Don't mind the pre-era setting, it allows anyone to play with glowing sticks, which I don't care about tbh,
However what I really dislike is choosing to use wowish art, like big shoulder pads, warlok robes and also the blue, green, red, blind humanoid playable species only.
WoW art design was brilliant- not technically demanding (thus increasing number of potential players), thematically integrated, instantly recognizable, etc. I really liked it.
The restriction to humanoid species is clearly to cut down on development costs- modelling armour/environment/mounts/cover for nonhumanoids would have added hugely to the time and resources needed to finish the game. Speaking as someone who played a Tauren all through Classic WoW, even something as simple as camera angles can get really awful when you start messing with radically different character models.
As for the New Rep vs Old a couple of easy reasons for that one-
1) BW had already done a ton of work on the Old Republic setting that wouldn't need to be rehashed- thus cutting development costs, or allowing development money and resources to go to other aspects of the project.
2) Placing it in the 'new' Republic would have possibly brought them into conflict with LA's vision of where the SW saga is going. The would have had to exaustively consult with LA to introduce anything new.
3) Jar Jar
*edited for brainfart spelling errors
The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: Be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge. -Elbert Hubbard
Like many i'm looking forward to a Star Wars mmo. However I would have so much preferred the New Republic Universe. The Old Republic simply reminds me of the Turkey Film franchise that many of us Star Wars fans were so disappointed at. I just hope to god Jar Jar binks doesn't make an appearance.
A universe including Luke Skywalker , Princess Leia, Han Solo, Bobba Fett, Stormtroopers, The Milenium Falcon , Snowspeeders, X-Wing, Death Star, Star Destroyers, Tie Fighters, Darth Vader, Hoth Battles with At-Ats. This all seems so much more appealing than the universe we are being presented with now. Just my tuppence worth.
I think what has been developed here by Bioware/Lucas Arts has far more Story than we have ever seen with respect to Star Wars Ever.
And here is hoping that some decent films get release of off the back of it.
________________________________________________________ Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel
If they used a game setting after the films there is alot of contradicting source material unless they leap frog a couple centuries ahead.
Going back, way back gives the game a kind of "Legends" status and allows them to create the history(with the approval of "Supreme Overlord George").
It also gives players a fresh start.
Its a very good move on their part IMO!
Yes I can't wait ;
The story itself and the mass of additional cannon/lore is what interests me with the equivalent of 8-9 games worth of solo content alla KOTOR and a game world and MMO content far bigger than any other ever released at day Zero.
But lets remember it is only a game.... Real life must be number one priority.
________________________________________________________ Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel
Yes, I'd prefer a timeperiod well after the movies instead of before with props from the movies, but that would be Very expensive and take a long time.
Even if SW:TOR is a WoW reskin with ME1/2+KOTOR features boosting it, it will still play and work well as a game considering its a Bioware game. Though I don't see myself playing playing it beyond a few months simply because I can't play WoW for stretches more than that, Content wears thin and MMO's like that don't provide anything to entertain without it - A sandbox Might keep me with community if I click with a group in it and there's something to do Communually but I just don't see that in SW:TOR or WoW (despite great effort) and most Sandbox MMO's out there either are genres that don't interest me (point & click EVE, Isometric Ultima Online, etc.) or are in such poor shape technically to be considered playeble games (Darkfall, Mortal Online, SWG, etc.)
IMO the TOR era is pretty fascinating, but not as popular as the well known GCW era. If Lucas had made films based around both TOR & GCW, the TOR era would have been more popular, there are Star Wars fans out there that has no idea about the TOR or even the EU! The same thing as proclaimed Ferrari fans not knowing that the Enzo exists.
KOTOR had a great storyline and awesome gameplay and for years I had wanted an MMO flavor of it, and from the gameplay videos that I've seen, it pretty much is a KOTOR MMO.
Oh yeah, I'm not putting down the KOTOR lore/timeline. I enjoy it quite a bit too, especially mandalor. Its just not my preferred flavor of Star Wars since I've been a fan since 'New Hope' came out (2300ish member of the Fan Club) so that generation/timeline has personal appeal/fondness to me.
