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As the packrat queen of North America, I am in need of an MMO with real housing. I am trying to stay in Vanguard, but there is no one to quest or talk to for hours and even days....Iknow Archage will have it so I guess I will have to find something until then. BTW, I dont consider instanced rooms to be houses, I grew up with DAOC and have never found anything even remotely as useful. If you know of anything else, let me know please.
You could play IRL... other than that... Arche Age is it...
"Sometimes people say stuff they don''t mean, but more often then that they don''t say things they do mean"

non instanced housing... darkfall and mortal online come to mind. Darkfall will take you a looooot of time to get a house. Mortal online, if you really commit to it, you can get one relatively quickly if you make friends and get connections and be mindful of the guilds in your area.
It's not an MMO, but the Animal Crossing series has some fun housing, and the online option for the last 2 really adds to the fun. It's been a nice way for me to pass the time while waiting for, at the very least, TOR (which I think may last me a month or so).
There has been an announcement by the aion lead that they will have housing in 3.0 patch.
Wurm Online is the ultimate sandbox MMO for building houses.
Minecraft..... Not an MMO but you can build some quality houses. Shit gets real fun on a populated server where people build towns and cities.
Let's not forget about Asheron's Call. My first MMO, and it had housing all over the landscape.
UO has what you are looking for. I could fill a a hundred web sites with the stories and drama that I experienced because of it.
The problem is UO is the oldest game. Also, all possible plots are going to be taken and you might have to spend real money to get a spot.
You can try blender or maybe Maya, autodesk student and digital tutors hehe
Guild Wars 2's 50 minutes game play video:
Everything We Know about GW2:
Populated Minecraft server is probably more populated than Vanguard. Sad but true
I don't agree with much, but OP, you hit on a trend. With the closing of SWG on Dec 15, 2011, other than V:SoH, there will be no other AAA games where can put down a house that is a permanent fixture on the game's landscape. That is depressing. The R in mmorpg is dying.
Power to the Sheeple
I believe Minecraft is one of the few games that can be played online where you can build your house, brick by brick.
EVE, UO, Puzzle Pirates, Wurm, Horizons, and Xsyon immediately come to mind. Some are good, some aren't all that good, but each one allows players to own, construct or customize open world structures.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
Agree and love the game... only reason I'm not playing it is because of the random port issues. Not subbing to find out that I can't load in for the billionth time since release.
Cannot believe they haven't fixed this.
"In life we are all turds, some sink and some float but in the end we all get flushed."
UO needs a facelift, badly... EVE, point taken. The rest, those are not AAA games. Matter of fact, have not even heard of them and I've been playing MMORPGs for over a decade.
Power to the Sheeple
AAA is normally defined by budget and marketing. Horizons cost 18 million dollars, a solid retail presence and an extensive marketing campaign. If the comparison is AAA vs Indie, then the distinction is that AAA titles are backed by a publisher, and Horizons was published by Atari.
Unfortunately, there is no direct correlation between AAA and quality, but you already know that, as you cited V:SOH as a AAA title; a game which currently is impressive in many regards but at release was an abomination that few would refer to as a 'high quality release'.
For housing, i wouldn't look toward AAA titles. It's game design that leans more toward tool and toy than toward being a tour, so it is more the domain of sandbox focused games which are more the domain of indie developers, and I had fun writing this sentence.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
Just adding "A Tale In The Desert" to this list.
There is no combat, it's 100% crafting, house and monument building, and social - but it's very intricate and complex in those areas.
Xsyon someone else already mentioned - is pretty new, very open/sandboxy, and you can immediately stake a claim and start building up a small area. Not sure how the population is doing in the past couple months since release.
Edited to add - Wurm Online is probably the best for building customizable open-world structures including mines, fencing, hills, etc. However the interface is pretty draconian and the graphics are very basic. I would kill for a "WoW" like interface / graphics style with Wurm's core mechanics and gameplay.
Wurm, check it out one. One of the most complicated sandboxes out there.