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saw this on the dev tracker:
EmmanuelLusinchi Discussion générale -> Couleur des sabres lasers et alignement
"Les classes sensibles à la Force pourront apparemment choisir la couleur de leur sabre-laser librement. Il y a du vert, du bleu, du jaune, du rouge et même du violet (le nombre de couleurs n'est pas définitif, c'est en développement). Apparemment, le choix sera tellement ouvert que même les joueurs Jedi pourront avoir un sabre rouge s'ils le veulent." EDIT: Et juste une ligne en dessous, "Georg Zoeller confirme : la couleur du sabre-laser n'est pas lié à la classe, mais au crystal que l'on implante dedans." |
Cela est correct, mais pas complet. Il est vrai que la couleur dépend du cristal, et que chaque faction a un accès illimité aux couleurs traditionnelles (par exemple: cristaux bleus et verts pour la République) . Mais pour les couleurs opposées, l’accès est pour l’instant limité par l’alignement du personnage. Donc, il faut suivre le coté obscure pour avoir un Jedi avec une lame rouge. Bien entendu, comme tous nos systèmes, nous testons tout cela et il est toujours possible que les détails changent un peu d’ici la sortie du jeu.
This is correct, but not complete. It is true that the color depends on the crystal and that each faction has an unlimited access to its traditional colors (for example, blue and green crystals for the Republic). But for the opposite colors, access is for now limited by the character’s alignment. So, you have to follow the Dark Side to have a Jedi with a red blade. Of course, like all our systems, we are testing all this and it is always possible that the details will change a little before the game is out.
EmmanuelLusinchi Discussion générale -> Couleur des sabres lasers et alignement
Bonsoir, Donc le taux de loot d'un cristal rouge pour un jedi se fera par rapport a son alignement ou cela influencera uniquement la possibilité de l’équiper ? |
Cool. I reckon a blue LB looks pretty good on some of the Sith Inquisitor gear.
p.s. I suddenly realize that dual wielders ofcourse get to use two different crystals so they can really go all out disco with colors. Whilst I doubt that double bladed lb classes would have the same option ...
Yet another compelling reason to pick Sith Warrior -> Marauder. Though I expect that disco dancing would befit Jedi Knights even more.
Hmm ...
*Queue's light saber disco*
My brand new bloggity blog.
I'd want to have a silver blade.
Or a pink one. XD
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Well that kind of sucks.
I was kind of looking forward to dual-wielding one red and one blue like I did in KOTOR.
-Azure Prower
There was a sort-of-silver color crystal in KoToR so..
This is true, and being neutral (as all my characters will likely be) I'm guessing that will be the color for them.
I rather it be based off of crystals than alignment though... I bet they'll change it, or at least have an option for it.
Looks like they actually say that you still can: full access to traditional colors for your side + opposite colors if your allignment permits it. i.e. bad ass Jedi Knights or wussy Sith Warriors can go all out disco.
My brand new bloggity blog.
It is based off crystals, they're just saying that for example if you're a jedi you can choose from green and blue crystals and if you want access to the sith red crystal you need an evil alignment, and if you're a sith and want a green saber your character needs an alignment with good, but it's still the players choice. Atleast that's what i got from it.
You sure do like disco today. Funny, I never would have pegged you for a disco pony.
That was pretty disturbing
p.s. Hip, hip, huray, it's Weasel Stomping Day!
My brand new bloggity blog.
Real men use pink lightsabers, ask Mace Windu!
Personally I rather like the idea that my choices have consequences, so as far as I am concerned they can keep this feature. After all, it may end up being a neat little way to recognize the types of choices people have made in the game.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
It was LAVENDER! Not pink!
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
But still no plaid light sabers. Sigh.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
Interesting design decision. I wonder if my Jedi alt will have to kill puppies to be able to use an orange crystal?
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil
No, these are LIGHT sabers... as we all know, to achieve plaid you have to have a ludicrous saber.
No just do quests >_>
Just after a ridiculous
still irking that you can be a dark side jedi
im sure someone will show me a lucas-approved example of a storyline dark side jedi
I want to own property too
I hear that the "Legendary" sabers are OJ!
I'm not sure what you mean by this?
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Methinks its a shot at Dark Jedi = Sith, or something of that sort.
Let me rephrase.
I was kind of looking forward to dual-wielding one red and one blue like I did in KOTOR with out being restricted to how I am suppose to respond to affect my alignment.
There was no such restrictions in KOTOR, why should there be one now? It's kind of pointless.
In KOTOR your alignment determines what force powers are stronger (force lightning versus healing for example). But for light saber colour that's really more personal choice? Seems a bit silly.
-Azure Prower
I think what he was saying is, the traditional colors for your side, (like republic would be Blue) would always be available, while red would have to be made available by your alignment. So you could be a dark jedi and use 1 red and 1 blue lightsaber.
This is true, and being neutral (as all my characters will likely be) I'm guessing that will be the color for them.
I rather it be based off of crystals than alignment though... I bet they'll change it, or at least have an option for it.
I hope this won't be an "Item Mall" thingie...
- Al
Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.- FARGIN_WAR
Looks like they actually say that you still can: full access to traditional colors for your side + opposite colors if your allignment permits it. i.e. bad ass Jedi Knights or wussy Sith Warriors can go all out disco.
Let me rephrase.
I was kind of looking forward to dual-wielding one red and one blue like I did in KOTOR with out being restricted to how I am suppose to respond to affect my alignment.
There was no such restrictions in KOTOR, why should there be one now? It's kind of pointless.
In KOTOR your alignment determines what force powers are stronger (force lightning versus healing for example). But for light saber colour that's really more personal choice? Seems a bit silly.
I think what he was saying is, the traditional colors for your side, (like republic would be Blue) would always be available, while red would have to be made available by your alignment. So you could be a dark jedi and use 1 red and 1 blue lightsaber.
And you're not getting what I am saying. That any colour should be available regardless of alignment.
-Azure Prower