware and given them the constraints within his work and financial requirements. The OP is disappointed in not being able to have a wider selection of weapons for the classes. Many of us disagree in that we like the differentation for the multiple classes. Fair enough, friendly disagreement.


    To the others, millions of us are going to buy and play SWTOR, including a lot of those who have some parts they don't like or care for and that is fair.. Some posters won't play and frankly, I am happy about it. The rest of us will give it a fair shot.

    it would be blind fanboi'ism indeed to assume that there arent any real issues here, the only question is whether what the game offers, vs what it does not, is enough to persuade people to buy, i have no doubt that the game will do well, though i hesitate to agree that there will be, as you say, millions, though, for that at least, time will tell...  based on information currently available i won't be buying this game, and that is disappointing... as this should have been a game i would have been interested in.. but for the moment at least, the con's outweight the pro's..  once the game has been released though, and we get some hands on reports from other forum members, that will be the time to re-evaluate it.. image

  • IsaneIsane Member UncommonPosts: 2,630

    You know SWTOR isn't SWG but you said it anyway. Well the classes are the classes all that bothers me is that I am not playing the game.

    This post is just a little bit of a rant vague refferences to a lack of diversity, but as far as substance goes this post is weak

    As far as weapon retrictions go , there is a defference between a restriction and damage limitation and IMO it is damage that matter the weapon variety is a bonus.

    Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel 

  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,967

    Nothing makes a class more unique then its own weapon that makes it stand out on the battle field. Weapons are the thing that stands out most in combat. So no I dont have a problem with this.

  • JediConsularJediConsular Member Posts: 51

    Originally posted by Leoghan

    Originally posted by Lokath

    Originally posted by Leoghan

    Originally posted by barezz

    Hmm that guy must have missed Empire Strikesw Back where Boba Fett shoots at Luke (with his carbine) while transporting Han to Slave 1...but I digress...

    This issue is part of a larger issue that bothers me about many of the design elements in Old Republic, which I call the "Father knows best" syndrome.  They KNOW that we all want to fulfill our Boba Feett fantasy, or our Luke Skywalker fantasy, or our *insert Iconic character* here.  We may say that we want to create a unique bounty hunter, but in the end, we REALLY just want to be Boba Fett.  We are silly children, and father knows best.

    We don't REALLY want to fly around space zones and explore them.  There is no space exploration in the movies silly!  It's all pew pew pew!  A rail shooter won't hurt your experience.  You also REALLY don't want an apperance system, because you want to REALLY look like an iconic Jedi when you level, or a Trooper, or whatever.

    That was one of the things that I hated abnout the NGE, because we started getting told what we ACTUALLY wanted.  And I see a lot of that here in TOR.  And it really dampens my enthuiasm. 

    So weapon restrictions themselves do not tend to bother me in games a whole lot just because I am very used to it.  But when it becomes part of this larger problem of being told that "father knows best" it drives me completly bonkers.  There is just too much of that in TOR.  Will it be a fun game?  Probably, I am looking forward to playing it.  I think that it will bea  good game.  But without granting players flexiability and the ability to be creative will it be a great game?  I guess we shall see.

    I think in many ways you hit the nail on the head and I think Bioware inherited this attitude from Lucas (Arts). I mean everything Lucas has done since Return of the Jedi, has been heavy handed and trying to kill SW for anyone who differs from his personal vision. SWTOR feels a bit like this to me, rather than giving me the chance to live out a SW fantasy life, it gives me the chance to follow someone else's fantasy life, the two might overlap in some spots and I might be able to make superficial choices, but in the end the limitations on my character are tremendous. 


    Well, it IS his own personal vision. He has the right to make canon whatever he wants it to be. But I think you're overreacting, Lucas has been more than welcoming to the expanded universe crowd, even going so far as to use elements from that canon in the movies. Coruscant was a name invented by Timothy Zahn.

    But really. If he wants to tell us, for example, the Yuuzahn Vong war was all a dream, well... that's how the cookie crumbles. You might disagree, but in Star Wars lore, Lucas is king, God, and all those other things.

    The moment he started selling it off for profit by letting others play in "his" universe by authoring books, comics, video games he gave up the right to call it his "personal" vision. Look at the way he threw Salvatore under the bus, he told him that he had to kill of Chewbacca, but let him take the heat from the fans. Or how he retconed nearly everything Karen Traviss invested in the Mandalorians. 

