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Im melting!!!

CastillleCastillle Member UncommonPosts: 2,679

o.o So right! Its so hot in here -.- I live in NY and I have no air conditioning and its really really hot -.-  Im just in my underwear and using a wet towel in front of the fan to keep me cool! -.-


Nooww..What would you people suggest I do to help cool down my room?  Should I make a weird phase change cooling system on my fan? Or should I get a portable air conditioning unit?

I cant get any window type air conditioning units because the only window I have is in the kitchen -.- right behind the sink >.<

I was thinking of making a few foot of copper tubing around the room  and on my chair and pump ice cold water through it o.o  But thatd be too much work I think...Another thing I could do is get a small inflatable pool and like...get a waterproof mouse and keyboard and play video games while in the pool filled with cold water o.o 


What do you guys think I should do? >.<




What about a portale air conditioning unit? are those things good? I saw one for like..250$ in sears and I was like "Maybe I should get that?" But then Im scared that if I waste 250$ on that instead of the vita, I might not get my moneys worth >.<

''/\/\'' Posted using Iphone bunni
( o.o)
**This bunny was cloned from bunnies belonging to Gobla and is part of the Quizzical Fanclub and the The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club**


  • HekketHekket Member Posts: 905

    Bite the bullet?

    I live in the south so 100 degree weather is a norm here. I suppose drinking lots of ice water or going to a fast food place that has crushed ice instead of cubes and eating that and keeping yourself wet could also help as water cools the body significantly better than cold air does.

    My answer is: water. And lots of it.

  • ZindaihasZindaihas Member UncommonPosts: 3,662

    This is exactly why I moved to the Pacific NW.  We're about the only spot in the country (lower 48) that is cool right now.  I'm basking in mildness.

    I was about to say please don't mention that you're sitting around in your underwear because it paints a disturbing picture in my head.  But then I clicked on your profile and discoverd that you are woman.

    So, let me say this.  Please post a picture of yourself sitting around in your underwear so that I don't have to paint a picture in my head. image  And feel free to talk about it all you want.

    Seriously, I feel for you.  I can't stand hot weather. image

  • pyrofreakpyrofreak Member UncommonPosts: 1,481

    I was working outside in it all day today putting a roof/siding on a house. Suck it up.

    Now with 57.3% more flames!

  • zereelistzereelist Member Posts: 373

    Originally posted by Zindaihas

    I was about to say please don't mention that you're sitting around in your underwear because it paints a disturbing picture in my head.  But then I clicked on your profile and discoverd that you are woman.

    So, let me say this.  Please post a picture of yourself sitting around in your underwear so that I don't have to paint a picture in my head. image  And feel free to talk about it all you want.

    Haha!  You don't know the half, but yes, disturbing picture indeed.  Yet I would still also like to see this picture...

  • CastillleCastillle Member UncommonPosts: 2,679

    Originally posted by pyrofreak

    I was working outside in it all day today putting a roof/siding on a house. Suck it up.

    Yeah well you probably had a nice place to cool off to after working all day putting a roof -.-

    I gave up and just got a portable air conditioning unit for 250$...Ahhhhhh nice cold @_@

    Seriously I have no windows in my room and the only thing I can do to cool it up is to open the door and let the fan blast all the hot air out -.-

    I can finally wear clothes now @_@ mustve been odd for people when my door is open with a fan and im wearing so little x.x j


    But no more!! Now, my door is open and sealed with electrical tape and a weird thin carpet thing! @_@ i can let it vent out...

    Now all I need is the landlord to come over and get people to drill a lil hole where I can put the vent and not have a hell of a time when i actually have to leave the apartment o.o

    ''/\/\'' Posted using Iphone bunni
    ( o.o)
    **This bunny was cloned from bunnies belonging to Gobla and is part of the Quizzical Fanclub and the The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club**

  • ZindaihasZindaihas Member UncommonPosts: 3,662

    Originally posted by Castillle

    I gave up and just got a portable air conditioning unit for 250$...Ahhhhhh nice cold @_@

    I can finally wear clothes now @_@ mustve been odd for people when my door is open with a fan and im wearing so little x.x j

     NOOOO!!!  You've ruined everything.  I hope your air conditioner breaks. image  Trust me, your neighbors liked it better the other way as well.

    jk image  I'm glad you're not suffering anymore at least.  Did the delivery people install the AC?  Because those things are pretty heavy.

    Does this mean you won't be posting a picture of yourself in your underwear?

  • XirikXirik Member UncommonPosts: 440

    Originally posted by Zindaihas

    Originally posted by Castillle

    I gave up and just got a portable air conditioning unit for 250$...Ahhhhhh nice cold @_@

    I can finally wear clothes now @_@ mustve been odd for people when my door is open with a fan and im wearing so little x.x j

     NOOOO!!!  You've ruined everything.  I hope your air conditioner breaks. image  Trust me, your neighbors liked it better the other way as well.

    jk image  I'm glad you're not suffering anymore at least.  Did the delivery people install the AC?  Because those things are pretty heavy.

    Does this mean you won't be posting a picture of yourself in your underwear?

    Careful man!!!  You don't want this to happen to you!!!

    "You have some serious mental issues you may need to seek some help for. There are others who post things, but do not post them in the way you do. Out of every person who posts crazy shit in this forum, you have some of the craziest and scariest" -FarReach

  • CastillleCastillle Member UncommonPosts: 2,679

    Lmao! Nope I set the shole thing up myself. 

