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I can't seem to find a mmorpg that fits me as far as PVE goes. I can't stand raiding, and quest grinding bores the hell out of me. That said, I am looking for a PVP mmorpg instead.
I just built a new pc in April and I would like to find a fun PVP mmorpg that I can make pvp videos in. My Darkfall sub just ran out, and while I enjoy the game for the most part, Aventurine is a worthless company that is running the game into the ground. So here I am, back looking for a new game.
Here's a basic list of what I am looking for:
-Fun PVP
-Fluid combat (clunkiness drives me insane)
-Decent graphics
-Option to grind mobs or quest at around the same speed
-Crafting (only if the items created are worth using)
-Absolutely NO raiding (it's fine if raiding is in-game as long as I don't have to do it to be on the same playing field)
-P2P or Freemium is fine, but no crappy Asian grinder remakes
Playing - Minecraft, 7 Days To Die, Darkfall:ROA, Path of Exile
Waiting for -
Faxion is good game just doesn't have crafting. It's F2P.
I'm also trying to find one. WoW doesn't do it, I believe Darkfall is losing subs. I haven't tried Aion PvP because I heard it's just a Zerg and whoever brings more people wins. Maybe Guild Wars? I may just wait till something new comes out
You played Darkfall. You won't last in anything else more than a month and will end up returning to Darkfall many many times. I know, I have been there. I played Rift to 50, WoW to 85, AoC to 40... none compare to Darkfall. Its a crack habit that you just cant quit once you have tried it.
Ohh and Darkfall isn't losing subs. At least when you look at players in clan's. It has more people in clans than there were a year ago, and the year before that. Don't look at newbie cities for population or numbers. Go to chaos cities and player cities.
The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
Theres this thing that happens in pvp games known as... "Mass whining" followed by everything being nerfed and/or changed and everyone quits... so good luck.
"Sometimes people say stuff they don''t mean, but more often then that they don''t say things they do mean"

I too absolutely hate raiding , thats why I dont play wow , rift and Lotro to some extent. I dont know about my current game's (Champions Online) end game but it has prity much got what you asked for .
Other game I would mention is Dark age of camelot , great PvP , but you will have to do some levelling up and gear farming to get into the RvR side of things.
Good luck.
I have been wanting to give DAOC a shot for years, but every time I do I end up disappointed. The game is just so clunky. The graphics are fine, but the movement and controls are just terrible.
Playing - Minecraft, 7 Days To Die, Darkfall:ROA, Path of Exile
Waiting for -
Warhammer Online?
I would have recommended SWG but...
ive been looking for a good pvp game myself
ive played rift, WoW, DF, DAoC - forever ago ad cant seem to get back into it, really didnt get to play EvE started ti its just alot to take in.
and im still here looking for a great pvp game to play in the same boat as you it seems.
Does anyone know if AC is still active ive alway wanted to try it but scared too because of not having anyone to play with in-game
Currntly:Searching for The game
I started a new account for AC a few months back. The population is really low. If you decide to try it out, join the Frostfell server. That seems to be the most populated server.
Playing - Minecraft, 7 Days To Die, Darkfall:ROA, Path of Exile
Waiting for -
kk thank you for the info i may try it out
Currntly:Searching for The game
I went back to DAoC. No one does 3 faction siege warfare RvR.
Having a blast.
If I were you I'd hold out until you can play Dragons Nest. Game seems to be centered around PVP and the actual combat looks amazing.
It's in beta right now in the US and a SEA beta is coming shortly as well.
I still wonder why no one has tried to copy the daoc type game after all these years as in every thread that mentions daoc , they normally state was a good game. Every developer seems narow minded and blinkered into copying wow.
My suggestion is to give Warhammer a try. It has a pretty substantial free trial and the IP is pretty win, so if nothing else I think that's worth a shot just to check it out.
The game I'm about to mention isn't usually my style of game, but I am enjoying it immensely at the moment.
You can chose from a handful of crafting proffessions- Tailor,engineer,gunsmith.chemist.
There are a few pve missions/quests to undertake and a high level of pvp orietated missions which can be a lot of fun when you get the right team.