    What does this have to do with SWTOR though, the problem is an MMORPG game world is supposed to offer you a chance to "live" in a world that you want to "live" in. These games originated off of the DnD model, pen and paper RPGs have always been about a give and take between the DM and the player in telling their mutual stories. In the case of MMO's the DM is the Dev and in the case of SWTOR there is too much take from the Devs and not enough give to make it anything but their own stories. 

    Although I agree with Barezz and would love to see more freedom to do your own thing, the problem lies with mixing a lack of control with the large amount of stupid people out there that try too hard to be funny and/or garner attention.

    Take Aion for example. When Aion came out I remember so many people raving about Aion's character creator and how both powerful and flexible it was compared to the fantasy MMOs before it. However, even though I loved it for many reasons and still find it to be the best to date, I could see the writing on the wall from the start...sure enough, you ended up seeing tall stick figured characters with huge gigantic heads and other deformed-looking characters running around.

    This kills immersion and in a story-driven game such as SWTOR, I feel they need to eliminate as much of these immersion killers as possible. Although, I loved many things about Aion, I gave up playing that game for the above mentioned reason more than any other.

    When I play a game, I want to get lost in that world, not be constantly reminded of the friggin idiots, morons and #$@%tards that I have to put up with in the real one. So in that sense, although I'd prefer to have more choices,  it makes sense and I completely understand as to why they do limit your options somewhat.

    Now, while I don't see any problems with say a Bounty Hunter using a Carbine Rifle, I don't want to see some immature idiot trying to be funny by running around with dual lightsabers on a Smuggler or a Trooper. Neither does Lucas nor does Bioware, I'm sure. Those same fears were most likely discussed thorougly by Bioware when planning this game and are perhaps the very reason why they chose to go in the direction that they did.

    Anyhow, while I'm not going to go into giving specific examples (as I'm sure you can all think of several), it's like most things in this world...the morons and jerks out there ruin it for everyone.

    My text is green because my posts are created with Willpower!
  • scottec1425scottec1425 Member Posts: 64

    If this is the one thing that Turns a person away from this game then that person isnt needed in a story driven game. When I first saw the game, I new that I wanted to play the Smuggler Duel pistols cover system boy that sounded great, now that they released more shots Im gonna prob play a trooper first cus I want a big huge hip mounted chain blaster! There is plenty variaty in wepons. Jedis get all 3 diffrent style of Lightsabers, Duels, Double, and Single. Sure Bounty hunters get a choice of 2 Pistoles or single pistol, but on top of that they have thier jet pack, flame thrower, bombs, and granades. Troopers get a wide variaty of riffles, along with bombs and granades and other devices. Imp Agents get sniper rifles and other devices.


    Sure most classes get 1-2 main wepons, but in the star wars universe, when did you see a TKA, a Pikeman, or anything other then a pistol, light sabler, carbine, riffle?  Every so offten  you would see one, but its still a just a miner part in the univers. You might have read of a legandary TKA, or how the were diffrent wepons out thier in the world. but the most common used 4 wepons have allways been Light saber, Pistol, Carbine, and Rifle. Biowere coverd all them.


    And any man that wants to compare SWG with SWTOR, is just silly. SWG was struck with a mortal blow over 7 years ago, sure they been limping along to thier death coming in a few months, but the weopn variaty left that game years apon years ago, why even try to compare it.


    EDIT: Sorry for the double post, First time it went threw it went to a white screen saying server mainaince. so I reposted.

  • kaliniskalinis Member Posts: 1,428

    Originally posted by xmenty

     The restrictions is not only just the weapons. Why can''t BH look like the smuggler or the imperial Agent or vice versa. Unless there is a BH union dress code that every BH must look like Bobba fett or Jango Fett of the future then I would just  /facepalm.

    This is not actually true. a Bh can equip imperial agent gear there stats would suck and not match the bh class but u can do so. I have read multiple posts on that myself. As for the smuggler with 1 pistol have less range then the dw one the one with one blaster will use a vibro blade in oh not a range weapon so theres why it makes sense.