    The stupid vent tube thing was a serious pain to attach to the holder thingies -.-  So I just jammed it in and like...did what everyone who had a half a mind does! Duct tape the thing! o.o

    Also, Its not relaly fully set up since my door IS open and its just covered with cloths and duct tape and pins to keep the heat out  o.o  luckily its pretty safe where I am o.o  but yah!

    Its awesome! I wonder if i could get a super mini unit and just plug it to my laptop so I can overclock my stuff.... @_@ mmm..high fps on max max settings @_@


    I had to lug the air conditioner from the front yard (cuz i took a taxi going home) to the room and fixed it up! @_@ I think its a job well done....I just hope the landlord makes a hole on the wall for me to vent out through tomorrow! >.<



    my floor is soaked -.- apparently i need ed a hose or somefing cuz the ac drips!!

    turned it off n cleaned floor


    the instruction  never said i needed to! only said that i needed it on dehumidification mode!! evilllllllll

    ''/\/\'' Posted using Iphone bunni
    ( o.o)
    **This bunny was cloned from bunnies belonging to Gobla and is part of the Quizzical Fanclub and the The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club**

  • BushMonkeyBushMonkey Member Posts: 1,406

    Ah looks like i am to late then... was going to say if your humidity is not to high you could try one of these...

    Guess i am lucky to not live in the NE then as we have barely gotten above 85 degrees for highs here as of yet.. we even had snow just a month ago on the 10th and again on the 15th of May.

  • GTwanderGTwander Member UncommonPosts: 6,035

    I remember a few years back it was the hottest summer in my town since like 1908. Unbearable.

    My roommate, his GF, a friend and I sat in front of 3-4 fans in my living room with a block of dry ice; hoping it would make things extra cold. Apparently when it melts it gives off Co2, because we all woke up two hours later with sore buttholes and the front door wide open.

    Writer / Musician / Game Designer

    Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4
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  • Nerf09Nerf09 Member CommonPosts: 2,953

    Originally posted by Castillle

    o.o So right! Its so hot in here -.- I live in NY and I have no air conditioning and its really really hot -.-  Im just in my underwear and using a wet towel in front of the fan to keep me cool! -.-


    Nooww..What would you people suggest I do to help cool down my room?  Should I make a weird phase change cooling system on my fan? Or should I get a portable air conditioning unit?

    I cant get any window type air conditioning units because the only window I have is in the kitchen -.- right behind the sink >.<

    I was thinking of making a few foot of copper tubing around the room  and on my chair and pump ice cold water through it o.o  But thatd be too much work I think...Another thing I could do is get a small inflatable pool and like...get a waterproof mouse and keyboard and play video games while in the pool filled with cold water o.o 


    What do you guys think I should do? >.<




    What about a portale air conditioning unit? are those things good? I saw one for like..250$ in sears and I was like "Maybe I should get that?" But then Im scared that if I waste 250$ on that instead of the vita, I might not get my moneys worth >.<

    When I use to work outside in Phoenix I would just run my T-shirt under the water, ring it out and put it back on, take a wet towlett and put it around my neck, then take a hose and wet down everything from the kneecaps down on my pants so I wouldn't get swamp nuts.  Every 30 minutes I'd re-wet everything.  The ambient humidity here in Phoenix is so low sometimes I'd get chills when it was 110.

    Oh hehe, you live east of the Mississippi, you've got high humidity so there's nothing you can do about it.

  • IfeedtrollsIfeedtrolls Member Posts: 122

    Turn your shower or bath to full intensity cold water. Step or lay in it for the minute before you freeze to death. You won't be hot for a lonnnngg time when you get out ;) Plus you will start having fears of cold water.

  • ZindaihasZindaihas Member UncommonPosts: 3,662

    Originally posted by Nerf09

    When I use to work outside in Phoenix I would just run my T-shirt under the water, ring it out and put it back on, take a wet towlett and put it around my neck, then take a hose and wet down everything from the kneecaps down on my pants so I wouldn't get swamp nuts.  Every 30 minutes I'd re-wet everything.  The ambient humidity here in Phoenix is so low sometimes I'd get chills when it was 110.

    Oh hehe, you live east of the Mississippi, you've got high humidity so there's nothing you can do about it.

     See, now this is good advice.  You should put on a white T-shirt (no bra) and soak yourself with water from head to toe.  Then you should take a picture of yourself and post it on this thread. image


    You know, I just having fun with you at this point? image  In fairness, you're the one who started it by mentioning your unmentionables image

    As far as the AC goes, I'm not surprised the floor got all wet.  The way you described the installation sounded a little improvised. I took the tube thingy and stuck it in the holder thingy and jammed it through wall and duct taped the whole thing.  It's lucky you didn't blow up your apartment. image

  • HazelleHazelle Member Posts: 760

    If you intend to live as a civilized person conditioned air is required.

    To the OP - Depending on the model, you might need a hose or the water might be coming from the vent which will not be an issue once you get your hole in the wall.

  • CastillleCastillle Member UncommonPosts: 2,679

    Yep I had to go get a hose! i tore a small part of my door down and fixed it all and my room is cold! COLD I TELL YOUU! BOOHA HA HA @_@

    ''/\/\'' Posted using Iphone bunni
    ( o.o)
    **This bunny was cloned from bunnies belonging to Gobla and is part of the Quizzical Fanclub and the The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club**

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