The KOTOR timeline is actually more interesting due to the events that are occuring during it, its just mainly a very different landscape/galaxy than what I really liked about Star Wars. The thing I liked most about the New Republic (and the original trilogy) was the chaotic environment and emphasis on individual exploits (storms of small stories interacting with each other) and there impact. The Episodes 1-3 and KOTOR have a lot power centered around a few entities where they're really shaping the events of those timelines (which while epic seem rather bland to me) where small stories are centered around those Big Events.
i wouldnt mind seeing a Star Wars game of the NEW Republic, it would probably give who ever is making it abit more elbow room of making more creative elements that are not tied down to the movies.
just set it another 500 or 1000 years after the movies
WoW art design was brilliant- not technically demanding (thus increasing number of potential players), thematically integrated, instantly recognizable, etc. I really liked it.
The restriction to humanoid species is clearly to cut down on development costs- modelling armour/environment/mounts/cover for nonhumanoids would have added hugely to the time and resources needed to finish the game. Speaking as someone who played a Tauren all through Classic WoW, even something as simple as camera angles can get really awful when you start messing with radically different character models.
As for the New Rep vs Old a couple of easy reasons for that one-
1) BW had already done a ton of work on the Old Republic setting that wouldn't need to be rehashed- thus cutting development costs, or allowing development money and resources to go to other aspects of the project.
2) Placing it in the 'new' Republic would have possibly brought them into conflict with LA's vision of where the SW saga is going. The would have had to exaustively consult with LA to introduce anything new.
3) Jar Jar
*edited for brainfart spelling errors
The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: Be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge.
-Elbert Hubbard
I think what has been developed here by Bioware/Lucas Arts has far more Story than we have ever seen with respect to Star Wars Ever.
And here is hoping that some decent films get release of off the back of it.
Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel
Yes I can't wait ;
The story itself and the mass of additional cannon/lore is what interests me with the equivalent of 8-9 games worth of solo content alla KOTOR and a game world and MMO content far bigger than any other ever released at day Zero.
But lets remember it is only a game.... Real life must be number one priority.
Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel
Yes, I'd prefer a timeperiod well after the movies instead of before with props from the movies, but that would be Very expensive and take a long time.
Even if SW:TOR is a WoW reskin with ME1/2+KOTOR features boosting it, it will still play and work well as a game considering its a Bioware game. Though I don't see myself playing playing it beyond a few months simply because I can't play WoW for stretches more than that, Content wears thin and MMO's like that don't provide anything to entertain without it - A sandbox Might keep me with community if I click with a group in it and there's something to do Communually but I just don't see that in SW:TOR or WoW (despite great effort) and most Sandbox MMO's out there either are genres that don't interest me (point & click EVE, Isometric Ultima Online, etc.) or are in such poor shape technically to be considered playeble games (Darkfall, Mortal Online, SWG, etc.)
IMO the TOR era is pretty fascinating, but not as popular as the well known GCW era. If Lucas had made films based around both TOR & GCW, the TOR era would have been more popular, there are Star Wars fans out there that has no idea about the TOR or even the EU! The same thing as proclaimed Ferrari fans not knowing that the Enzo exists.
KOTOR had a great storyline and awesome gameplay and for years I had wanted an MMO flavor of it, and from the gameplay videos that I've seen, it pretty much is a KOTOR MMO.
Oh yeah, I'm not putting down the KOTOR lore/timeline. I enjoy it quite a bit too, especially mandalor. Its just not my preferred flavor of Star Wars since I've been a fan since 'New Hope' came out (2300ish member of the Fan Club) so that generation/timeline has personal appeal/fondness to me.
The KOTOR timeline is actually more interesting due to the events that are occuring during it, its just mainly a very different landscape/galaxy than what I really liked about Star Wars. The thing I liked most about the New Republic (and the original trilogy) was the chaotic environment and emphasis on individual exploits (storms of small stories interacting with each other) and there impact. The Episodes 1-3 and KOTOR have a lot power centered around a few entities where they're really shaping the events of those timelines (which while epic seem rather bland to me) where small stories are centered around those Big Events.
i wouldnt mind seeing a Star Wars game of the NEW Republic, it would probably give who ever is making it abit more elbow room of making more creative elements that are not tied down to the movies.
just set it another 500 or 1000 years after the movies