    The fact is in a star wars game there have to be restrictions just from a lore standpoint.  U dont want a bh with a lighstaber or jedi with blasters or blaster carbines. There are other examples im just blanking at the moment. Sometimes the decision to restrict weapon use is due to lore and common sense. 

    A jedi for instance takes practice and enought knowledge of the force and practice hrs upoon hrs to learn how to use a lightsaber and not cut there own arm off. 

    The armor thing though was just not fact. They have stated multiple times a jedi knight can look like a trooper if u choose to use trooper armor just they wont have the necessary stats to be optimal and ud look like a noob. But u can actually equip a class to look like another .

    They have also stated there are multiple armor sets per class. They have used bh as the example saying bh have many many looks in star wars universe and not everyone dresses alike. so that part is purely wrong also.

  • monothmonoth Member Posts: 551

    True SWG gave you lots of options but everyone pretty much used the carbines because the pistols sucked for doing max DPS.... so much for choices huh....

    I can see Bioware adding in a Carbine later on, maybe expansion that also adds animations for it along with other content....

    I guess if the game is really boring then I can see weapon restrictions sucking, but if the game is a lot of fun who cares as long as my Pistols are competitive in PvP :)

  • TheomastusTheomastus Member Posts: 35

    Normally I'm with you on a lot of issues, but this one just lost me.

    Weapon restrictions have never bugged me.  Nor has the lack of an appearance tab, the purely humanoid races (who wants to play an Ithorian?), and space combat looks like a fun little diversion to me.

    As for weapon restrictions- well every AC is FUNCTIONALLY a totally different class from even the other AC of the character's base class, let alone anyone else.  In order for players to be instantly recognizable in pvp, in a game with lightsabers, that means weapon restrictions-

    See that guy in robes?  Is he a sage or a shadow?  If you start letting any jedi weild any saber- that class ID goes right out the window and with it goes any hope of your pvp component being good.  

    “The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: Be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge.”
    -Elbert Hubbard

  • kaliniskalinis Member Posts: 1,428

    im gonna assume there will be an apperance tab. Just based on the statement tha  Princess Leia's slave outfit is in game and if u cant equip it for appearace sake whats the point of haveing it.

  • william0532william0532 Member Posts: 251

    I wouldn't have minded the bounty hunter having a single wield carbine or dual pistols, but in the end, I don't really care, I remember how much it ticked me off when jedi started using the appearance tab in swg too wear armor and vice versa, it crushed the over appeal of the game as everyone started looking rediculous.

    So this go around, I'm all for each class having their own unique look, and weapons would be included in that look.

  • anointedsworanointedswor Member UncommonPosts: 5

    Get over it. I know you guys have to do articles, but please for the love of God know what you are talking about. What is in movies and what is in games are two totally diffrent things. Even reality is totally different than games. For example, if you had real weapon characteristics in tactical shooters, the balance would be so off it would be scary. 

    Character limits suck!

  • QuesaQuesa Member UncommonPosts: 1,432

    I'd rather they sandbox things like this.


    You can equip anything you want, it just won't work as well w/o specialities or the attributes to use it as effectively.

    Star Citizen Referral Code: STAR-DPBM-Z2P4
  • Bama1267Bama1267 Member UncommonPosts: 1,822

    Im fine with it, hopefully the other aspects of the game are good or it won't even matter.

  • JangocatJangocat Member Posts: 46

    I agree with the author. As MMO's evolve I want more customization options, not less. I'm gonna buy TOR but reading these articles I'm starting to think it's getting too dumbed down. No day/night cycles, no swimming, now limited weapon choices?  Make no mistake, these limitations are not to preserve lore or make the world better, they are simply cost cutting measures. Less animating and balancing to worry about. The gameplay better be unbelievable to make up for all these limitations. I have my doubts as it sounds like all bounty hunters will look and play the same.

  • Stryfe6Stryfe6 Member Posts: 12

    I think you are jumping the gun abit here, they havent talked to much about weapon customization for SWTOR and certainly not confirmed that Blaster Pistols are the only weapon for the BH.

    I also think they mentioned that we could use other armor and weapons but we wouldnt be very good at using them, since we would need to be proficient in the specific skill plus the armor and weapons would have other stats that would be counter intuitive to our class.

    And as you said they are still in game testing, so we dont know what the final version will include.

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