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Want to give it a go.

Mad+DogMad+Dog Member UncommonPosts: 786

I want ot give the 14 day trial a go but im not sure what melee class to pick. Are there good ones bad ones ect?

I like melee classes also so not interested in any other tbh.



  • GhavalGhaval Member UncommonPosts: 49

    What realm? Warrior is a good one, Zerker, Valk or Savage. Depends if you are more small man or solo or hard core grouping.

  • lyonman24lyonman24 Member Posts: 855

    for mid relm valk is a good solo or skald

  • jdnewelljdnewell Member UncommonPosts: 2,237

    When I played I had a 50 skald and a 50 savage both around RR6 or so. IMO savage is a good fun melee class for Mid realm.

    Skald is a bit more of a hybrid with speed, DD, spells mixed with some Melee. Savage is the way to go IMO.

  • GhavalGhaval Member UncommonPosts: 49

    Savage has gotten some serious love also, they can get charge now.

     Valk is very good for all aspects, melee damage is a little low sometimes but they make up for it in the abality to HoT and heal.

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